Barriers In Relationships

Barriers in relationships

How Do You Overcome Barriers in Relationships?

To overcome barriers in relationships, understand that social relations in terms of people’s mental and emotional health have a lot to reckon with. As a matter of fact, life’s satisfactions are derived and enjoyed together with other persons or individuals.

Be that as it may, the most complex and difficult problems are deeply rooted in interaction with other people. Therefore, learning how to solve problems such as these is a good step in the right direction and also a valuable investment regarding happiness, emotional and mental health.

Some of these barriers include the following:

  1. Anger and aggression
  2. Jealousy
  3. Mobbing
  4. Envy
  5. Competition
  6. Multicultural and multiracial group
  7. Affective loneliness
  8. Errors in communication
  9. Unethical expectations
  10. Unresolved Issues
  11. Shyness
  12. Hatred

To maintain a healthy and ideal relationships so to speak seems like an art according to Online-therapy and I totally agree. In order to overcome barriers in relationships, without understanding, it will be difficult to make relationships work.

Otherwise, one would be left to face a lot of difficulties. Whether you are married or single, whether you are residing in a particular settlement or dwelling in a society with family and friends, neighbors and strangers, life is structured with many relationships.

Furthermore, people from different walks of life move with different ideologies, different viewpoints, mindsets and experiences.

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Anger and Aggression 1. Anger and aggression: I made a post about anger and aggression (Read here). Consequences of anger and aggression are quite grave but it is beneficial to learn and know how to avoid them. Anger and aggression can lead one into doing what he/she may regret later on.

This is why it is good to think properly before acting. It is also advisable to manage one’s temperament. If you are a Christian, remember what the bible said on Ephesians 4:26 …in your anger do not sin, do not let the sun go down while you are still angry.

In every situation that may trigger anger and aggression, do not forget to take a deep breath and calm yourself. Learn to forgive and do not see your opponent as an enemy.

2. Errors in Communication: Many people in a relationship do not know that error in communication is one of the barriers in relationships. When you or if you have an issue with anybody, try to discuss and fix things with the person involved first.

We also know it is not a bad thing to share the problems you may have encountered with others to other people who never got involved. But there’s a limit to this as lack of effective communication may lead to some irresponsible damage to a surviving relationship.


3. Unethical Expectations: This is another barrier in relationships, but then, in a relationship, it is a two-way thing. If you for example, you expect your neighbor to like you or be a good person towards you, you have to do your own part first or reciprocate, if you expect someone to respect you, you have to respect the person as well whether old or young.

It is normal having expectations but the most important thing is up to how much you put in or the extent you are fulfilling some expectations.

4. Jealousy: Jealous attitude destroys relationships especially couples. It hurts and destroys the love that may exit. Therefore, it is good to learn and know how to overcome jealousy because it is a serious barrier in relationships.

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Mobbing as a barrier
Psychological violence

5. Mobbing: In workplace environment, we find bad interpersonal relationships, physical abuse, psychological abuse among married couples and other couples. All these situations seem harmful and everybody has a role tom play.

People need to understand their role and also learn how to prevent and overcome these circumstances, else consequences of staying or remaining in such harmful or toxic relationships may be psychologically devastating to emotional and mental health.

6. Competition: There’s also a post I made about competition (read here). When we find ourselves in groups that seem competitively dynamic, there may be stress, pain to the majority, deterioration of teamwork, and absence of ethics.


It is of utmost importance to explore some co-operative projects where methods or steps followed are likely to be debated, tasks fairly and effectively distributed and other positive targets rather than providing a headway for some devastating competition which is rather unhealthy.

7. Envy: Envy destroys personal happiness and social relations. It is a big barrier in relationships. This is because envy is one of the strongest emotions against one’s happiness and social relations.

It is important to tackle barriers in relationships. People who are envious must admit their problem and make sure that some corresponding steps or methods are bring followed in order to get rid of this problem. Envy carries devastating end results and not only in emotional perspectives but also in attitudes or behaviors that may destroy good relationships.

Another barrier in relationships 8. Affective Loneliness: Any one suffering from affective loneliness are prone to not having their social needs met even when they may be surrounded by people and still under the same roof. It is important to take some simple yet sometimes difficult steps to resolve this issue.

Therefore, it is recommended they learn such steps in order to obtain benefits from the positive influence of other’s company as stated by Julian Melgoza in his book, “Positive Mind”, a practical guide for any situation.

9. Multicultural and Multiracial Groups: To get more information or well detailed information about this barrier, read here. Issues of racism and xenophobia is widely discussed.

Individuals who experience or have had ugly experience regarding racism or xenophobia do not seem to show or express good health status after the experience. It is obvious that xenophobia is a huge barrier in relationships.


Therefore, it is imperative to understand and to put to practice integration and learn and know how to introduce love, peace and understanding.

This will favour a lot of people coming from different or diverse backgrounds and cultures. Here, it is xenophobia is serious barrier in relationships

10. Shyness: This is another barrier that shy people need to overcome (Read here). It brings dissatisfaction to the shy individuals. It also prevents them from establishing a desirable interactions and destroys other relationships.

Hatred as a barrier in relationships
Photo Credit: Adobe stock

11. Hatred: Effects and risks of hatred are grave and so negative that we need to do all it takes to remove it from our everyday live. To improve relationships, hatred is another challenge that needs to be dealt with. Read here

There are so many other factors that destroy healthy human relations.


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