Helpful Home Remedies for Motion Sickness
This article discuss several home remedies for motion sickness. Motion sickness can cause symptoms ranging from mild nausea to dizziness, sweating and vomiting.
You can do something immediately helpful, like looking to the horizon. As well, some long-term solutions can help, such as taking certain vitamins or medications.
Any journey, whether by car, plane, train, or ship, can suddenly lead to motion sickness.
Consult your doctor before starting any new medication or dietary supplement. Some may interact with current medications or underlying medical conditions.
Tips for instant relief
In home remedies for motion sickness, when you first notice motion sickness, you can change your posture and try to distract yourself to relieve symptoms before they become severe. Here are some quick tips that will give you peace of mind.
If you are a passenger, you must hold the steering wheel of the vehicle. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that motion sickness occurs when motion you see is different from what your inner ear perceives.
When driving, these sensations are better connected and symptoms are lessened.
Look the way you go
If you can’t drive, look in the direction you’re going. Again, separating the vision and inner ear can help.
On ferries, try going from the stern (back) to the bow (front). Some people report that sitting in the front seat relieves their symptoms. In a car, consider swapping the back seat with the person sitting in front.
Keep an eye on the horizon
Also, focusing on distant stationary objects can help with visual stimulation. Again, it may be necessary to change or move the position of the moving vehicle.
Experiment on Different Positions

Another home remedies for motion sickness is about changing positions. For some people, lying down improves motion sickness. For others, standing may be better.
Options vary depending on the type of trip, so experiment and see what works best for you.
When you are in a car, resting your head on the headrest reduces head movement.
That said, you may need to experiment a bit to find the position that works best for you.
Breathe air (fan or outdoors)
Opening a window or going outside can help with motion sickness. If the weather or transportation doesn’t allow it, turn the vents toward you or use a fan to blow air into your face.
Nibble crackers
Eating snacks like salted crackers can help ease nausea. Heavy, greasy, or acidic foods are slow to digest and can exacerbate nausea. You can pack your own snacks, including easily digestible foods such as:
1. Grain
2. Bread
3. Apples
4. Other grains
5. Banana
Drink water or soda
Drinking cold water or carbonated drinks such as soda or ginger ale can also help reduce nausea. Caffeinated beverages, such as coffee and certain sodas, can cause dehydration and make nausea worse. Other good substitutes are milk and apple juice.
Distract yourself with music or conversation
One of the home remedies for motion sickness is to distract yourself. Turn on the radio or start a conversation to distract yourself from your feelings. You may find enough distraction to make you feel better.
In a 2022 meta-analysis, researchers concluded that listening to music may help with postoperative vomiting, although it had little effect on nausea itself. Still, listening to music while traveling may help prevent vomiting.
Put the screen down
People with motion sickness may find it difficult to read books and texts on different devices. This happens because the senses between the inner ear and the eyes are decoupled.
Focusing on nearby objects may worsen symptoms
This can be especially problematic for video gamers and those experimenting with trusted source virtual reality (VR) technology. Interrupting activities or switching to audiobooks, music, or naps may help.
Fast-acting Home Remedies for Motion Sickness
The following are the some of the home remedies for motion sickness. Various natural remedies can also help stop motion sickness.
Remember: Always consult your doctor about supplement use and dosage before starting.
Pressure Point
Stimulating a pressure point on your wrist called Introspection (P6) can provide immediate pain relief.
Place the index, middle and ring fingers of your right hand on the inside of your left wrist, starting just below the crease.
The inner crown point is located under the index finger, between the tendons of the wrist.
Press hard on one or both wrists for a few seconds or until the symptoms go away. There are other pressure points that can be stimulated to relieve nausea and vomiting. Learn more about the 7 points of nausea here.
In home remedies for motion sickness, certain scents, such as pure peppermint essential oil, may also help. A 2016 study found that exposure to the scent of peppermint helped people reduce nausea after surgery.
There are many ways to use the oil, but to minimize potential risks, experts recommended-cigarettes for an hour or less, but inhalation poses the lowest risk of interactions.
Inhaling large amounts of essential oils for more than an hour can theoretically cause nausea.
Smelling from a bottle of essential oils or using an essential oil necklace may be more convenient in a moving car.
Natural/Home remedies for Motion Sickness
In home remedies for motion sickness, herbs such as ginger and chamomile have both been studied to support their use against motion sickness and nausea.
These supplements can often be found at your local pharmacy, health food store, or online.
Licorice lozenges
Licorice root is used to relieve stomach ulcers, acid irritation, and indigestion. It also helps prevent nausea and vomiting.
Many supplements contain additional ingredients that may play a role in reducing nausea, so experts don’t know how much it helps.
Lozenges are available at pharmacies and online. Serving sizes vary depending on the brand you purchase.
Over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription drugs
If these self-care measures don’t work, consider trying medications at your local pharmacy. You can find medications both over-the-counter and by prescription.
