How to Make Viggie Tamales

How to make Viggie Tamales

Learn how to make Viggie Tamales

As one of the recipes for the reproductive system, learning how to make viggie tamales comes with so many advantages especially when you discover that it is one of the foods recommended for pregnant women and older men who might have some cases regarding prostate cancer.

One wonderful thing about this dish is that it combines protein from a cereal (corn) with another protein from a legume (beans). Viggie Tamales are Hispanic-American in origin with zero cholesterol content.

In this article, I’m going to list the steps you should take if you want to learn how to make viggie tamales. At the end of the method on how to make viggie tamales, I will outline some health counsels regarding this food.

Ingredients for Vegetarian Tamales

The ingredients here are for 6 servings

Preparation time:       00:20

Cooking time:               02:30

  • 150 grams (~ 5.3 oz) of shelled, toasted pumpkin seeds (squash)
  • 150 grams of black beans which is equivalent to 5.3 oz
  • 2 liters of water
  • 1/2 kg of cornmeal that is 1 pound
  • 1 chayote
  • 1 zucchini

Other additional ingredients include:

  • Sea salt
  • Coriander
  • 4 corn or banana leaves
  • 6 tablespoons of olive oil.


Preparation regarding how to make Viggie Tamales

  • Soak the beans overnight
  • Chope the zucchini, the chayote and the coriander
  • To form dough, you mix the salt, cornmeal and oil. Just as the dough is forming, little by little add one-half cup of water until the dough becomes roll-able without tearing.
  • The next step is to boil the beans in water with salt. Boil until it becomes tender. Rinse
  • With small amount of water, grate the pumpkin seeds. Mix with chayote, beans, coriander and zucchini to make the filling
  • Over each corn or banana leaves, spread a portion of the corn dough. Place a tablespoon of filling on each center and roll. Fold and wrap in the leaf and tie with cooking thread.
  • Put the wrapped tamales in a pot with plenty of water and boil for about I hour.
  • Serve hot

Nutritional Value per serving

Energy                =       479 kcal = 2,001 kj

Carbohydrates   =       61.7 g

Protein                 =       14.4 g

Fiber                     =       15.0 g

Total Fat              =       15.1 g

Saturated Fat     =       2.71 g

Cholesterol         =       —–

Sodium                =       13.3 mg

% Daily Value provided by each serving of this dish

SEE ALSO: Benefits of Fenugreek Seeds

Health benefits 

How to make Viggie Tamales
How to make Viggie Tamales

Now that you have learnt how to make viggie tamales, let take a look at some health counsels regarding this food.

As the stated earlier, one of the advantages of this dish is the combination of the protein from legume (beans) and protein from cereal (cornmeal). This is because these proteins form a high-quality biological protein.

Therefore, the benefits of viggie tamales include the following:

  1. The viggie tamales is quite beneficial for pregnant women, due to iron, protein, folates and other essential nutrients found in this food.
  2. After learning how to make viggie tamales, you are at advantage to prepare this dish for yourself so as to nourish your skin. It favors the skin due to its niacin content which helps in preventing pellagra thereby maintaining a healthy complexion.
  3. This dish is good for reproductive organs, especially the prostate gland. This is because the pumpkin seeds help in slowing down excessive growth of the gland being mentioned.

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