Benefits of Eating Tiger Nuts

Benefits of eating tiger nuts

Health Benefits of Eating Tiger Nuts

One of the primary benefits of eating tiger nuts is the improvement of digestion by its enzymes. It is a food for the digestive system with various health benefits.

It was first farmed by the Arabs before it was introduced to the Spanish Levant and since that time, the drink produced from the tuber which is known as horchata has become a well-known milk drink. The horchata drink is quite nourishing and has delighted many people, especially those of the Mediterranean.

Other names remain: Chufa, Earth almond

French:       Souchet

Spanish:     Chufa, cotufa

German:      Erdmandel

Tiger nut which is a tuber of ‘Cyperus esculentus’ L. is an herbaceous plant that belongs to the botanical family Cyperaceae. Its tuber has a measurement of 1 – 2 cm in length. The tiger nut does well in a fine soil where the weather condition is primarily a temperate climate.

The tiger nut is cultivated in Valencia which is on the Mediterranean coast while Alboraia is seen as the world’s tiger nut capital.

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Properties and Indications of Tiger Nuts

The tiger nut is highly rich in carbohydrates and its fats are of the same composition to those contained in olive oil. These fats formed are primarily of unsaturated fatty acids, about 85%. However, among the unsaturated fatty acids, linoleic acid is most abundant.

Benefits of eating tiger nuts
Tiger nuts

One of the benefits of eating tiger nuts is that its protein are of biological value which means it contains all the essential amino acids. It holds vitamins B1 and E.

Some essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium and iron are also present in good proportions. When it comes to a therapeutic standpoint with regards to interesting components, tiger nut is quite beneficial with its numerous and abundant enzymes that fosters digestion of nutrients.

Among those present are:

  1. Peroxidase
  2. Catalase
  3. Lipase
  4. Amylase

All these enzymes help make horchata a much appreciated and preferred beverage cause it is an astringent, nutritious, fights against intestinal fermentation and also aids digestion.

Horchata and Cow’s milk Compared in 100 grams each

Nutrients                                 Horchata                       Milk

Carbohydrates                         5.2 g                               4.8 g

Fats                                         3 g                                  3.2 g

Proteins                                   0.8 g                               3.3 g

Calcium                                   7.6 mg                            120 mg

Magnesium                             15.5 mg                          12 mg

Phosphorus                             28 mg                             95 mg

Iron                                         0.3 mg                            0.1 mg

Tiger nuts drink
tiger nut drink

With horchata, there are so many benefits of eating tiger nuts because it is a healthful and nourishing beverage. Although when compared to milk, it has fewer proteins than milk. Its calcium is less than milk but with enormous percentage in carbohydrates, magnesium and iron.

One of the healthful benefits of eating tiger nuts without sugar is its significant value in cases of indigestion (dyspepsia), intestinal inflammation (colitis) and also diarrhea.

Disadvantages of Soft Drinks

Benefits of Eating Tiger Nuts to Health

Tiger nuts hold various nutrients and some plant compounds that are quite beneficial. Tiger nuts are made of three varieties which come in brown, black and yellow.

The nutrients also are dependent upon the type. They are rich in fibers, minerals and vitamins. The following are some of the benefits of eating tiger nuts and what they do to the health.

  1. They are rich source of antioxidants. The compounds protects the body against diseases such as heart disease and cancer. Tiger nuts also protect the body against aging.
  2. According to Healthline, one of the benefits of eating tiger nuts especially the germinating ones is that it increases their antioxidant properties.
  3. Tiger nuts also help bring down blood sugar level. This is also among the benefits of eating tiger nuts since they are highly rich in amino acid which tends to increase production of insulin and sensitivity. It is noteworthy that this process is quite important when controlling blood sugar.

Tiger nuts tends to improve the health of our hearts since tiger nuts have significant amounts of monosaturated fat, it gives them the same beneficial properties just like those of olive.

Arginine in tiger nuts can help facilitate heart health. This is because the body can utilize it in making nitric oxide which helps veins and arteries dilate thereby decreasing blood pressure.

tiger nut horchata
tiger nut horchata

Another health benefits of eating tiger nuts is that they help in boosting the immune system and also fight against infectious diseases. Test-tube study according to healthline showed that its extract seems quite effective against infections such as staphylococcus and salmonella bacteria.

Tiger nuts also helps to boost libido. It is used in treating erectile dysfunction and also increases sperm count.

Preparation and Use

  1. The tiger nut tubers can be eaten just the way they are. However, it requires proper chewing after they must have been soaked in water for hours.
  2. Horchata: This is the best way to enjoy tiger nuts. To prepare a liter of horchata, follow the steps below.
  3. Soak about 150 grams of tiger nuts for 24 hours
  4. b. Use blender to make them form a homogenous paste
  5. c. Soak the paste in one liter of water for about 45 minutes
  6. d. Press and get the paste strained, leaving the liquid horchata. To sweeten it, add some sugar or cinnamon.


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