Some healthful foods for obesity
Cucumber is one of the foods for obesity because it is quite rich in alkalizing minerals and low in fat and calories. Diuretic foods are important foods recommended in cases of obesity because they promote the elimination of sodium and fluids retained in the tissues, thereby facilitating weight loss.
What is Obesity?
Obesity is simply an imbalance found between the calories taken in and those utilized by the body. For example, if an individual takes in more energy than is required, the body will converts it to fatty deposits, thereby increasing the weight of the body.
In order to prevent or avoid obesity, it is recommended that one eat foods with the following characteristics. They are:
- Low in fats
- Enriched with fiber
- Low in calories
- Low sodium
- They ought to produce a feeling of satiety
In essence, the foods listed here are some of the foods for obesity and their moderate use will help facilitate significantly to the prevention and avoidance of obesity.
Amazing Healthful Foods for Obesity
The following foods and nutrients are the foods that have characteristics required to combat or prevent obesity. They are:
- Sweet Potato
- Seaweed
- Zucchini
- Chard
- Diuretic foods
- Cherimoya
- Mushroom
- Cherry
- Asparagus
- Broccoli
Sweet Potato

The sweet potatoes are found to be one of the easily digested carbohydrates (saccharose and starch), as well as beta-carotene. As one of the foods for obesity, it is quite beneficial for those suffering from obesity and for those who wish to lose some weight.
It brings about feeling of satiety and also helps in reducing appetite. As a matter of fact, they are quite nourishing and can relieve hunger for a long period of time.
The reason why seaweed increases in volume in the stomach and produces a feeling of satiety is because the mucilage or gum found in it is able to retain up to ten times its weight in water.
This food helps promote the production of thyroid hormones because of the iron contained in it and this promotes the metabolic rate, and also the carbohydrate combustion.

This food has a little fat, sodium and calories while making available a significant amounts of vitamins and mineral salts. As one of the foods for obesity, it characteristic effects on the digestive tract is quite soothing and somewhat diuretic. In essence, it is recommended for weight loss diets.
However, it is important to not eat this food fried, because it has a considerable amount oil since it is capable of retaining it. Therefore, it should be eaten cooked or baked.
The food supplies very few calories and provides feeling of satiety. It helps in eliminating acidic metabolic wastes. It is quite depurant and facilitates the removal of toxins from the blood.
As one of the foods for obesity, it has some characteristic diuretic and laxative effects which makes it an excellent foods for weight loss and for health improvement.
Diuretic Foods
The class of foods are also recommended for scanty urine production. Their diuretic effects help in eliminating sodium and urine that are retained in the tissues and this helps in contributing to loss of weight.
It is noteworthy that diuretic medications are not good and not recommended for weight loss because of the side effects while it is advised to cling on dietary diuretic.
They may be high in carbohydrate, but they are quite effective in weight loss diets. This is because they produce a feeling of satiety. Again, cherimoyas are very invigorating because of their nutrition content.

Shiitake mushrooms are among the edible mushrooms recommended for weight loss. I made a detailed post regarding shiitake mushrooms. Check the link for details. Mushrooms have few calories and produce a feeling satiety which is why they are one of the foods for obesity.
Mushrooms are excellent foods for the diabetic in particular. This is because they help in reducing the need for insulin.
SEE ALSO: Health Benefits of Cashew Fruit
The food provides the satisfaction of having eaten much since they ought to be eaten slowly, and one by one. The good thing here and why they are one of the foods for obesity is that, they contain no fat or sodium.
Quite significant in calories reduction because a handful of them can go in place of a plate of food. They are quite depurant and diuretic.
They are protein-rich to its scarceness of calories. However, they nourish the body without weight gain. As a good source of fiber, it produces a sensation of satiety in the stomach.
Broccoli has few calories and low in sugar, while making available a significant amount of provitamin A, vitamin C, anticarcinogenic phytochemicals and minerals. The obese may eat it because it also brings a sensation of satiety while providing few calories.
They are good source of fiber and phytochemical which helps in fighting cancer. They also produce a feeling of satiety while supplying a few calories.
The following are other foods for obesity. They are:
- Cucumber: Alkalizing and very low in fat and calories
- Turnip: Good for weight loss and very easy to digest
- Grapefruit: Quite depurant and also detoxifies the blood of waste materials
- Milk Whey: Excellent and successfully used in weight loss diets.
- Peach: Facilitates the elimination of acidic waste
- Lettuce: Sedative effects that are needed for those following a weight loss routine.
- Sauerkraut: Aids digestion and quite depurant. It has low calories
- Pineapple: Slightly diuretic and produces a sensation of satiety
- Spirulina: Used as a dietary supplement in weight loss diets
- Garcina: Reduces appetite and has no side effects.
Foods to reduce or eliminate
The following are some of the foods to avoid, eliminate or reduce in order to combat
obesity. They are:
- Saturated fat
- Fried Foods
- Refined baked goods
Saturated Fat: The primary source is animal-based foods. Examples are: cheese, whole milk, meats, eggs, sausages, etc. they are fat reserve, stable and non-reactive unless one carries out a vigorous physical exercise. They readily deposit under the skin, between the abdominal cavity and muscles, thereby promoting obesity.
Fried Foods: A certain amount of cooking oil is retained in fried foods and this makes contain a great deal of calories. Example: fried potatoes.
Refined baked goods: Refined flour and sugar trigger abrupt increase in the blood sugar and this will force greater insulin secretion to utilize this sugar. Insulin will automatically transform the unused energy supplied from these carbohydrates to fat, if they are used and this contributes to obesity.

A graduate of Computer Science and Information Management Technology. Diploma – Caregiving, Certificates – Dementia and Diabetes Awareness and Management. A researcher, blogger, songwriter, singer and acoustic guitarist. Born in an environment where natural talents such as healing are imparted at our natural birth. This natural talents of healing is the result of our genetic inheritance and the training from family environment.