Over-the-counter antihistamines
Antihistamines are usually helpful with allergies. However, using over-the-counter medications containing dimenhydrinate (dramaamine), diphenhydramine (benadryl), or meclizine (antidotes) may help.
Children over the age of 2 can often take dimenhydrinate and diphenhydramine safely, but should talk to their doctor about dosages. Antihistamines can make you drowsy and should not be taken if you intend to drive.
Scopolamine (Transderm Scop, Scopace, Maldemar) is a prescription drug available as a tablet or skin patch. The patch is placed behind the ear for several days. However, you may notice side effects such like dry mouth.
People with glaucoma or other health conditions should discuss this with their doctor as this treatment may not be an option.
Children, those who are pregnant or breastfeeding, those with liver or kidney problems, or the elderly should consult their doctor as they are at risk of serious side effects. There have been rare cases of fatal toxicity in children.
Promethazine is an antihistamine used to treat motion sickness. Helps reduce signals from the brain that cause vomiting.
The dose for adults under 65 is 25 milligrams (mg) twice daily, with the first dose taken 30 minutes to 1 hour before her travel. A child between the ages of 2 and 17 can take 12.5 to 25 mg twice daily for her. Consult your child’s doctor if they have a medical condition to ensure there are no drug interactions.
Long-term solutions to prevent future symptoms
People who travel frequently for work or who suffer from more severe motion sickness may want to seek long-term solutions such as nutritional supplements and cognitive-behavioral therapy.
Take vitamin B6
Your doctor may recommend using vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine) to treat symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and anxiety during pregnancy.
Increasing your stats also helps with motion sickness, but more research is needed in this area.
Take 5-HTP + Magnesium
An old study from 2005 found that low levels of serotonin in the brain may be linked to motion sickness and migraines. Headaches may be related to the activity of certain neurotransmitters in the brain.
5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) and magnesium in dietary supplements may help increase serotonin levels.
In a large meta-analysis, researchers found high-quality evidence supporting the administration of magnesium to patients undergoing spinal surgery to reduce side effects of nausea and vomiting.
Another 2019 study found that 5-HTP given to patients before scheduled surgery significantly reduced postoperative nausea and vomiting, as well as serotonin levels in the brain is further evidence that can cause nausea and vomiting.
Invest in acupressure bands
Wearing an acupressure band can help relieve nausea. People have worn acupressure bands for this purpose for centuries.
Because this practice has few side effects and few potential harms, doctors often recommend it to relieve motion sickness and nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. It is also one of the approaches to treat motion sickness on air transport in patients with both.
These acupressure bands are often called sea bands. These apply to p6 introspection points. However, more research is needed to validate and understand the efficacy of acupressure bands.
Biofeedback therapy
Biofeedback therapy uses thought to control the physical response to stimuli such as movement.
People with balance problems that cause dizziness, vomiting, and nausea can benefit from biofeedback. It is also recommended by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to relieve motion sickness.
With biofeedback, you can learn how to respond to the early signs of nausea with breathing, relaxation and concentration exercises. A biofeedback device can show you how you are progressing.
To use this therapy, the therapist connects sensors to different parts of the body to measure things like heart rate and breathing rate. Then work with your therapist to control your reactions.
This treatment is less common in primary care, but you can ask your doctor for a referral or look up a certified therapist in the BCIA directory.
When to see a doctor
When the movement stops, the symptoms should subside. Motion sickness does not cause long-term complications. On long trips such as travel, you may get used to the movements after a few days. B. Cruz.
If your job requires you to travel a lot, or if you’re afraid of getting sick while traveling, talk to your doctor. Prescription medications or long-term options can help overcome motion sickness.
The following section provides answers to frequently asked questions about motion sickness.
Is motion sickness psychological?
Motion sickness is not mental. Experts believe it occurs when what you see doesn’t match what your inner ear feels.
However, some experts suspect that psychology may play a role in motion sickness. The theory is that previous illnesses can trigger memories and possibly worse reactions.
Can you train yourself against Motion Sickness?
You may be able to train your mind to stop motion sickness, according to a 2021 study. However, additional research is needed to fully prove the effectiveness of mind training in ending motion sickness.
Motion sickness is a serious problem experienced while traveling. It can occur in cars, boats, planes, or moving vehicles.
There are measures to relieve nausea and prevent vomiting. Solutions may include taking over-the-counter or prescription medications, using acupuncture points, focusing on fixed points, and other methods.
If natural remedies don’t work, it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor about your symptoms. They may be able to recommend additional treatments or prescribe medications.

A graduate of Computer Science and Information Management Technology. Diploma – Caregiving, Certificates – Dementia and Diabetes Awareness and Management. A researcher, blogger, songwriter, singer and acoustic guitarist. Born in an environment where natural talents such as healing are imparted at our natural birth. This natural talents of healing is the result of our genetic inheritance and the training from family environment.