Helpful Remedy for Eye Redness
It is important to get helpful home remedy for eye redness in order to manage the condition and at the same time prevent future crises. It is not good to neglect things that matter most to health.
There’s a detailed post on home remedies for eyes problems, you’d find it useful and informative.
Eye redness comes from inflamed blood vessel on the white part surface of the eye called bloodshot eyes. Examples are: sleep deprivation, rubbing eyes, smoke exposure, prolonged screen time and chlorine from pool etc.
Before delving into home remedy for eye redness, let take a look at the symptoms.
Symptoms and Causes of Eye Redness

I may have stated it before, but simply put, it is the red lines in the whites of the eyes. This is the common symptom.
The sclera which is the white of the eye, forms the outer coat of the eyeball. The tiny blood vessels seen on the surface of the sclera may become congested with blood, as a result of insufficient supply of oxygen.
As it is, causes may include:
- Eyestrain
- Fatigue
- Pollen allergies
- Dust
- Cigarette smoke
- Irritants
- Overwork
- Staying up late at night
- Bright sunshine
- Drinking alcohol
Red eyes or bloodshot eyes can be capillary frugality throughout the body. Another cause may be due to high blood pressure or even lack of vitamins and amino acids.
You may wish to give this condition proper attention if you are younger and it seems excessive in occurrence.
Amazing Home Remedy for Eye Redness

First of all, the number one home remedy for eye redness is to improve your diet.
How do I do this?
- Take vitamin A (5,000 mg daily), B2 (100 mg), and these 3 amino acids: histidine, lysine and phenylalanine.
You ought to be getting the needed vitamins and amino acids, if you are eating nutritious diet of vegetables, fruits, nuts and beans.
- At night, get more rest
- Do not use drops from the pharmacy. This is because there is an agent in them that constrict the blood vessels.
- Using a cool, wet washcloth, lay it over your closed eyes. The effect from the cold will constrict the blood vessels in a natural way and the moisture also helps the eyes. This is another home remedy for eye redness.
- Ensure you drink enough water in order to have a significant amount of fluid in your tear duct.
- When your eyes becomes red after sleep, it may be a low grade infection of the eyelids. In this case, the home remedy for eye redness here, is to treat it by washing the eyes with warm water at night before bedtime.
- Another home remedy for eye redness is boric acid mixed with sterile water. However, any eye problems should be taken seriously.
SEE ALSO: Home Remedies for Body Odour
Helpful Herbs
Helpful herbs for home remedy for eye redness include: fennel, eyebright and cornflower. Eyebright has been remarkably great in treating a number of eye conditions.
Eye redness may not be something grave but some cause of bloodshot eyes can be serious and it can be hard or difficult to know when one should be worried. However, it is important you see a healthcare professional if you notice any of the following symptoms;
- Fever
- Severe headache
- Thick pus coming from your eye
- Nausea and vomiting
- Pain in the eyes
- Change in vision such as difficulty seeing or blurriness
- Eye injury or chemical exposure
Another home remedy for eye redness is to remove debris and bacteria through regular washing of the eyes. Again, rest your eyes often and cut down on digital screen time. Avoid contact lens wear. Each of these mentioned above is a home remedy for eye redness.
The use of eye drops known as artificial tears or eye drops containing an antihistamine may facilitate the reduction of redness, however, it is best to avoid the use of eye drops (Clear Eyes, Visine) because they are capable of increasing the redness due to prolonged use.
It is also important to avoid touching or rubbing the eyes. And do not forget to wash your eyes with cold water.

A graduate of Computer Science and Information Management Technology. Diploma – Caregiving, Certificates – Dementia and Diabetes Awareness and Management. A researcher, blogger, songwriter, singer and acoustic guitarist. Born in an environment where natural talents such as healing are imparted at our natural birth. This natural talents of healing is the result of our genetic inheritance and the training from family environment.