Benefits of Eating Strawberries

Benefits of eating strawberries and part of foods to eat during piles

Health Benefits of Eating Strawberries

Great antioxidant capability is one the benefits of eating strawberries and like avocados and sunflower seeds, strawberries are among the foods for the arteries. This is because of their actions against arteriosclerosis. Strawberry is the most antioxidant fruit which presents this fruit’s capability in fighting against free radicals.

European strawberry is quite smaller, more aromatic and daintier than American strawberry that is larger, less sweet and quite resistant.

Other names and relates species:

Fragaria Virginiana Duch., Fragaria chiloensis Duch.

French:       Fraise

Spanish:     Fresa, frutilla

German:    Erdbeere

Strawberry false plant ‘Fragaria vesca’ L. or the related species belongs to the botanical family Rosaceae. The true fruit are the small grains that adhered to strawberry surface which holds the seeds. The strawberry is a fleshy thalamus formed in flowers through the union of both the male and female parts.

They are grown in sandy temperate regions and the primary producing nations are; Spain, The United States of America, and Japan. They can be found in mountainous regions of America and Europe where they grow wild.

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strawberries fruits
strawberries fruits

One of the benefits of eating strawberries is that they are quite appropriate for individuals striving to improve circulation of blood in the arteries.

Again, the antioxidant actions show numerous benefits of eating strawberries as they neutralize free radicals which oxidize lipoproteins.

Strawberries Composition

Based on per 100 grams of this fruit

Energy                            =                 30.0 kcal  = 127kj

Protein                           =                 0.610 g

Fiber                               =                 2.30 g

Carbohydrates               =                 4.72 g

Vitamin A                       =                 3.00 μg RE

Vitaminn B1                   =                 0.020 mg

Vitamin B2                     =                 0.066 mg

Vitamin B6                      =                 0.059 mg

Niacin                            =                 0.347 mg NE

Folate                            =                 17.7 μg

Vitamin B12                     =                 ___

Vitamin C                       =                 56.7 mg

Vitamin E                       =                 0.140 mg ∝-TE

Calcium                          =                 14.0 mg

Phosphorus                    =                 19.0 mg

Magnesium                     =                 10.0 mg

Potassium                      =                 166 mg

Iron                                 =                 0.380 mg

Zinc                                =                 0.130 mg

Saturated Fat                 =                 0.020 g

Total Fat                        =                 0.370 g

Cholesterol                     =                 ___

Sodium                           =                 1.00 mg

This information, according to encyclopedia of foods and their healing power is based on % daily value (on a 2,000 calorie diet) provided by 100 grams strawberries.

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Strawberry Percentage Composition

Fiber                               =                 2.30%

Minerals                         =                 0.430%

Carbohydrates               =                 4.72%

Protein                           =                 0.610%

Fat                                  =                 0.370%

Water                             =                 91.6%

Properties of Strawberries

Strawberries are among the fruits that have low calorie content (30 kcal/100 g), and their calorie content is lower than melons (35 kcal/100 g) and even watermelon. Again, their fat, protein and sodium content is also on the low side.

However, the most significant nutrient in strawberries is sugar and also a significant amount of vitamin C, potassium, folate and iron which when put together carries about 5% of their weight.

Benefits of eating strawberries
strawberries on a garden wooden table.

As it is, one of the benefits of eating strawberries is that they are good source of dietary fiber. This is because one hundred grams (100 g) provides 2.3 grams of fiber which is likely to give us about one tenth (1/10) of the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA).

It is noteworthy that strawberries also contain a variety of organic acids like salicylic acid and oxalic acid and with this, their metabolic effect is somewhat alkalizing. The color we see as they appear is as a result of the vegetable pigments called Anthocyanidine, which are somewhat like bioflavonoids.

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The above mentioned vegetable pigments (anthocyanidines) found in strawberries give them the capability to act as one of the most powerful antioxidant fruits, and additionally reducing the cholesterol synthesis in the liver.

This is an awesome health benefit which we can agree that it is one the benefits of eating strawberries.

Additionally, a study conducted at Tufts University is Boston showed that strawberries possess the greatest antioxidant capability any fruit can have. Other fruits that are great in this aspect are plum, grapes and oranges.

This antioxidant property is measured in terms of the ability of any of these fruits to neutralize oxidizing free radicals which may have been generated through external contaminants like tobacco smoke or generated within the cells as byproducts of metabolism.

Some of the negative effects of these free radicals include:

  1. Arteriosclerosis
  2. Premature aging
  3. Lipoprotein oxidation
  4. Carcinogenic mutations.

However, as one of the benefits of eating strawberries, the antioxidant capability comes as a result of their bioflavonoid, vitamin C and anthocyanidine content.

Indications to the benefits of eating strawberries

Regarding strawberry composition above, as well as alkalizing and antioxidant properties, this makes them indicated in the following conditions below:

  1. Constipation
  2. Excess Uric Acid
  3. Arteriosclerosis
  4. Cancer


In cases of constipation, strawberries are highly recommended because they are rich in soluble vegetable fiber which make them facilitate the passage of feces via the intestines.


Among the benefits of eating strawberries is the fact that they help decongest venous circulation precisely in the portal system.

Therefore, they are appropriate in cases of fluid in the abdomen (ascites), hemorrhoids, disorders of the liver such as cirrhosis and hepatitis.

Excess Uric Acid

Since they increase urine production, their diuretic action will help facilitate uric acid elimination together with the urine. And this is also because of their alkalizing effects. For this, benefits of eating strawberries is indicated in cases of gout and uratic arthritis.

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One of the most effective ways to avoid arteriosclerosis is to employ and maximize the benefits of eating strawberries and this can be done by regular intake of this food. This is where most of the benefits are seen and felt.

As it is, strawberries contribute to the health of arteries as a result of their lack in fat and sodium and then the richness in potassium which helps to avoid hypertension.

Strawberry Juice
Strawberry Juice and fresh fruits

Consuming strawberries on the regular help avoid arteriosclerosis and also stop its development and because of these outstanding benefits, they should be included in the diet of individuals who must have suffered angina pectoris or heart attack.

It is also recommended in cases where there is presence of poor circulation precisely to the cerebral arteries as well as those of the lower limbs.


In cases of various types of cancer, strawberries are recommended because of their antioxidant capabilities.  According to, strawberries help fight against cancer by halting pre-cancerous growth.

Preparation and Use

  1. Strawberry shake is prepared by blending them with nonfat milk, orange juice or soy beverage.
  2. Fresh: Before consumption, they should be washed properly. Strawberries go well with orange juice, apples, grains and also yogurt.
  3. Frozen strawberries seem to hold less added sugar than jam and also retain most of their nutrients and other active elements such as vitamin C.
  4. Jam and compote: Here, they tend to retain all their nutrients and active elements. However, they loss vitamin C.


There may be an allergic reaction as result of their salicylic acid content. It may manifest as skin rash or itching. Individuals who are likely to form oxalic kidney stones should not eat strawberries in large quantities.

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