Benefits of Drinking Water in the Morning

Benefits of Drinking Water in the Morning

Amazing Benefits of Drinking Water in the Morning

It is quite imperative to note that weight loss is one of the benefits of drinking water in the morning.

Since our body is 70% water,  it shows that water is a necessary part of this life and it isn’t a surprise that we need to consume water everyday in order to maintain a healthy body and lifestyle in general.

According researchers, they said drinking water or simply put, drinking a lot of water has so many health benefits, especially when you first wake up. In essence, the very first thing one ought to do immediately after waking up in the morning is to drink water.

Additionally, experts also believe that there are enormous benefits of drinking water in the morning and then wait for about 45 minutes before consuming any food or other types of drinks.

Other experts also believe that having a cup of coffee which dehydrates you is somewhat okay, as long as you combine it with at least a cup of water.

However, it is important to find the best water routine that works for you, but it should start at the beginning of every blessed day. It is important to continue with it throughout the day.

How Much Water Should We Drink?

There’s no agreed amount of water that everybody should drink in a day. It is important to note that the amount of water we need is dependent upon many factors, including:

  1. Weight
  2. Age
  3. Amount of physical activity
  4. Gender
  5. The temperature of the air
  6. The humidity of the air.

Some have recommended that you start your day by drinking three cups of water. While your body system adjusts, you can increase the amount of water you consume slowly. Also remember that drinking any amount at all is better than none.

In essence, I advise you find the amount that works best for you or makes you feel better. Also remember to drink more water when you exercise or when the weather is hot.

Why or What’s Special about Morning?

While you’re asleep, the whole-body system is fasting or in a fasting mode. It is also on this mode a few hours before you sleep.

While you sleep, it means you’re not eating or drinking anything. As it is, your stomach is empty and you’re somewhat dehydrated immediately you wake up.

More importantly, one of the benefits of drinking water in the morning is that it helps your body system recover from dehydration.

One thing is certain; our body absorbs water quite faster when the stomach has nothing in it. According to medicine net, it is said that in Japan, it is tradition to drink water on an empty stomach for good health.

When your body is dehydrated, it can lead to many health issues, so it is better to rehydrate by drinking water as soon as possible.

Another one among the benefits of drinking water in the morning is that, it helps one to establish a healthy routine or lifestyle and also maintain the body throughout the day.

What are the benefits of drinking water in the morning?

There are so many health benefits linked to drinking water in the morning and the advantages or benefits of drinking water in the morning affect many different areas of your health.

The following are some of the benefits of drinking water in the morning:

  1. Weight loss
  2. Better skin
  3. Healthy hair
  4. Improved metabolism
  5. Increase in energy
  6. Boosts immune system
  7. Fewer kidney stones
  8. Cleansed bowels
  9. Increase in toxin flushing
  10. Decrease in heartburn
  11. Reduced headaches

Weight loss

One can feel full after drinking water because sometimes we may confuse thirst for hunger thereby making us overeat. Drinking water prevent this problem and secondly it is advantageous that water has no calories

Better Skin

Dehydration can damage the skin or make it look shrunk. One of the advices or benefits of drinking water in the morning is that it help the skin remain hydrated or a better-hydrated skin. It helps to diminish wrinkles and improves skin’s natural glow.

Healthy Hair

It is said that the hair is 25% water. As a matter of fact, not drinking a enough water can make it dry and brittle. However, there’s an increase in its shrine and strength following a routine that best works for you with regards to drinking water in the morning.

Improved Metabolism

When you consume water on an empty stomach, your metabolism will definitely increase by up to 20 to 25%.

In essence, faster metabolism makes the body system feel quite better and energetic.

Increase in Energy:

Benefits of Drinking Water in the Morning
Benefits of Drinking Water in the Morning

Besides increased energy or energetic boost got from increased metabolism, one of the benefits of drinking water in the morning is that, it helps to increase one’s red blood cell count and these cells that have added help to increase the amount of energy in one’s body.

Boosts immune system

Your lymph system becomes well balanced one you maintain the habit of drinking water in the morning especially on an empty stomach. And this is an important part one’s immune system. Secondly, it helps the body system fight off all sort of infections.

Fewer Kidney stones

Fewer kidney stones form especially when one drinks a lot of water. This is because, water helps dilute the acid in one’s kidney.

Cleansed Bowels

One of the benefits of drinking water in the morning is that it helps flush out your bowels especially when taken in the morning.

It helps to keep harmful bacteria from building up and also improve or facilitate the process of absorption of nutrients quite faster.

Increase in Flushing Toxins

When you maintain the habit of drinking water or simply put, drinking a lot of water, it helps to flush out toxins from all parts of the body.

The helps the immune and also makes one feel better.

Decrease in Heartburn

Stomach acid is often diluted when you drink a lot of water in the morning. This activity facilitates digestion of food faster.

Fewer Headaches

It is imperative to understand that dehydration causes headaches. Drinking water first thing in the morning helps reduce or can decrease the number of headaches that one gets.

Furthermore, one needs to drink water all through the day to help keep or maintain the body. Starting each day with a glass of water is a good to start.

Conclusively, to start hydrated is great for one’s skin, one’s metabolism and overall energy levels.


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