Knowing how to stop mobbing is a right step in a right direction. Mobbing or violence is a central concept for describing social relationships among humans, a concept loaded with ethical and political significance. Yet, what is violence? What forms can it take? Can human life be void of violence, and should it be?
Mobbing or workplace psycho-terror is a form of harassment in the environment which is causing growing concern. The perpetrator threatens, hurts, criticizes, subdues, humiliates and intimidates the victim. The perpetrator terrorizes the victim in various ways:-
- Ignores the victim as if he/she was not there or as if he/she were useless
- Speaks badly about the victim, passing well-designed slander on to peers.
- Threatens the victims with dismissal if he/she tell any anyone.
- Ridicules the victim in the presence of others
- Gives excessive work to the victim
- Isolates the victim from everyone else.

The consequences of this activity vary depending on the intensity of the mobbing and the strength of the victim but the effects can be devastating, causing not only the professional ruin of the victim but also mental disorders like depression, anxiety and even suicide.
Somatic Reactions:
- Headaches
- Nausea
- Chronic fatigue
- Insomnia
- Panic attack
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Psychological Reactions
According to Wikipedia, the following shows the psychological reactions of mobbing
- Lack of concentration
- Job anxiety
- Feeling of inferiority
- Irritability
- Risk of substance use
- Relational problems
- Suicidal attempt or consummation
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Perpetrator’s Profile as to regards to knowing how to stop mobbing
- Perfectionist: He or she likes to do everything with precision and this skill is used to harass thoroughly
- Cold and Calculating: The perpetrator prepares each step of the attack in order to do it emotionlessly
- Selfish: Basically self-centred
- Double personality: This person is able to show cruelty and sarcasm to the victim while appearing charming in front of the group
- Paranoid: This subject sees hidden intentions in others (for example, interprets that others want his/her job
- Patronising and manipulating not left in his/her profile.

Victim’s Profile as regards to knowing how to stop mobbing
- Effective: This person is a good and regular worker with an excellent disposition
- Faithfull: He/she recognises authority and is willing to follow instruction and to satisfy the boss.
- Non-assertive: He/she is longsuffering and does not defend his/her right.
- Naïve: This person is without malice, always seeing intention in others.
- Honest and ethical: The victim is unable to pay back the perpetrator, which may prolong the mobbing
- Well educated: His/her studies and experience ideally qualify his/her for the job.
- Good family/personal situation: The person enjoys good relationships with family, spouse and friends.
- The victim exhibits altruistic behaviour.
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Reduce your risk of being a victim.
There are some preventive measures outlined by Leymann. In his book, La persecution au travail (1996), proposes a number of lifestyle factors that can prevent harassment at the workplace.
- Keep yourself mentally and physically fit.
- Increase self-confidence
- Care for your reputation
- Strengthen your social support system
- Stabilise your finance
- Increase your ability to manoeuvre: Keep all possible options open. Avoid having to remain in your job like a caged animal.
- Improve your assertiveness.

How to face workplace psycho-terror
You can practice the following:
- Channel your rage towards surviving.
- Instead of taking revenge, protect yourself
- Cultivate assertiveness and self-esteem
- Consider the perpetrator as someone with problems
- Minimize the situation: it is difficult to do this, as it is hard to face an absurd circumstance
Here are some biblical solution
- Ask God for help: This is an extremely difficult plan from the human point of viewpoint. Divine help is necessary. Pray to God and ask Him for strength so that you can do what Jesus did with His own enemies – love them and respect them.
- Grant forgiveness: It is true that you are not the guilty one and your opponent is totally the guilty one. However, you need to understand that you are the first beneficiary of your forgiveness to others.
- Show a cordial and kind attitude: As you forgive your offender, you have the right to speak to his/her kindly, face to face and naturally.
‘Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you will be like him yourself” (Proverbs 26:4)
“If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath. For it written: “I will repay, “says the Lord” (Romans 12:18, 19)
“Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other” (Galatians 5:26).
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A graduate of Computer Science and Information Management Technology. Diploma – Caregiving, Certificates – Dementia and Diabetes Awareness and Management. A researcher, blogger, songwriter, singer and acoustic guitarist. Born in an environment where natural talents such as healing are imparted at our natural birth. This natural talents of healing is the result of our genetic inheritance and the training from family environment.