Benefits of Burdock

Benefits of Burdock

Helpful Benefits of Burdock

Being effective against staphylococcus is one the benefits of burdock. As a plant for the skin, it is also effective against acne or furuncles.

However, if burdock is difficult to come by, I’d suggest you opt for this product that has visible reduction of acne scars, moles, freckles, birth marks, age spots, etc. I recommend it because it is for those who want beautiful complexion with healthy, blemish-free skin. It has no harsh chemicals.

Benefits of Burdock

The leaves and roots of burdock contain different active components that proffer its medicinal properties. It is a strong plant of the Compositae family and it grows up to one meter high.

The part of the plant used for medicinal or herbal purposes are:

  1. The leaves
  2. Seeds
  3. Roots

Properties and Indications Regarding Burdock

It is a plant that demands attention because of the large leaves it has. Its most important actions against germs and other related diseases are seen in its deputative and sudorific properties. This also proves the enormous benefits of burdock.


Artiopicrine is mainly obtained from the roots of this plant and it is an antibiotic of the glucoside type and has proven to be quite effective against staphylococcus, which causes many skin infections.

Among the benefits of burdock, is the external and internal applications of this medicinal plant which is recommended for skin infections, especially those caused by staphylococcus, such as gumboils, furuncles, adenitis, abscesses, and infected sebaceous cysts.

SEE ALSO: Benefits of Hawthorn

Summarily, here are some of the properties

  1. The roots (alternative)
  2. Diaphoretic
  3. Diuretic
  4. Demulcent
  5. Tonic

Amazing Benefits of Burdock

The following are some of the benefits of burdock.

Benefits of Burdock
Burdock Root

Internally, burdock is used to promote kidney function and also works via the kidneys to help clear the blood of harmful acids.

As it is, being of one the blood purifiers shows how effective burdock is. It purifies the blood for chronic infection, arthritis, rheumatism sciatica and other skin diseases.

Again, the reason why this plant is seen as one of the plants for the skin is that, it is used for skin disorders, such as boils, carbuncle. It also relieves gout and menopausal problems.

Aiding elimination of excess fluid, uric acid and toxins is another one among the benefits of burdock. It also has antifungal and antibacterial properties. According to encyclopaedia of natural remedies, it acts as an antioxidant and may also help in protecting against cancer, through the control of cell mutation.

Diaphoretic property of this plant is as a result of a volatile oil, which when applied, internally, is eliminated from the sweat glands, thereby removing toxic waste.

Since sweating has a cooling effect on the body, it is used to reduce fevers and heat conditions such as sties, boils, carbuncle, canker sores, and infections. Here, and for this purpose, it is important to use ½ cup of the decoration 3 times a day. Also, an infusion of the leaves can be applied as a stomach tonic and it is quite effective when treating indigestion.

This medicinal plant contains about 27% – 45% insulin, and this is where most of its curative ability come from.

Burdock flowers

Having abundant iron proffer enormous benefits of burdock and this makes it quite special for the blood. In essence, it is a blood purifier and this is the reason why it is quite helpful in treating arthritis, rheumatism, sciatica and, even lumbago.

When the seed are prepared and used as tincture or extract, they are excellent remedy for skin and kidney diseases.

It can be taken internally for acne, boils, chicken pox, psoriasis and eczema.

For this purpose, make a decoction of the root, using 1 1 ½ pints of waters, and simmer until the volume is reduced to 1 pint. Take ½ cup 3 times daily.

Preparation and Use

Internally Use

  1. Infusion: with 50 grams of root per litre of water. Drink 2 or 3 cups daily.
  2. Cold extract: 20 to 30 grams of ground root in a liter of water, steeping for six hours. Boil the liquid that results for one minute. Drink 2 or 3 cups daily.

External Use:

Compresses: Made with the same Infusion or decoction taken internally, but slightly more concentrated. Apply from 2 to 6 times daily, for about 10 – 15 minutes.

Tincture: Take 30 – 60 drops 3 – 4 times daily.

Powder: (root or seed); Take 10-20 #0 capsules (60-120 grains) daily.

Powder: (leaves); Take 5 – 10 #0 capsules (30 – 60 grains) 3 times a day.


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