Health Benefits of Chicory (Leaves & Root)
One of the health benefits of chicory is that it has been chosen as a coffee substitute which lacks undesirable effects. Chicory is one of the plants for the stomach, a gift for walkers. The sky blue color of chicory flowers is quite extraordinary.
It’s hard to have this plant unnoticed and for people who may come across this wonderful plant, it must suggest you use it and enjoy its properties. There are many health benefits of chicory because it is one of the beneficial plants known for its extraordinary medicinal properties.
Sometimes, when expensive coffee cannot be bought due to shortage, chicory can be used. However, it has not received much recognition, may be it’s because it is very much in abundance and cheap.

Let’s look at the nature of this plant. Chicory is an herbaceous and also a vivacious plant which belongs to the botanical family Compositae. It has an upright stem which grows up 60 cm high.
The flowers are very beautiful, having petals with five pointed ends. Its petals close at night or when the weather seems bad. Every part of this plant, including the latex tastes bitter or has a bitter flavor. The parts considered useful medically are its young leaves and the root.
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Chicory is one the plants whose roots are used to make medicine especially when dried.
According to webmd, health benefits of chicory are massive and can be used for the following cases:
- Constipation
- Loss of appetite
- Liver disorders
- Upset stomach,
- Gallbladder disorder,
- Cancer,
- Rapid heartbeat.
It is recommended for use as a tonic, which is aimed at increasing urine production, to bring to balance coffee stimulant effects and also used to protect the liver.

A paste of chicory leaves can be applied directly on the skin to alleviate inflammation and swelling
The following are applicable in foods:
- Chicory is useful as a cooking spice
- It can be consumed like celery
- The bud leaf, together with the roots can be boiled and eaten
- Chicory can be used to flavor beverages and foods
Properties and Indications as Regards to Health Benefits of Chicory
Both the roots and the leaves of this plant contain inulin and levulose. These two sugars facilitate liver functioning. Although, most of the health benefits of chicory lie in the bitter components found in chicory. These bitter components help stimulate digestive processes we know.

In the stomach, health benefits of chicory are seen its eupeptic properties which causes increase in gastric juice production.
Therefore, it is recommended for cases of bloated stomach especially when chicory infusion is consumed after meal. However, if the chicory is taken before meal, it will exert its appetizer properties. This gives appetite to young and old.
Another health benefits of chicory is that it promotes choleretic action (i.e. secretion of bile) needed for digestion of fat.
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Chicory activates circulation and also relieves liver congestion. Chicory has a laxative action on the intestine. It activates intestinal motility.
Therefore, it is recommended to consume chicory infusion on an empty stomach especially in the morning. It will help fight against constipation and intestinal laziness.
Another health benefits among others includes its mild vermifuge effects and this helps expel intestinal parasites.
The following are the recommended uses of chicory:
- Gastric stony
- Lack of appetite
- Bloated stomach
- Biliary dyspepsia which may be caused by gall bladder deficient functioning.
- Constipation
- Portal hypertension
- Liver congestion
- Intestinal parasites
When we talk about health benefits of chicory, we should also let you know that chicory has mild diuretic and depurative effects and this makes it a great deal for arthritis and gout.
Preparation and Use of Chicory

The Chicory root must have to be gathered immediately after the plant must have grown its typical, flamboyant beautiful flowers.
Internal Use
- Fresh Juice: For individuals who want extraordinary effects of the chicory can drink the fresh juice which must be obtained from the chicory leaves.
The process of obtaining this is through pressing them on a cloth or by the use of an electric blender. The bitter flavor it has help encourage strong appetite. Drink half a glass before meal.
- Salads: Raw leaves of chicory gotten before the plant blooms hold a pleasant and a bitter flavor. Some excellent wild plant salads can be prepared with the raw leaves of chicory, garlic and with dandelion. The dish can be dressed with olive oil and lemon juice.
- Chicory infusion: with about 30 to 40 grams of fresh leaves and also root in a liter of water. On a daily, drink two to three cups. It can also serve as an appetizer and as a digestive before and after meals respectively. To achieve the health benefits of chicory we’ve been singing about, the infusion not be sweetened. We must have to take advantage of its stimulating bitter flavor.
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Chicory Coffee
Chicory root which must be gathered in Fall is dried, toasted and also ground so as to obtain chicory coffee. Oat malt gives the infusion a pleasant flavor. Therefore, it is recommended to mix with oat malt.
Side Effects
Chicory is probably safe when consumed by mouth in a prescribed medicinal amount and the plant may cause some skin irritation.
Consult your doctor before considering chicory medication
Foods to help with Constipation

A graduate of Computer Science and Information Management Technology. Diploma – Caregiving, Certificates – Dementia and Diabetes Awareness and Management. A researcher, blogger, songwriter, singer and acoustic guitarist. Born in an environment where natural talents such as healing are imparted at our natural birth. This natural talents of healing is the result of our genetic inheritance and the training from family environment.