Recommended Foods for Heart Attack Patients
There are certain foods for heart attack patients which help prevent new crisis or contribute to rehabilitation. Therefore, these foods are recommended for a post infarction diet. Additionally, the foods for heart attack patients have purposes and effects that serve several preventive roles.
As a matter of fact, this post is not about foods that encourage heart attack or myocardial infarction, it is only on foods that help keep individuals in good condition as they manage to prevent further crisis.
What is Myocardial Infarction or Heart Attack?
Heart attack comes as a result of a complete obstruction of a coronary artery or any of the branches of the coronary artery. The damage produced by this sort of obstruction is somewhat irreversible to the heart muscle which may consist of death of the tissue or necrosis in the heart, precisely at that area.
There are two mechanisms when combined together produces coronary artery obstruction. They are arteriosclerosis which involves continuous narrowing and hardening of the artery and secondly, thrombosis or blood clot formation in the interior of the artery which as a result involves closing the flow of blood completely.
However, diet is very important regarding heart attack because it may either prevent the heart attack or encourage it. Here, we are focusing on the foods for heart attack patients; a diet that will prevent further crisis.
Nutrients and Foods for heart attack patients
The following nutrients and foods play important role in relation to heart attack. Their purposes and effects will help halt further crisis and also help in keeping the overall health in good condition. They include:
- Grape
- Walnut
- Artichoke
- Wheat Bran
- Vegetables
- Chickpeas
- Strawberry
- Soy
- Squash
- Mango

One of the most cardio-protective fruits is the grape, in particular the red and black ones. The fresh grape and its juice which must not be in alcoholic form help invigorates the heart and also promote the flow of blood in the arteries.
As one of the foods for heart attack patients, grape treatment for about three days will help prevent myocardial infarction and further heart attack crisis
Walnut is a nut that help strengthen the heart health thereby improving the flow of blood in the arteries.
It is quite important in a post-infarction recuperation diet. Therefore, it is good to consider this nut as one of the foods for heart attack patients.

For those at risk of myocardial infarction or individuals who must have suffered heart attack, artichokes are quite good and should be added to their diet.
This is because they help halt arteriosclerosis and also facilitate blood circulation in the arteries of the heart.
Wheat Bran
This food helps to reduce cholesterol level and also stops the risk of encountering coronary disease or heart attack. It is recommended to consume it in its natural state and even combined with whole grain. For those who do not like to take whole grain, they may consider bran as a supplement.

These are plant-based foods that are quite rich in antioxidant vitamins.
They are foods for heart attack patients which have abundant phytochemicals that help reduce arteriosclerosis risk and infarction.

I made a post on chickpea and you may like the detailed information here. One special thing about chickpeas is that their fiber is quite effective when it comes to reduction of the cholesterol absorption from other foods.
They hold polyunsaturated fatty acids, folates as well as some other B vitamins that present them appropriate in the diet of individuals who have gone through heart attack or myocardial infarction or those who seem to be at the risk of heart attack.

In my last post, I made mention about strawberries being the most powerful antioxidant of any variety according to encyclopedia of foods and their healing power.
They contribute a lot in stopping the progress of arteriosclerosis or myocardial infarction and also facilitate circulation in the coronary arteries after a heart attack.
Soy, as well as its derivatives like tofu holds isoflavones in abundance. This is a phytoestrogen that guards or protects the arteries.

They also, as one of the foods for heart attack patients halt the progress of arteriosclerosis.
Soy is an ideal food for those who want to prevent myocardial infarction or heart attack. It also helps in recuperating from the resultant effects of heart attack.

They are appropriate for individuals who are at the risk of myocardial infarction. It is considered as one of the foods for heart attack patients because of the lack of fat and sodium.
It has antioxidant vitamins content which makes it an ideal for those who seem to have suffered a heart attack.
It is recommended that these people eat squash at least three times weekly. It can be baked or prepared in soup or puree.
Mangoes are among the fruits that are heavily rich in antioxidants. This is because they promote circulation of blood and helps to recuperation after a myocardial infarction.
More Foods for heart attack patients
There are nutrients, fruits and vegetables that help promote blood circulation in the heart’s arteries. These foods are mostly plant-based. Thus, they are recommended for those who must have suffered a heart attack or seem to be at the risk of one. They are:
- Macadamia
- Peach
- Legumes
- Olive oil
- Fish
This is an oil-bearing nut that has unsaturated fat in abundance. Their unsaturated fats are somewhat similar to those of olive oil. It is used to replace animal fat and with it, there is always a reduction of cholesterol levels.
They help revert arteriosclerosis and also prevent heart attacks.
Peach helps to aid cardiac functions and it is recommended for patients who are recuperating from a heart attack.
Legumes make available B group vitamins and fiber. For a post-infarction diet, legumes are highly recommended.

Oleic acid which is the primary component is a monounsaturated fatty acid which is good at protecting against arteriosclerosis or myocardial infarction especially when it replaces saturated fats that proceeded from animal sources.
It is effective just like fish oil which reduces fibrinogen in the blood.

Consumption of fish is good for the health of the heart especially when it replaces red meat or other certain meats.
Helpful Nutrients and Substances
These foods components, nutrients or substances help protect against arteriosclerosis or myocardial infarction. They include:
- Antioxidants
- Coenzymes Q10
- Flavonoids
- Fiber
- Vitamin A
Antioxidants are derived from foods that are highly rich in antioxidant vitamins (vitamin C and E, beta-carotene) like fruits, nuts and vegetables. They significantly bring down risk of coronary disease.
Again, with antioxidants and other various components of plant-based foods, like phytochemicals , they seem to be effective with their cardio-protective actions.
Coenzymes Q10
These are the most powerful antioxidants. They are produced within the body’s own cells. However, they can be consumed as supplement. It helps heart attack patients recuperate.
Flavonoids are antioxidant phytochemicals found in fruits. Their primary function is to protect the heart from heart attack. They can be taken as supplements.
Only in plant-based foods can we find fiber especially, fruits, whole grain and vegetables. In order to reduce cholesterol levels and fight against arteriosclerosis or myocardial infarction, they have to be taken regularly.
Vitamin A
Carrots and spinach are quite rich in vitamin A (beta-carotene). Eating or consuming foods rich in provitamin A help reduce risk of coronary disease.
Fruits in particular help reduce heart attack and it is because of their antioxidant effects. According o, healthy diet help prevent heart attack.

A graduate of Computer Science and Information Management Technology. Diploma – Caregiving, Certificates – Dementia and Diabetes Awareness and Management. A researcher, blogger, songwriter, singer and acoustic guitarist. Born in an environment where natural talents such as healing are imparted at our natural birth. This natural talents of healing is the result of our genetic inheritance and the training from family environment.