Healthy Breakfast To Lower Cholesterol

Healthy Breakfast To Lower Cholesterol

Amazing Healthy Breakfast To Lower Cholesterol

Focusing on a nutritious healthy breakfast to lower cholesterol especially if you seem to be at risk of developing high cholesterol or if you have it already is actually one of the best ways to live healthy.

By the way, I made a post regarding a delicious recipe “health benefits of lentils and buckwheat soup” and I trust its quite helpful getting handful info regarding the food combo

It also helps to prepare you for the day rather than skipping breakfast in a bid to counter fat or control certain foods that you may have noticed trigger or aggravate development of high cholesterol.

Incorporating healthy breakfast to lower cholesterol into your diet is quite healthier than skipping breakfast to which overweight or obese individuals usually practice.

This is because they seem to have higher cholesterol levels than those who kick off their day with a bowl of oatmeal or avocado toast. This information is in accordance with the journal of Nutritional Science Trusted Source.

List of healthy breakfast to lower cholesterol

A healthy breakfast to lower cholesterol is a unique breakfast recipe which contains almost everything one could crave for cholesterol-reducing meal. Enormous nutrients from pumpkinseed, fiber from whole grain bread, butter squash make a healthy morning option.

Some of the amazing healthy breakfast to lower cholesterol includes

  1. Soy or almond milk
  2. Oatmeal
  3. Black Bean Omelet
  4. Avocado toast
  5. Legumes or meat analogs foods
  6. Smoked salmon with whole-wheat bagel
  7. Orange juice
  8. Egg white and spinach
  9. Whey protein smoothie

Soy or Almond milk

Healthy Breakfast To Lower Cholesterol
Almond Milk

Instead of taking whole milk which is packed with cholesterol and fat, it better to focus on soy or almond milk which contains no cholesterol, casein or lactose that seems detrimental to health of the heart.


This is because almonds contain healthy fat, magnesium, vitamins and fiber. They also belong to the tree nuts family.

As reported by Harvard Health Publishing, consuming 2 ounces on a daily is capable of lowering LDL cholesterol by about 5%.

Also remember, when choosing healthy breakfast to lower cholesterol don’t forget to incorporate soymilk which contains cardio-protective isoflavones.

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Healthy Breakfast To Lower Cholesterol

To get a healthier hearty serving of fiber, particularly in the morning, oatmeal is the best choice because the kind of fiber found in oats has shown to reduce or lower cholesterol.

Oatmeal is filled with soluble fiber which gets attached to LDL cholesterol on the digestive muscosa thereby helping in removing it from the body.

You can incorporate this meal with a glass of almond milk or put some sliced almonds, raspberries or strawberries and enjoy the combos as you go lowering the cholesterol level and adding more fiber

Black Bean Omelet

Black Bean Omelet
Black Bean Omelet

If you wished to incorporate a vegetarian, high fiber food into your diet plan, you can kick your morning off with this wonderful meal known as black bean omelet with some veggies.

This is a great way to get plenty of nutrients.


Avocado toast

California Avocado Toast
California Avocado Toast

This sort of meal scores high in terms of healthiness because according to a study by Journal of the American Heart Association Trusted Source, eating an avocado per day helps to lower LDL cholesterol levels especially in individuals that are obese or overweight.

Also remember that this should be done moderately as consuming avocado more than required could lead to higher HDL cholesterol levels.

As it is, avocados are quite healthy on so many perspectives because they are high in monounsaturated fatty acids which protect against arteriosclerosis.

This is because they reduce LDL harmful cholesterol and increase HDL which protect against arteriosclerosis as stated earlier.

Legumes or meat analogs foods

Legumes for high blood pressure
Five color legumes for healthy , Soy bean, Navy bean or white bean, Black beam, Red bean and Green bean,

These foods are among the healthy breakfast to lower cholesterol because they have no cholesterol or fat that proffers the production of fat in the body.

In essence, legumes contain soluble fiber that helps in reducing cholesterol level and also inhibits arteriosclerosis.


Therefore, when choosing healthy breakfast to lower cholesterol, do incorporate legumes, meat analogs and other alternatives to meat into your diet.

These foods are better than foods such as red meat, sausages, shellfish or skinless poultry which promote increases in cholesterol levels and arteriosclerosis.

Fish or skinless poultry cannot reduce cholesterol while shellfish on its own contains twice the cholesterol as meat with other drawbacks associated to/with it.

Smoked salmon

Smoked salmon with whole-wheat bagel
Smoked salmon with whole-wheat bagel

Salmon is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids.

Like olive oil and other high fiber foods, salmon is filled with good fats which help to increase healthy HDL cholesterol and also inhibit the triglycerides number that go circulating in the bloodstream.

Therefore, smoked salmon with whole wheat bagel is a good choice when considering healthy breakfast to lower cholesterol.

Orange Juice

orange juice
orange juice

Orange juice is packed with vitamin C simply because it’s an excellent source of this nutrient.

Some orange juices have been fortified with plant sterols and stanols so as to add nutritional boost.

A few grams of sterols introduced into your diet are capable of lowering LDL cholesterol by 5% to 20%.

If you don’t like orange juice, give granola bars a try as they also have sterols and stanols seen as enhanced versions.

Egg white and spinach

egg white and spinach
egg white and spinach

It is true that egg is a great source of cholesterol or rather high in cholesterol, but all that is in the egg yolk.

As is it, the egg whites are free of cholesterol (cholesterol-free) and they are filled with protein.

For enormous fiber, make scrambled egg whites and combine with a handful of spinach.

Prepare the eggs in canola oil or olive oil. The oils will help improve your healthy cholesterol and protect against arteriosclerosis.

Whey protein smoothie

Whey protein smoothie
Whey protein smoothie

This is prepared from whey when the liquid in milk has been removed during cheese production.

The whey protein helps lower cholesterol according to some studies, however, with results being inconsistent.


In essence, according to meta-analysis Trusted Source discovered that the whey protein supplements lowered triglycerides which are a different kind of fat found in the blood.

Healthy morning smoothie as this is a great way to start your morning off. Try combining ice cubes, berries, low-fat yogurt. This combo will derive you a sweet concoction that is highly nutritious and even low in fat.

I hope you find this article helpful and I’d advice you start substituting foods to reduce cholesterol.

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