Helpful Oligospermia Natural Treatment
There are many factors responsible for infertility in men but oligospermia natural treatment is one of the effective ways to produce viable sperms which will come together with an ovum and result in conception.
It is important to recognise this fact revolving around sexual impotence that male infertility or low sperm count is cured with products or substances that are meant to increase sexual desire since the case is not about desire but the capacity to perform and be able to reproduce.
However, not in the case of this supplement, which increases semen and sperm production in the testes. it is not about increasing sexual desire only, but to aid fertility by making large volumes of sperm or fluid readily available for each orgasm.

There are various causes of male impotence since the major problem regarding sexual impotence in men has to do with low sperms count.
In this article, I’d be sharing vital information regarding oligospermia natural treatment, and the reason why it is important to support it with this naturally blended supplement.
Oligospermia simply means a term to describe when a man has a low sperms count. If a man produces or has fewer than 15 million sperms (per millilitre of semen) in a teaspoon, that means a low sperms count.
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Symptoms and Causes
The only symptoms here is the inability of a man to manufacture or produce viable sperms that will unite an ovum so as to result in conception.
The factors affecting this include:
- Exposure to toxins
- Excessive heat to the testes
- Endocrine disorders
- Recent acute ailment
- Radiation
- Alcohol consumption
- Prolonged fever
Another cause could be testicular mumps and any viral illness linked with a fever up to 2 to 3 months earlier.
Before mentioning the oligospermia natural treatment, understand that alcoholic beverages are among the causes.
The use of tobacco and coffee is one of the most common causes of impotence or oligospermia.

Arteriosclerosis and diabetes also trigger this disorder since they diminish circulation of blood in the arteries of the penis.
There is also a common structural damage problem in men known as varicocele. It is a dilated vein of the spermatic duct. Also, pesticide of this era contain estrogenic materials which render animals infertile including man.
Amazing oligospermia natural treatment
Let’s start with diet first. One of the oligospermia natural treatment is to obtain an adequate diet. A diet which must include enormous protein, digestive aids and essential fatty acids.

Another one is selenium deficiency which is also a factor regarding oligospermia (male infertility). One needs to pay special attention to selenium (500 mcg)
Vitamin B6 about 200 mg and vitamin C (500 mg) at least once or twice a day. This is because it is one of the oligospermia natural treatment, for it increases male fertility.
Also, pay attention to zinc, it may be one of the causes of male impotence. Get the 30 mg. According to researches, choline, a group B vitamin increases male fertility in rats. Therefore, take 1,000 mg.
Another oligospermia natural treatment is arginine, an amino acid which helps raise or increase sperm counts. This is the reason why I made mention of Semenax supplement earlier, because it is packed with amino acid and potent herbs concentrates. It is a perfect VigRX Plus and VigRX oil which I recommended in one of my articles titled “Worst Foods Foods Erectile Dysfunction”
It is important to adhere to a gluten-free diet as it has enabled some men who were previously sterile to become fathers.
When taking notes regarding oligospermia natural treatment, remember to avoid the intake of anabolic steroids. This is because they are capable of shutting down the pituitary gland and displace the body’s hormonal system.
Athletes who engage in taking anabolic steroids often encounter infertility problems because long-term use of the said steroids can damage the testicle, permanently.
Another thing to avoid is alcohol. It diminishes sperm count in men.
Herbs and other natural treatments
Ginger is one of the natural medicines used in increasing sperm count.
Ginseng, saw palmetto and schisandra are able to reduce male impotence.
Another herb which is origin to China is changchun. It has been in use for thousands of years to aid male impotence or increase male fertility.
Another one used in India is called ashwaganda. It is also used for the same purpose mentioned above.
Red raspberry leaf tea is quite helpful and astragalus, which is another Chinese herb facilitates the movement of sperm.
In other to obtain oligospermia natural treatment as required. You have to take note of the following:
- Do not overheat the testes, else they will produce sterile sperm for a long period of time. In essence, testes have to stay a half degree cooler than the natural body temperature
- Fevers must be treated immediately as it may trigger low sperm count.
- Hot tub baths or close-fitting underwear can cause low sperm count
- It is not recommended to engage in sexual intercourse for about seven days prior to the fertile time.
- Avoid taking Takamatsu and Zantac, these two ulcer medications decrease sperm counts and capable of causing impotence.
Increase the intake of the following or the foods that contain the following:
- Antioxidants
- Zinc
- Wheat germ
This is because antioxidants prevent arteriosclerosis and facilitate flow of blood to the arteries that supply the erectile tissue of the penis, allowing erection. The super supplement that helps the heart health in this regard is VigRX Plus.
The foods mentioned above are quite rich in B group vitamins and vitamin E, as well as minerals and trace elements.
Zinc is necessary for development and proper functioning of the genitals organs.
However, when sperm counts is so low, the only solution or means to fertilisation is through artificial insemination, but if a varicocele is the issue, it has to be treated by surgery.
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A graduate of Computer Science and Information Management Technology. Diploma – Caregiving, Certificates – Dementia and Diabetes Awareness and Management. A researcher, blogger, songwriter, singer and acoustic guitarist. Born in an environment where natural talents such as healing are imparted at our natural birth. This natural talents of healing is the result of our genetic inheritance and the training from family environment.
AZOOSPERMIA almost ruined my life and marriage. I battled zero sperm count for years and all efforts was nothing but a waste. until a friend who got cure of same problem told me about the doctor that helped and made him fertile. I reached out to him and became well & fertile after taking his medication. I also know about his medication for: weak erection, watery sperm , low libido and other male infertility cases while talking to for my case. Contact:
+234 706 647 4917