Nutrition Effects on Mental Health

Nutrition Effects on Mental Health

Nutrition Effects on Mental Health and Mood

It is of utmost importance to the nutrition effects on mental health or the impact on the mental health and mood.

You are what you eat. The most famous quote that almost every celebrity and every nutritionist will ever tell you about. Most people relate this with the way you look but food also affects the way you feel.

This is exactly the reason most people like to eat ice cream when they are sad. Let’s say this category of people already the nutrition effects on mental health in a way.

The sugar in ice cream gives the brain an instant kick and you feel refreshed right away. On the contrary, if you are very happy, eating something sweet with only double the rush. This as a result will make you feel a sense of euphoria.

Nutrition Effects on Mental Health
(Human Brain) Nutrition Effects on Mental Health

According to psychiatrists, the kind of food you eat has a huge impact on the hormones and chemicals in the body. So, we can easily say that your food has a huge impact on the way you feel and the way you behave.

Most psychologists restrict the sugar intake in ADHD kids whereas others try to limit the processed food intake.

No matter what you feel or how you feel, you can take full control of your body by altering your diet.

Before altering your diet, get to know nutrition effects on mental health and mood.

For the beginner who is not familiar with the possible outcomes of the diet and the way nutrition affects mental health or nutrition effects on mental health, we have listed down details about various food types.

Along with the food types, we have also provided details about the impact of the food category. Apart from the overall food type, we have also mentioned the best possible diet you can take before starting an exercise.

Impact of Food on Brain

It is no surprise that our bodies extract energy from the food we eat. Starting from the energy packs that are also used as energy currency when the body is in need.

On the contrary, our brain needs a regular supply of carbs at all times. In case our brain does not receive the desired supply, it might cause some serious damage.

In some cases when the sugar level decreases, a person may lose consciousness. However, this is a very extreme condition otherwise most people feel confused, frustrated, and angry. These changes in the mood are so subtle that most people do not even realize they are facing this issue. Now, you see why it is important to note nutrition effects on mental health.

Nutrition Effects on Mental Health
Foods for the brain

According to nutritionists our brain needs fatty acid, carbs, proteins, minerals, vitamins, folic acid, zinc, and water for proper functioning.

To explain this process in a better way an experiment was conducted where a pregnant woman was starved. The experiment concluded that without proper nutrition and food, there is a high chance of physical disease in the newborn.

Some even have to face major issues like cognitive dysfunction, diabetes, metabolic disease, cardiovascular disease, etc.

This experiment not only explained the importance of food it also explained how some food items are more important than others. In simple words, if the lack of a specific set of food items can impact the body in such a bad way, their proper supply might be game-changing.

Another experiment was conducted to explain this process. In this experiment, pregnant women were given a diet that was high in zinc, water, folic acid, vitamins, minerals, and fatty acid. The results were quite shocking as well.

According to the results, the newborn had some other cognitive and physical issues. In short, it is not about the food but the right amount that counts. That is exactly where the term “balanced diet” came from.

What to Eat?

The two experiments mentioned above have given us a very brief yet comprehensive explanation of food and its importance.

Now that we understand why we need food, it is very important to know what exactly one should eat.

According to a majority of psychiatrists, if it comes down to just one thing that can keep you awake, that will be sugar. This is the reason people like to eat ice cream and cake when they are depressed. This is the same reason most people like to chew sweets and candies when they are attempting a test.

This doesn’t give you a free sugar card. So, no matter what you feel or how you are, a balanced diet is a must. If your body is not consuming enough carbs, proteins, or micro minerals you will start to notice cognitive dysfunction.

The Impact or Nutrition Effects on Mental Health

How Important Are Food Patterns?

With the above-mentioned debate, you must have realized that there is no single magic mineral to make you an Einstein. A balanced diet is the only key to happy and full-filling mental health. Although this gives a very subtle hint about the food combinations and how different food items must become a vital part of your diet.

Where mixing various food components will add taste and make the food more palpable. It will also help in filing all the necessary dietary components that are good for the mind and body. This is another reason why it is good to know nutrition effects on mental health.

However, packing food with primary food doesn’t mean you can leave behind other very important components. Most people focus on carbs only and this makes them vulnerable to other deficiencies and eventually impacts their cognitive ability.

What to Eat Before the Workout?

Foods to eat for brain health
Foods to eat for brain health and exercise

Workout is a very intense part, so you need to make sure you are eating right.

If you are not eating right, your body will feel low on energy and your brain will stop functioning as well.

Even a slight delay of energy to the brain can cause major issues.

To cater to this issue, here are some of the best food items that you should eat before your workout session.

  • Drink water and energy drinks to avoid dehydration
  • Cut the greasy and fatty food
  • Get something high on proteins and carbs
  • Nuts, almonds, and dry fruits are good
What Not To Eat?

As we have the list of recommended food, here are few things that you must avoid. These food items are important for the overall functioning but they will affect your workout.

  • Fatty food that can make you feel bloated
  • Full meal and dry food components that can make you feel thirsty
  • Food rich in fiber
  • Dairy items especially milk


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