Health Benefits of Eating Raw Okra
Taking care of throat conditions and bronchitis are some of the benefits of eating raw okra. It is one of the foods that’s highly nutritious and quite soothing especially for the stomach.
It may seem hard eating okra when it is raw but it is best the best way to maximize its medicinal benefits. Therefore, I would recommend you eat it when it is cooked, but half-done.
This post “benefits of eating raw okra” does not mean you must eat it raw before maximizing its medicinal properties. You can enjoy it roasted, cooked or prepared with other leafy green vegetables, however, try as much as possible to not lose its beneficial value when preparing it.
Okro or lady’s finger or gombo is one of the plants that’s been in use as vegetable for centuries. Egyptians and Ethiopians used it millennia ago and presently, okro is grown throughout the regions of Africa (tropical), America and Asia.
Other names: Lady’s finger, Okro, Ochro, Gombo, Quiabo, Vendakai
French: Bonnet grec, gombo, calalou
Spanish: Okra, gombo, dedos de dama
German: Okra.

Okro fruit (‘Hibiscus esculentus’ L.) is an annual herbaceous plant which belongs to the Malvacea botanical family. It reaches or grows up to a height of 2 meters.
The fruit is green or yellow in color with fine hairlike structures. The shape is somewhat elongated having a size between 8 and 15 cm.
Okra is native to Ethiopia and highly valued in places such as East and West Africa, Middle East, India, Thailand, Southeastern United States and other tropical regions of the globe.
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Properties of Okra
When we talk about the benefits of eating raw okra, we should first and foremost consider its medicinal properties.
In essence, Okra or lady’s finger is a highly nutritious vegetable with enormous medicinal properties. Quite notable for its richness in proteins, okra has about 2% of proteins per 100 grams of its raw edible portion.
The protein content of okra as mentioned above is quite high for a vegetable and again, one of the benefits of eating raw okra is because of its provitamin A content (66 µg RE/100 grams).
There is presence of B group vitamins, especially B1 which comes in about 0.2 mg / 100 grams. Okra is rich in vitamins C and E.
It is few vegetables that surpass okra in calcium (81 mg /100 g), iron and magnesium are 0.8 mg / 100 g and 57 mg / 100 g respectively.

Consider the benefits of eating raw okra because apart from it richness in vitamins and minerals, okra has a great deal of soluble mucilage fiber which is good at exercising a protective and emollient function right within the digestive tract. This is one of the reasons for its goodness for the stomach.
Okra Composition
Before I let you know about its indications or in cases where it is recommended, here’s the composition of okra.
This is based on per 100 grams of raw edible portion of this food
Energy = 38.0 kcal = 158 kj
Fiber = 3.20 g
Carbohydrates = 4.43 g
Protein = 2.00 g
Vitamin A = 66.0 µg RE
Vitamin B1 = 0.200 mg
Vitamin B2 = 0.060 mg
Niacin = 1.28 mg NE
Vitamin B6 = 0.215 mg
Folate = 87.8 µg
Vitamin B12 = ___
Vitamin C = 21.1 mg
Vitamin E = 0.690 mg α-TE
Calcium = 81.0 mg
Magnesium = 57.0 mg
Phosphorus = 63.0 mg
Iron = 0.800 mg
Potassium = 303 mg
Zinc = 0.600 mg
Saturated Fat = 0.026 g
Total Fat = 0.100 g
Sodium = 8.00 mg
Cholesterol = ___
This is based on % daily value provided by 100 grams of Okra
Percentage composition
Fiber = 3.20%
Carbohydrates = 4.43%
Fat = 0.100%
Minerals = 0.700%
Protein = 2.00%
Water = 89.6%
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Indications regarding the Benefits of Eating Raw Okra
The juice released when it is cooked or when eaten raw or half-done is best included for its medicinal properties. In the following cases, benefits of eating raw okra is particularly recommended.
- Stomach ulcer, stomach disorders, and gastritis.
- Throat conditions and bronchitis. The mucilage is used hot and can also be taken as a gargle.
Health Benefits
Polyphenols, vitamins A and C are some of the antioxidants found in okra and also a protein known as lectin which is good at inhibiting cancer in human.
These are awesome benefits of eating raw okra. The antioxidants help fight against free radicals that stand to damage cells.
The vitamin C in okra helps improve healthy immune system function. It contains vitamin K, which helps to facilitate your body in terms blood clotting.

As mentioned above, the polyphenols helps decrease the risk of stroke and heart problems while the antioxidants may help protect your brain by countering brain inflammation.
According to web MD, controlling blood sugar is one of the benefits of eating raw okra because researchers believe it is capable of preventing sugar from getting absorbed in times of digestion.
Preparation and Use of Okro
- Cooked with lemon: Ensure that the mucilage which comes with the cooking liquid is not discarded because it holds most of its benefits.
Okro goes well with potatoes, eggs and other vegetables
- Soup: Okra is mostly used in making soups with other leafy green vegetables in West Africa. Cooking okra for too long is not good as it destroys it medicinal value.
- Roasted: Some people prefer okra when roasted so as to avoid the mucilage. Roasted okra lacks some of its medicinal value.
Contact with the skin may cause allergic dermatitis

A graduate of Computer Science and Information Management Technology. Diploma – Caregiving, Certificates – Dementia and Diabetes Awareness and Management. A researcher, blogger, songwriter, singer and acoustic guitarist. Born in an environment where natural talents such as healing are imparted at our natural birth. This natural talents of healing is the result of our genetic inheritance and the training from family environment.