Worst Foods for Diabetics

Worst Foods for Diabetics

The Worst Foods for Diabetics

Knowing various worst foods for diabetics, eliminating or reducing their intake is one of the several ways to control or avoid diabetes.

Apart from what I’ve just stated, it is important to adopt a careful and a well balanced dietary plan or habit so as to prevent future crisis.

Adhering to one’s proper medication, exercising, eating right and well are some of the ways to control diabetes but it seems tricky sometimes especially when trying to adopt proper nutrition and with foods that seem healthy but actually will cause damages on one’s blood sugar.

As stated above, these are the worst foods for diabetics and should be avoided. This is because diabetics are three to four times more likely than individuals not suffering from diabetes to die of diseases relating to heart or encounter a life-threatening stroke as envisaged by American Heart Association.

In order to stay on track, ensure you eliminate or avoid the intake of these foods which are seen as worst foods for diabetics.

It is quite dangerous for those who don’t control their diabetes to consume these foods as their intake can lead to kidney disease, nerve damage or serious heart disease.

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As it is, diabetics often ask a question regarding their favourite food which may be listed as one of the worst foods for diabetics.

Worst Foods for Diabetics
Worst Foods for Diabetics

The question comes like this according to Lori Zanini, RD, CDE, (author of Worst foods for diabetics : ‘I can still eat my favorite foods?”. The fact you’re suffering from diabetes does not mean you shouldn’t eat your favourite food for the rest of your life.

However, according to eatthis.com, it depends on the portion sizes and how often you take the food that makes the difference and also how the food is prepared.

I made a well detailed post on foods that help prevent diabetes, you will find it by following the link.

List of Worst Foods for Diabetics

The following are various worst foods for diabetics which should be eliminated from the dietary plan. They are:

  1. Sugars
  2. Milk
  3. Honey
  4. Smoothies
  5. Saturated Fat
  6. Refined Baked Foods
  7. Shellfish
  8. Salt
  9. Meat
  10. Alcoholic Beverages
  11. Flavored Yogurt


Sugar products
Sugar products

As one of the worst foods for diabetics, all dietary sugars except fructose, are formed partially or completely of glucose.

This causes easy absorption and as a result triggering a steep rise in sugar level in the blood which is quite detrimental to those suffering from diabetes.

Therefore, they should avoid sugars in general and also all the sweetened products produced from these sugars.


Nutritional value of milk
Cow Milk

Studies have it that, infants who feed or must have fed with cow’s milk display a much more greater tendency to diabetes, type I diabetes (insulin dependent).

A simple precaution involves reducing the intake of this food. However, there’s no scientific proof or evidence that low fat products or nonfat present any threat to individuals suffering from diabetes.


Equal parts of both fructose and glucose form honey and the effect it has on diabetics is the same as those of refined sugar. This is because it has no fiber and also triggers sudden rise in level of blood glucose.

Fruit Smoothies

Worst Foods for Diabetics
Smoothies sweetened with sugar

Fruits smoothies mostly have low fiber content and should be avoided by diabetics. This is because smoothies are more of sugars and large whack of carbs which also have no protein content or healthy fat.

Since they can’t prevent sugar from spiking, then they are regarded as one the worst foods for diabetics.

Saturated Fat

Saturated fat consumption brings down glucose tolerance and also makes diabetes worse.

This is the reason why diabetics should stay away from butter, fatty meats, cream and even meat derivatives which are somewhat high in saturated fat. Examples are bacon, sausages and ‘foie gras’.

Refined Baked Goods

These foods are mostly made of flour and refined sugar and that’s what they also supply. However, their vitamins and fiber are almost negligible.

These foods are capable of causing unnecessary increase in blood glucose and which is quite detrimental to people with diabetes.

The reason is that they cannot metabolize it properly. Examples are all types of rolls, cookies, pastries and other desserts.


Shellfish disease
Raw fresh Seafood Cocktail close up with Mussels, Clams, Vongole, Prawns and Shrimps

I made a post regarding shellfish and also stated the reason why you should avoid shellfish consumption; however, not on diabetes only but on overall health. Shellfish are heavily contaminated with viruses of different variety.

Shellfish also contains bacteria that can cause serious infections in people with diabetes. This will definitely put their healthy at risk because the intake of shellfish will surely compromise the immune system.


Consistent consumption of salt more than the ADI of 6 g is capable of causing hypertension to which diabetics are susceptible to. As a matter of fact, hypertension triggers cardiovascular complications of diabetes.


Consuming a great deal of this food is linked with higher risk of diabetes. Studies show that this disease doesn’t occur frequently among vegetarians.

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Alcoholic Beverages

Alcoholic Beverages to avoid with osteoporosis
Alcoholic Beverages

Cells of the body become quite resistant to insulin due to frequent alcoholic beverage intake and this worsen the course of this disease.

As one of the worst foods for diabetics, it contributes to degeneration of peripheral nerves and this is one of the diabetes complications.

Flavoured Yogurt

Most of flavoured yogurt contain little fruit components and are readily sweetened with sugars.

Other foods include:

  1. Pancakes
  2. Skim milk
  3. Parfaits
  4. Fruit Snacks
  5. Sandwich Crackers
  6. Instant Noodles
  7. Chocolate Hazelnut Butter


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