Cherimoya Fruit Benefits

Cherimoya fruit Benefits

Amazing Cherimoya Fruit Benefits

It is noteworthy that one of the cherimoya fruit benefits is its effectiveness in strengthening the heart. It is a fruit for the heart.

The cherimoya’s heart shape also tells us what it does to the heart.

It provides B group vitamins, energy, potassium and calcium. One of the cherimoya fruit benefits is that it is quite diuretic and it is therefore recommended in cases of heart failure.

It is quite difficult to describe cherimoya flavor to an individual who has not tasted or experienced it.

Cherimoya fruit Benefits
Cherimoya tree with its fruits

Some people say it has similar flavor and taste like strawberries while some say it tastes like pineapple.

Still, for some it’s like banana or pear.

The fruit is typical of the Andean region. Its name is derived from the Quechua word chirimuya.

Here’s an amazing breakfast to lower cholesterol 

Other names: custard apple, Anona, Sherbet-fruit

French:     Chérimole;

Spanish:   Chirimoya, Anona chirimoya

German:    Cherimoya

The fruit is of the cherimoya tree (‘Anona cherimoya’ Mill.), belonging to the botanical family Annonaceae. It grows up to a height of 8 meters. It has a heart-like shape and weights from 100 grams to over a kilo.

The cherimoya tree grows wild in the Andean region or Peru and Ecuador but raised all over Central America, Mediterranean countries and Southern Asia.

Properties of Cherimoya Fruit

Cherimoya fruit has an outstanding sugar content (about 21% or more) and among which fructose and sacchrose are chiefs. However, it has low protein and fat content.

Cherimoya Composition

The following composition is based on 100 grams of raw edible portion

Energy                 =                 94.0 kcal  = 394 kj

Carbohydrates   =                 21.6 g

Protein                 =                 1.30 g

Vitamin A            =                 1.00 µg RE

Vitamin B1           =                 0.100 mg

Vitamin B2           =                 0.110 mg

Niacin                  =                 1.30 mg NE

Vitamin b6           =                 0.200 mg

Folate                  =                 14.0 µg

Vitamin B12         =                 ___

Vitamin C            =                 9.00 mg

Vitamin E            =                 ___

Calcium               =                 23.0 mg

Magnesium         =                 ____

Phosphorus        =                 40.0 mg

Iron                      =                 0.500 mg

Zinc                     =                 ____

Total Fat              =                 0.400 g

Saturated Fat     =                 ____

Cholesterol         =                 _____

Sodium                =                 5.00 mg

 % Daily Value provided by 100 grams of this food

It vitamins present are:

  • B1 or thiamine
  • B2 or riboflavin
  • B6 or pyridoxine
  • Niacin
Cherimoya Smoothie
Cherimoya Smoothie

The B group vitamins present in cherimoya are the most predominant. In essence, 100 grams of cherimoya provides anything between 6% and 12% of the daily need of each of the above mentioned vitamins.

As a matter of fact, there is no other fresh fruit of equal weight that provides as many B group vitamins as the cherimoya fruit.

Cherimoya Percentage Composition

Fiber                   =                 2.40%

Minerals              =                 0.800%

Carbohydrates   =                 21.6%

Fat                       =                 0.400%

Protein                 =                 1.30%

Water                   =                 73.5%

Other properties that make up cherimoya fruit benefits are its mineral content. The fruit is quite rich in calcium, iron, phosphorus and potassium.

Other fruits with more calcium content are orange, loquat, raspberries and dates.

Cherimoya fruit benefits are valued for all ages, particularly for younger individuals, adolescents.

It is highly recommended for students and athletes who stand to gain enormous energy together with minerals and vitamins appropriate to their daily activities.

Therapeutic Applications Of Cherimoya 

The following are some of the therapeutic applications of cherimoya:

  1. Obesity
  2. Heart failure
  3. Stomach ailments


Regardless of its relatively highly carbohydrate content, cherimoya fruit benefits are seen in its ability and effectiveness in weight-loss treatments.

One of the reasons is because of the satiating effect it offers. A 300 or 350 grams of cherimoya makes available less than 300 calories.

Consuming this fruits feels like consuming a plate of food or a sandwich which stands to offer more calories and also higher in fat.

In addition to this, cherimoya is quite invigorating due its high nutrient content which allows a reduction in calories with feelings of satiety.

Heart failure

The B group vitamins in cherimoya act as catalyst and also facilitate the combustion of carbohydrates and fatty acids which make up the most important energy sources for the cells of the heart.

Lack of B group vitamins can aggravate tired heart or heart failure and the most common causes of heart failure are lesions in arterial hypertension, heart valves or coronary arteries narrowing.

Taking cherimoya a day during winter and months of autumn will benefit individuals who suffer from heart failure.

Another one among cherimoya fruit benefits is that cherimoya contains vegetable fiber, rich in potassium; low sodium and fat.

china cherimoya
china cherimoya

They are also diuretic and these with other above mentioned characteristics meet the requisites of a heart-healthy food.

The amount of calcium in cherimoya as a necessary mineral is capable of regulating the heartbeat.




Stomach ailments

The fruit’s creamy, smooth pulp and its antacid effect are quite beneficial to the stomach. Therefore, in cases of gastro-duodenal ulcer and gastritis, it is highly recommended.

Soursop as a member of the Annonacea family is quite astringent, promotes bile discharge and also promotes digestion.

Therefore, it is recommended in cases of hypertension, coronary disease, diabetes, obesity and constipation.

Preparation and Use

  1. Cherimoya fruit is normally eaten fresh
  2. Shakes: Cherimoya goes well with orange juice or milk. Here, the pulp must be strained so as to remove the seeds and create a puree.

According to organic facts, cherimoya improves bone health and immunity

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