Foods to Avoid with Osteoporosis


Nutrients and Foods to avoid with Osteoporosis

In preventing this disease, it is important to know the foods to avoid with osteoporosis because foods that lack calcium will do nothing other than to worsen the condition.

It is worthy to note that diet plays decisive and important role as regards to condition of the musculoskeletal system which includes bones and others structures with and around them.

What is osteoporosis?

It is simply the diminishing of the bone mass and the density up to the level that it may result to deformation of the bone or fracture. Naturally, loss of bone mass is real which starts off at about 40 to 50 years. However, until it reaches a pathological level, then it can now be referred to as osteoporosis.

Foods to avoid with osteoporosis

Therefore, there are several factors which can play a role so as to halt or prevent this loss (bone mass) and to reduce this risk of osteoporosis. Each of the following has to be considered.

  1. Enough calcium consumption especially during childhood
  2. Sufficient sun exposure
  3. Reduction in calcium elimination
  4. Physical exercise.

However, adequate or proper diet is one of the influential factors in preventing osteoporosis and this should not be only in adulthood but also in childhood and in infancy.

In essence, this article is limited to only the foods to avoid with osteoporosis and before I make the list of foods to avoid with osteoporosis, it is important to note that reducing or eliminating excess intake of fish, meat, cured cheeses and also other foods that are quite high in protein is one of the most effective ways to prevent osteoporosis.

Reduction in coffee and salt consumption should not be overlooked. It is important to reduce or eliminate these foods or nutrients which trigger or promote osteoporosis.

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List of Nutrients and Foods to avoid with osteoporosis

The following are the nutrients and foods to avoid with osteoporosis, their purposes and effects; and why you should avoid, reduce or eliminate the intake of these foods.

  1. Meat
  2. Salt
  3. Fish
  4. Aged Cheese
  5. White sugar
  6. Total Fat
  7. Chocolate
  8. Alcoholic Beverages
  9. Soft Drinks
  10. Stimulant Beverages
  11. Phosphorus
  12. Wheat Bran


One of the foods to avoid with osteoporosis is meat. This is because meat when rich in a diet together with its derivatives foster generation of osteoporosis regardless of calcium intake being sufficient.

Meat as one of the foods to avoid with osteoporosis

Meat contains low calcium; about 15 mg/100 grams and this is three times less than boiled beans of an equal weight. It also promotes urinary calcium loss.

Again, meat intake tends to acidify the body and also promote the supply of excess phosphorus and all these lead to osteoporosis. Therefore, meat is considered as one of the foods to avoid with osteoporosis.


When salt intake is in excess, more calcium is reduced or eliminated via the urine. This makes excess salt intake to be very risk. It should be avoided as well as sodium.


Fish as foods to avoid with osteoporosis
Fried Fish

Fish, just like meat also has little calcium content apart from sardines. Fish is however phosphorus-rich and the imbalance between these nutrients (calcium and phosphorus) is capable of leading osteoporosis and demineralization.

One good thing here is that fish has an advantage over meat in that it makes available some amounts of vitamin D which helps to improve the absorption of calcium in the intestine.

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Aged Cheese

Aged Cheese
Aged Cheeses

It is said that aged cheese hold a good amount of calcium but not quite recommended when it comes to the case of osteoporosis. This is because aged cheese also contain a great deal of salt and proteins which fosters the increase in urinary calcium loss.

This makes their effect on mineralization quite negative and unwelcoming. Therefore, it is one of the foods to avoid with osteoporosis.

White sugar

White sugar or other type of refined sugar lacks minerals of which calcium is not an exception. The regular intake or excess use, as it is a norm especially in Western diet causes the reduction in the deposits of calcium which occurs within the body system and which takes place also in the bones.

The process leads to osteoporosis and with this, white sugar is listed among the foods to avoid with osteoporosis.

Total Fat

Fat reduces absorption of calcium. Therefore, any diet that is quite rich in fat is not recommended in cases of osteoporosis or when trying to prevent it. Findings have it that the fat and calcium come together in the intestine thereby forming soaps which will never be absorbed but pass out with the feces.


For healthy bones, chocolate is just harmful because it holds oxalic acid, fat and sugar and these are all demineralizing substances.

Alcoholic Beverages

Alcoholic Beverages as foods to avoid with osteoporosis
Alcoholic Beverages

The cell functions that generate bone tissue (osteoblasts) are altered by alcohol intake thereby causing then to form bone tissue that is not up to expectations. Research has it that women take up to 25 to 30 grams of alcohol daily.

They are three times exposed to the risk of hip fracture than those that do not consume alcohol. This makes alcohol a drink or foods to avoid with osteoporosis.

Soft Drinks

Soft drinks like cola drinks have sugar and phosphoric acid content and these substances lead to the loss of bone calcium.

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Stimulant Beverages

It is noteworthy that stimulant beverages contain caffeine which increases calcium elimination through the urine. Therefore, it should be marked as one of the foods to avoid with osteoporosis.

The calcium eliminated due to the frequent intake of stimulant beverages comes from the bones and it is the body’s huge or largest deposit. Apart from the fact that these beverages cause calcium elimination, they also bring down its absorption in the intestine.

Therefore, regular intake of tea, coffee, mate or other products that are caffeinated foster osteoporosis. Women who consume more than two coffee cups on a daily are at 53% risk of hip fracture.


In diet and in blood, calcium and phosphorus must be in balance; and also for proper bone formation and overall well-being. Meat, shellfish and fish and also soft drinks are the highest contributors to the imbalance brought about by excess phosphorus in relation to calcium. This is typical in Western diet.

Therefore, diet or foods that contain excess phosphorus in relation to calcium should be considered as foods to avoid with osteoporosis.

Wheat Bran

Wheat Bran
Wheat Bran

They make available about 73 mg / 100 grams. However, it contains phytic acid and this interferes with its absorption in the intestine. Remember that wheat bran eaten as part of the whole wheat has no negative effect on the absorption of calcium.

However, difficulties may arise with bran supplements which comes in amount over 30 grams a day. According to healthgrades, wheat bran seems counterproductive as it tends to limit the amount of calcium your body will absorb from milk.


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