Interesting Facts about Kleptomania

Interesting facts about kleptomania

Some Facts about kleptomania

One of the interesting facts about kleptomania is that it tends to manifest early in life especially during childhood and adolescence and also continues for several years. Studies find that the kleptomaniac finds reward through emotional arousal which seems strong before, during and after committing the act and not in the stolen item.

It is said that kleptomania is somewhat an anomalous means to discharge tension and it is believed that the causal factor of this horrible behavior has to do with internal conflict which seems like a mental and emotional health disorders that will gradually emanate to emotional unbalance.

Interesting facts about Kleptomania! What then is kleptomania?

Kleptomania is quite a strange impulse to steal which seems so hard to resist. It can also be seen as the inability to resist or show resistance to the impulse or urge to steal. The thing about kleptomania is that it has nothing to do with revenge against the place, the owner of the business or shopping business.

The urge or motivation does not come as a result of necessity, the affected individual just feels this strong desire that propels him or her to go to a shop, pick up an item or something and gets away with it without paying a dime.

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At the initial stage, it may be shoplifting for smaller items but as time goes on, bigger items and most valued goods are targeted to be shoplifted and here the thrill becomes much more intense.

People with problem of kleptomania may not only have the impulse to steal at shopping complexes, supermarkets or grocery stores. They display this strange behavior anywhere outside their homes.

Interesting facts about kleptomania

This is because stealing can take place anytime and anywhere. So, on visiting any friend, colleagues or family members, they tend to surrender to the impulse to steal. Among the interesting facts about kleptomania is that sometimes the affected persons may not know what to do with the item being stolen.

They just want to ease of the urge because they feel good after stealing whatsoever. Or let’s put it this way; that when this strong feeling comes, they only way to get away from it is to give in to stealing, that way the individual feels relieved. How bad and strange!

There are so many interesting facts about kleptomania in that the majority of thieves are not seen as kleptomaniacs. This is because clinical data has shown that less than 5% of those who steal are kleptomaniacs. Many are of the thoughts that a great number of individuals engaged in shoplifting are termed kleptomaniacs.

Kleptomania Treatment

Some of the treatments which seem promising include both medical and psychological approaches. In essence, the following are the steps which need to be followed in psychological approach.

  1. Utilization of skills. The use of skills involves thought control, distraction and relaxation so as to overcome the impulse of shoplifting.
  2. Prohibit Stealing: Prohibition of stealing is a good psychological approach to dealing with kleptomania. The patient won’t be granted any option to use this behavior as means of escape from adverse feelings.
  3. Another method to dealing with kleptomania by psychological approach is deep psychotherapy sessions so as to find out and alleviate the probable root of this pathological behavior.
  4. Treatment of other forms of mental health disorders such as depression, dependence and drug addiction is another means of tackling this pathological behavior.

Another approach aside psychological approach is the medical approach and this has to do with drug prescription to eliminate the impulse that aggravate stealing.

There are drugs that have helped many in reducing their impulse. It is also recommended to consult your doctor or psychiatrist before taking these drugs. The drugs are:

  1. Serotonin reuptake inhibitors: Examples are; paroxetin and fluoxetine, fluvoxamine
  2. Tricyclic antidepressants: e.g. imipramine and nortriptyline
  3. Another medication for manic depression is the lithium salt.

How to overcome kleptomania habit

Kleptomania Support group
Support Group

Now we’ve known some interesting facts about kleptomania, it is imperative to note that they also help in overcoming the problem since we have the knowledge of what it’s all about. This method is a self-help one.

They are as follow:

  1. Employ or Use self-control techniques. This techniques involves the rejection of the thoughts that aggravate to stealing. You have to keep yourself busy and also reduce the amount allotted for free time. You can engage in some simple activities and enjoy them.
  2. Do not resort to narcotics: Avoid using alcohol which can trigger loss of control.
  3. Seek help from a trusted friend or family member to help you in your difficult times as you fight the impulse. They have to show support by observing you during this process.
  4. Decide to give up the kleptomania behavior completely.
  5. Join a group of kleptomaniacs because it favours learning. It is also coat effective.

Group therapy has enormous advantages


Kleptomania antidepressants ingredients

Studies (Christensen, 1993 and 1997; Redig and Christensen 1993; Markus et al., 1998) have results that revealed that the consumption of foods high in tryptophan and folate exert a benign effect on depression.

It is noteworthy that many chemical substances used in treating kleptomania are antidepressants. The following substances when in their natural state may help reduce the impulse of this pathological behavior.

  1. Folate (folic acid): A B-group vitamin that is quite high in lentils, chickpeas and kiwi
  2. Tryptophan: You can get the presence of this substance in all types of legumes, roots and grains.

In dealing with kleptomania, one of the interesting facts about kleptomania is that many patients with this mental health disorder have the high co-morbidity rate between kleptomania and depression, chemical addiction, pathological gambling, violent episode, pyromania and self-mutilation.

Therefore, it is recommended to approach kleptomania using the same psychological and physiotherapy approaches used in dealing with this mental health disorders. According to, the cause of kleptomania is still not known.

Credit: Julian Melgoza (Positive Mind: A practical guide for any situation)


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