Borage Medicinal Uses

Borage Medicinal Uses

Borage Medicinal Uses to Health

Major borage medicinal uses can be obtained through the use of its flowers and leaves which are quite recommended in cases of depression, fever, cough and also weight loss.

Borage is one of the green leafy vegetables considered as a food for infections. Borage is known for its delicate flavor and awesome medicinal effects.

In this post, I’m going to be discussing some amazing borage medicinal uses and that way we can be sure about how this plant can benefit us.

The flowers, leaves and the oil which comes from the seeds are used for various medicinal purposes.

For example, the seed oil from borage can be used in cases of skin disorders such as eczema.

Other names of borage

French:       Bourrache

Spanish:     Borraja

German:    Borretsch

Borage Medicinal Uses
Borage Leaves and Flowers

This is an annual herbaceous plant of the Boraginaceae botanical family. It grows up to a height of 20 to 40 cm. In description, borage has leaves and stalks of the borage (‘Borage officinalis’ L.).

This medicinal plant is native to the Mediterranean region and there is the place of its cultivation. It also grows wild there.

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Borage Composition

The following is per 100 grams of raw edible portion

Protein                           =                 1.80 g

Energy                           =                 21.0 kcal = 88.0 kj

Carbohydrates               =                 1.80 g

Fiber                              =                 3.70 g

Vitamin A                      =                 420 µg RE

Vitamin B1 & B2              =                 0.060 mg and 0.150 mg respectively

Niacin                            =                 0.900 mg NE

Vitamin B6                     =                 0.084 mg

Vitamin B12                    =                 ____

Vitamin C                      =                 35.0 mg

Vitamin E                      =                 ___

Folate                             =                 13.2 µg

Calcium                         =                 93.0 mg

Phosphorus                   =                 53.0 mg

Magnesium                    =                 52.0 mg

Potassium                      =                 470 mg

Iron                                =                 3.30 mg

Zinc                                =                 0.200 mg

Total Fat                        =                 0.700 g

Saturated Fat                 =                 0.170 g

Sodium                          =                 80.0 mg

Cholesterol                    =                 ____

This is also based on daily % value made available by 100 grams of this food.

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Borage percentage composition

Fiber                               =                 3.70%

Minerals                         =                 1.44%

Carbohydrates               =                 1.80%

Protein                           =                 1.80%

Fat                                  =                 0.700%

Water                             =                 90.6%

Borage’s carbohydrate content is quite minimal and same goes to its fat and protein content. However, borage contains few calories. One of the advantages in this aspect is its richness in mucilage. This medicinal property helps to soothe the mucosa and also reduces fever which seem as some of borage medicinal uses. It is also high in mineral salts, in particular potassium.

Some on the most important borage medicinal uses include the following:

  1. Borage is sudorific which means it causes perspiration
  2. Quite diuretic and depurant which makes it a purifier.

Most of these effects of borage are much more pronounced in the flowers especially through infusion. The stalks and the leaves are quite effective.

Borage oil, seed and flowers

Borage seed oil holds fatty acid such as gamma linolenic acid (GLA). This particular fatty acid has some anti-inflammatory effects. It is believed that the flowers have some antioxidant effects.

As it is, another one among borage medicinal uses is the fact that borage oil is added to infant diet (formula), however in small quantity to make available fatty acids required to facilitate preterm infants’ development.

Indications to Borage Medicinal uses

When borage is cooked and consumed with the broth, it is therefore recommended in cases of the following conditions

  1. Renal disorders
  2. Intestinal infections
  3. Viral infections
  4. Respiratory infections.

Renal disorders: Because of its diuretic and depurant effects, borage medicinal uses seem quite effective in cases of nephritis, kidney stones, obesity, gout, and arthritis. This is because borage offers purifying actions.

Intestinal infections: In cases of gastroenteritis and colitis, borage is recommended as a first solid food.

Flowers of Borage plant
Flowers of borage plant

Viral infections: Infections such flu and somewhat eruptions with fever such measles, borage medicinal uses is seen in the elimination of blood impurities via the urine and perspiration. It makes available mineral salts and also facilitates fever lessening.

Respiratory Infections: Upper respiratory infections like pharyngitis, colds and bronchitis, borage helps soothe the mucosa and also promotes expectoration.

Some other benefits

Other benefits we can get from borage medicinal uses are:

  1. Borage is used in cases of hormone problem known as adrenal insufficient.
  2. According to, it can also be applied for blood purification.
  3. Borage increases the flow of urine.
  4. It also helps in preventing inflammation of the lungs
  5. Borage is useful in production of breast milk.

Preparation and Uses

  1. You should not overcook borage. And it has to be eaten with its broth. And it goes well with potatoes
  2. Raw in salads: The sprouts and the tender leaves are used which have to be harvested before the plant begins budding.
  3. Fresh juice: Using the tender leaves, you can drink a half-glass every morning to maximize its depurant effects.


Borage seed oil seems unsafe on pregnant women or during pregnancy and even while breastfeeding. It is advisable to do away with borage products which may hold some pyrrolizidine alkaloids.

Borage seed oil may even prolong the time of bleeding and also foster the risk of bruises.


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