Foods To Make Bones Stronger

Foods To Make Bones Stronger

Healthy Foods To Make Bones Stronger

If you’re looking to keep your bones stronger and healthy, of course, needless to say everyone has to opt for foods to make bones stronger, so you will have to adopt a healthy balanced diet so as to help improve and maintain healthy bones from early life stage and keep them going throughout your life.

To get it done, you need calcium in abundance to keep the bones healthy and also vitamin D to help facilitate the assimilation and absorption of this mineral known as calcium.

The end result of poor bones or poor health is responsible for conditions such as osteoporosis, rickets and it also aggravates the risk of getting a bone broken from a fall, especially in later stage of life.

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So, for you to acquire all you need for healthy bones, get the nutrients you need, and this is done by consuming a balanced diet because it is undoubtedly one of the building blocks for bones that must be healthy.

It also encompasses exercises and the avoidance of risk factors for osteoporosis and the likes.

In this post, I’m going to share the information you need regarding foods to make bones stronger. I’ll list out the foods and nutrients and their effects and purposes.

Foods to avoid with osteoporosis

Before those, the reduction of bone mass and density up the point which makes it easier to cause fracture or deformation of bone is known as osteoporosis.

If you had read my article on foods to eat for osteoporosis and the ones to avoid, you will notice I made mention of the age this disease affects most.

This is because loss of bone mass is somewhat a natural process and it begins at the ages 40 or 50. But before it reaches a pathological level, we cannot term it osteoporosis.

There are factors that can prevent or halt the loss of bone mass which reduces the risk of osteoporosis. They include:

  1. Consumption of enough calcium especially during infancy
  2. Reduction in calcium elimination. Beware of excess caffeine, protein and salt which facilitate urinary calcium loss.
  3. Beware of diet focused on meat, shellfish, and fish because it seem to acidify the blood.
  4. Menopause (hormone production reduction which goes with menopause triggers calcium loss).

Nutrients and Foods to make bones stronger

The following are the nutrients and foods to make bones stronger

  1. Calcium
  2. Soy
  3. Milk and Diary
  4. Cabbage
  5. Alfalfa
  6. Almond
  7. Molasses
  8. Vitamin D
  9. Vegetables (Leafy Green)
  10. Orange


If you are an adult, you need 700 mg of calcium on a daily and to get this, you need to eat a balanced diet which must also be varied. Great sources of this mineral (calcium) are:

  1. Plant-based drinks such as soya drink
  2. Nuts
  3. Bread and other foods similar foods prepared with fortified floor
  4. Soy beans
  5. Leafy vegetables such as okra, cabbage and cauliflowers and broccoli
  6. Milk, cheese
  7. Dairy foods
  8. Fish bones such as pilchards and sardines
  9. Tofu

Spinach is rich in calcium but the presence of oxalate reduces the absorption of calcium.

Foods To Make Bones Stronger
calcium foods

As a matter of fact, calcium is the most important nutrient or mineral when it comes to foods to make bones stronger because it is the foundation in bone formation.

However, magnesium and phosphorus are among.

Do not forget that oxalic acid in spinach, chard and rhubarb and also phytic acid present in wheat bran causes interference with absorption of calcium.



Soy to prevent osteoporosis

Soy is one of the most effective remedy in form of food to help halt the loss of bones mass which mostly result after menopause.

Soy and all of its derivatives make available plant-based hormones like isoflavones.

This plant-based hormone replaces the ones produced by the ovaries and also improves the skeleton mineralization.

Therefore, soy is one of the foods to make bones stronger.


Milk and dairy

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To get more calcium under this heading, opt for milk, whey, yogurt and cottage cheese because they are a great source of calcium.

It is important to consume these foods in adolescence as it will help prevent osteoporosis later in life.

However, researchers claim that eating foods such as milk or dairy in adulthood do not facilitate osteoporosis prevention.

When in adulthood, these foods although being high in calcium do not sufficient to have healthy bones. They also have their disadvantages, especially milk.


Cabbage varieties such as cauliflower, broccoli are also good sources of calcium because they make available approximately 20 to 50 mg per 100 grams.

It is good to know that cabbage does not contain phytic acid (present in grains) or oxalic acid in spinach.

Therefore, calcium in cabbage is well absorbed and also facilitates the prevention of osteoporosis.


Alfalfa Sprouts Benefits and foods to make bones stronger
Alfalfa Sprouts

Some of the known remineralizing agents are the alfalfa sprouts. This is because they are well balanced in calcium, magnesium and phosphorus content.

They also have vitamin K in them which has been discovered to help improve utilization of calcium in the bones and also makes the action of vitamin D quite potent.

As one of the foods to make bones stronger, alfalfa sprouts help in osteoporosis prevention.


Almonds are calcium-enriched and they contain two other minerals (phosphorus and magnesium) that facilitate bone formation.

They help in calcium retention in the body because they are quite alkalizing.

Almonds and their milk are great foods to make bones stronger because they contribute to osteoporosis prevention.


The ideal sweetener for the prevention of osteoporosis is molasses. This is due to their richness in minerals.

Vitamin D

It is said that adult need 10 micrograms of vitamin D in a day. Although, it is not easy to get all the vitamin D we need from the diet we consume, but we get most of this vitamin from the sun’s action on our skin.

It is recommended that we take vitamin D supplement daily during autumn and winter because we cannot get it from the sun in these seasons.

It is essential because it helps in the process of transporting the calcium from foods in the intestine through the intestinal wall and even into the bloodstream. Expose your body to the sunlight for few minutes in order to produce enough vitamin D.

Leafy green vegetables

leafy green Vegetables
leafy green Vegetables

All the leafy green vegetables are relatively enriched with calcium. For example, chard provides 119 mg per 100 grams which is almost the same as milk.

All varieties of cabbage contain calcium but in lower proportion that spinach and chard. In essence, cabbage is better because there is no presence of oxalic acid.


Quiet rich in calcium, oranges help prevent osteoporosis because they contain minerals and various trace elements in addition to calcium. They are highly rich in vitamin C which is also necessary for calcium absorption and for healthy bones.

Other Foods

So far, we have a detailed information regarding foods to make bones stronger. However, these listed above are not all of them. Other foods to make bones stronger include:

  1. Turnip which is the richest in calcium or all vegetables but with small oxalic acid content
  2. Vitamin supplements: Apart from vitamin D, vitamins K, B6, and B12 are all necessary for the formation of bones and to avoid osteoporosis. They must taken as supplements.
  3. Tofu: A soy derivative which is highly rich in phytoestrogens whose primary function is to help prevent bone calcium loss. It also provides calcium.
  4. Sprouts
  5. Coconut: Both the pulp and the milk make available balanced proportions of minerals needed for bone formation such as calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus.
  6. Sesame


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