Helpful Home Remedies for Hepatitis
It is quite imperative to know certain home remedies for hepatitis especially hepatitis A, as it will help prevent some viral infections and also facilitate the management of this ailment.
There are several ways to prevent hepatitis A and help treat the symptoms. First of all, hepatitis A is a vital infection that puts the liver in a serious condition and its spread is through contaminated food and water.
This disease affects almost 3,000 people in the United States.
Causes and symptoms
The following are the characteristic symptoms of hepatitis. They include:
- Weakness
- Nausea
- Headache
- Vomiting
- Drowsiness
- Loss of appetite
- Muscle aches
- Joint stiffness and pains
- Diarrhea
- Discomfort of the abdomen
- Light colored stools
- Yellowing of the skin and in the eyes
- Dark urine
- Fever and among others
The following are the causes of hepatitis

Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver and can be caused by virus, bacterium or toxic substances. But in general, the causes is viral.
However, there are several types of hepatitis:
Hepatitis A (infectious hepatitis HVA). It is transmitted by contaminated milk, food or water. The incubation period is 15 to 45 days. The contagion is quite high even before illness begins.
Therefore, food workers can transmit this disease. This is why it is important to conduct food handling test before working in a hotel, restaurant and other related places.
This disease easily spreads by person-to-person contact and through contact with food, clothing and linens.
One good way to get hepatitis A is through eating shellfish.
Hepatitis B (serum hepatitis, HVB): This is found throughout the entire world and the spread is the same as HIV (through contact with infected blood and sexual contact. This type of hepatitis is very serious. The incubation period is 28 to 160 days and recovery may require 6 months.
Hepatitis C (HVC): Just like HIV and hepatitis B, it may take up to 6 months to show symptoms, yet it can be spread from one person to another.
There are hepatitis E, hepatitis non A, and hepatitis non B, but somewhat of lesser significance. Toxic hepatitis is caused by toxic chemicals.
Natural or Home Remedies for Hepatitis
The first step to take in caring for an individual suffering from hepatitis is to give them the type of care you would give for any infectious disease. It is important to remember that some types of this disease can be quite contagious.
The next step on home remedies for hepatitis is to apply hot fomentations over the liver area for 15 minutes. After that, apply cold sponging and wrapped up by a shower. Repeat this 4 times each day. Rest and supportive is key here.
Another important thing to note regarding home remedies for hepatitis is that the patient should have bedrest until the acute stage is past, followed by initial liquid fasting and then, a light diet.
When he doesn’t feel like eating, it is necessary and helpful to have a glass of lemon juice and water every morning.
In applying home remedies for hepatitis, ensure fruit juice is made ready every morning; a glass of carrot, cucumbers, beet juice.
The patient should avoid the following:
- Sugar
- Fat
- Alcohol
- Tobacco and other poisons.
Important Vitamins
Vitamins B12 (1,000 mcg) and vitamin C (2,000 mg or more) are important. Other needed vitamins are vitamin A (5,000 IU) and B complex.
According to natural remedies encyclopaedia, clinical studies show that amino acids, L-cystein and L-methionine (500 mg 2 times a day of each), unsaturated fatty acids (s teaspoons of flaxseed oil) and choline (1 to 3 grams) help facilitate recovery from hepatitis. This combination is one of the best home remedies for hepatitis.
Another home remedies for hepatitis here is to take grapefruit seed extract (10 drops 3 times daily for a month in juice).
According to Robert Cathcart, M.D., hepatitis is quite easy for ascorbic acid to cure. Great improvement occurs with 2 to 5 days.
Drinking plenty of distilled water and bathing frequently is another home remedies for hepatitis.
Also, take fresh or cooked garlic or in capsule form.
It is important to avoid constipation, and ensure you wash hands with soap after every bowel movement. Clean or wash the toilet seat after every use.
An individual suffering from hepatitis should not prepare food for others and should ensure that his own utensils are sterilised after every use of his meals.
Washing his clothes and linen should be done separately.
To make home remedies for hepatitis very effective, they should avoid drugs that irritate the liver such as tranquillisers, aspirin, certain tetracycline, antibiotics and anti-depressant.
Remember that Tylenol and iron supplements are quite toxic to the liver
Another thing to avoid is eating meat and fish that is under-cooked because they can cause infections from viruses and bacteria.
Helpful Herbs for Hepatitis
There are several Herbs which would go long way in helping the liver at a time like this. They are:
- John’s wort (300 mg capsules 2 times a day and shiitake (1,500-2,000 mg 2 times a day with meals).
- For good liver tonic, mix two equal parts of Oregon grape, dandelion, pipsissew, fennel seeds and blessed thistle. Take 3 cups every day.
- Barberry is one of the best tonic for the liver. Take 10 to 30 drops of the tincture on a daily.
- Milk thistle contains silymarin, which help stimulate protein production from amino acids in the liver. It helps the liver in regeneration. Take two 150 mg daily; 15 – 30 drops of the tincture in water twice for 2 weeks.
- Add 1 teaspoon of dried or fresh lemon balm to 1 cup boiling water. Allow steeping for 15 minutes, strain and drink 3 times a day.
- Goldenseal tea may be consumed 1 to 3 times on a daily.
- In order to relieve discomfort, place castor oil packs over the liver area and ensure warmness. Another one among home remedies for hepatitis is Burdock leaf packs because they are effective on an inflamed liver.
- To strengthen the liver in its battle against inflammation and infections, apply alternate hot and cold compresses over the liver region.
- Make a strong tea of peppermint leaves, add a pinch of cayenne, also place as a poultice over the region.
- Hot bath may help give a raise I’m body temperature which helps the body fight the virus by strengthening the immune system.

A graduate of Computer Science and Information Management Technology. Diploma – Caregiving, Certificates – Dementia and Diabetes Awareness and Management. A researcher, blogger, songwriter, singer and acoustic guitarist. Born in an environment where natural talents such as healing are imparted at our natural birth. This natural talents of healing is the result of our genetic inheritance and the training from family environment.
Exactly Sabrina