Health Benefits of Turmeric

Health benefits of turmeric


Health benefits of Turmeric unarguably enormous and it can be used for so many health related needs. Turmeric is an ancient spice from India with a powerful medicinal compound called curcumin.

It is a vivacious plant of the Zingiberaceae family. It contains bioactive compounds. There’s one thing I like about turmeric; its colour. I like to use it when preparing Nigerian Jollof rice.

You’d like the yellow colour. *winks*lol. Turmeric, a very strong antioxidant from curcumin which is the main active ingredient. It also has anti-inflammatory effects.


If you want to experience the effects of turmeric in its fullness, then take a supplement that contains curcumin.

According to  chronic inflammation contributes to many common western diseases. Curcumin can suppress those molecules that trigger and play many roles in inflammation.

SEE ALSO:Benefits of Blackcurrant

Properties of Turmeric (Indications and Benefits)

Health benefits of turmeric can be gotten in its properties. There is a significant amount of an essential oil, colouring properties, a bitter component, organic acid, resin and starch the rhizome of turmeric contains.

It is a eupeptic hot spice which serves as a stomachic invigorator. This same turmeric helps to increase the product of gastric juice thereby easing digestion where there is lack of appetite. It is also used where there is lack of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

Turmeric helps to promote the emptying of the gall bladder and this is where the powder is mostly recommended.

How to Prepare Turmeric and Use

Internal Use

  • Get the powder. A gram in a day but three intakes
  • Steep or soak with 15 – 20g of rhizome per litre of water. During meals, drink a cup

Turmeric (USES) for the skin

Few years ago when I was in Abuja Nigeria’s capital city, a family friend of ours used to prepare a local soap with turmeric but one of the challenges she faced was the time it would take her to wash off the yellow colour on the floor of her bathroom.

Prepared locally, it has enormous health benefits especially on the skin. A popular Yoruba soap is the main soap while turmeric, milk and honey are the active ingredients. She only had to take a significant amount of the ingredients and mix them with the Yoruba soap and that’s it.

Turmeric Health benefits
Turmeric face mask

How to prepare turmeric for face mask

The basic to a turmeric face mask is to put together the turmeric powder of the extract with a substance that acts as a thickening agent to achieve a paste. Some of the active ingredients would be used in accordance with skin concern.

  • For antioxidant power, mix turmeric with water. You can also add a significant amount of rice flour to make the mask thicker. Almond is also good to combine.
  • For acne and antibacterial worries, get a mixture by combining turmeric with warm water and honey
  • For wrinkle and hyperpigmentation, use yogurt and lemon juice, combine with turmeric to achieve brightening effects.
Risks of using turmeric.

When using turmeric, you need to be conscious of the dosage.

Turmeric has a low bioavailability. That is to say your metabolism burns it off quickly and your body doesn’t seem to absorb much.

In order to main health benefits of turmeric and its uses, avoid consuming too much turmeric at one time. I suggest you wait to see how your body reacts before taking more of. If there are other medications you’re taking, discuss it your skin therapist or your doctor.

If you don’t like the spice; that is, if you’re allergic to it, do not use it on your skin.


I hope you enjoyed reading this article. You can drop your comments if you have any contributions or questions.


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