Foods that Fight Infections

Foods that Fight Infections

Healthful Foods that Fight Infections

Foods that help boost immune system are the foods that fight infections and they act as natural antibiotics. In essence, these foods can help cure infections.

It is noteworthy that the natural antibiotics found in certain foods and plants are somewhat less potent than antibiotics found in pharmaceutical stores.

The advantages the foods that fight infections hold is that they do not produce resistant germs and they do not alter the body’s normal bacterial flora.

Foods that Fight Infections
Foods that Fight Infections

The human body is fashioned to deal with so many infections and illnesses. Immune system that is healthy act as the first line of defense against microorganisms that cause infections.

Fortunately, foods that fight infections are the foods when consumed will help stimulate the immune system and ensure the smooth functioning of the system in order to be healthy.

Functions of the foods that fight infections

The main functions of the foods that fight infections are:

  1. Identification of sorts of microorganisms and foreign bodies that are potentially dangerous (dust, body’s own cells, chemical substances etc).
  2. Destruction of the above-mentioned microorganisms, substances or free radicals.

List of Foods that fight infections

The following are the recommended foods that fight infections. They include:

  1. Yogurt
  2. Garlic
  3. Onion
  4. Cabbage
  5. European Cranberry
  6. Radishes
  7. Lemon
  8. Acerola


It is only biotic yogurt that contain live bacteria and good thing is, it protects the intestinal mucosa and also facilitate infection resistance. Generally, they strengthen he body’s immune response.


Garlic and Health Benefits
Garlic and its essential oil

One of the effective natural antibiotics is garlic. This is because it helps stimulate the body’s own resistance mechanisms.

It fights a wide range of infections or pathogens, especially those that cause gastroenteritis (see foods to eat during gastroenteritis), urinary infections and respiratory infections.

In essence, garlic as one of the foods that fight infections stimulates the immune response.


There’s presence of antibiotic effects in the sulfurated compouds that form the onion’s essential oil. For respiratory infections as well as bronchitis and sinusitis, they are particularly effective.


Cabbage juice is used as a natural antibiotic to balance the bacterial flora in when cases of colitis arise. Their antibiotic effects is due to the sulfurated substances found in them (cabbage).

European Cranberry

One of the most effective antibiotics against Escherichia coli and other bacteria which cause cystitis and digestive infections is European cranberry.


The sulfurated essence found in radish give them the sharp taste and also brings about their antibiotic effects which is quite beneficial in cases of respiratory infections such as bronchitis and sinusitis.


Benefits of lemon water
Lemon water

The acidic property of lemon makes them act as natural topical antibiotic when applied to the skin, in the mouth, in the nasal passages and throat.

Lemon juice and other products help stimulate the immune system internally. They can be applied on the conjunctiva of the eye.


The American acerola is the fruit that is rich in vitamin C than any other fresh fruit.

The essence of consuming this fruit as one of the foods that fight infections is that vitamin C reinforces the immune system by increasing the capabilities of the defensive white blood cells and promoting production of antiviral protein.

Other foods that fight infections include:

  1. Royal jelly
  2. Oils such as seed oils which contain linoleic acid and necessary in the formation of antibodies. They also supply vitamin E.
  3. Propolis
  4. Citrus fruits which provide vitamin C and flavonoids photochemical which increase the defensive capacity of white blood cells.
  5. Trace elements such as selenium, copper, zinc which activate the enzymes that synthesize antibodies. Foods like molasses, wheat germ and sesame provide enormous trace elements.
  6. Antioxidants: Foods which provide enormous antioxidants are very necessary for consumption as they neutralize the free radicals. Provitamin A, vitamins C and E and flavonoids are the most powerful antioxidants.
  7. According to encyclopaedia of foods and their healing power, the antibodies that the body produces to combat microorganisms and foreign substances are formed of proteins. A diet poor in protein weakens the immune system.

Other foods include:

  1. Ginger
  2. Colored fruits and vegetables
  3. Fermented foods
  4. Turmeric
  5. Nuts and seeds
  6. Tea
  7. Papaya
  8. Kiwi
  9. Alfalfa
  10. Tomato

Foods to Avoid

The following are the foods to avoid if you want to boost your immunity.  They are:

  1. White Sugar
  2. Coffee
  3. Shellfish
  4. Alcoholic beverages
  5. Total fat

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