Lychee Fruit Benefits

Lychee Fruit Benefits

Amazing Lychee Fruit Benefits

The ability to reduce inflammation and prevent infections is one of the lychee fruit benefits ever known. Aside the fact that lychee is one of the foods for infections, it is one of the symbols of the great nation of China.

Lychee fruit is regarded as a food for infections because it contains healthy vitamins and several antioxidants.

In China, this healthful and medicinal fruit has been cultivated in China for more than four thousand years. It is quite amazing that its pink, red or even green rind that encloses shiny, sweet tart pulp gives smells that are faintly of roses.

Other names:

Litchi, litchi nut, lychee, lychi

Spanish:     Litchi, mamoncillo chino

German:    Litschi

Litchi plant
fresh lichi on tree in lichi orchard

Lychee fruit (‘Litchi chinensis’ Sonn), is an evergreen tree in the botanical family of Sapindaceae. It reaches a height of 12 m.

It is native to Southern China and the cultivation of this medicinal fruit has spread across subtropical regions throughout the world especially in countries such as Brazil, Australia, South Africa and Florida in USA.

Properties Regarding Lychee Fruit Benefits 

This medicinal fruit has a significant proportion of carbohydrates in the form of sugars (15.2%). Its protein content are quite few (0.83%) and fats (0.44%).

In essence, they contain less water and other fresh fruits (81.85). This property makes well concentrated and energy producing (66 kcal/100 g).

Lychee fruit benefits are quite enormous especially when we know that it contains all vitamins except provitamin A and vitamin B12. However, the presence of vitamin C in lychee are quite noted (71.5 mg/100 g).


Lychee Composition

Per 100 grams of raw edible portion

Energy                  =                 66.0 kcal = 276 kj

Carbohydrates     =                 15.2 g

Protein                 =                 0.830 g

Fiber                     =                 1.30 g

Vitamin A            =                 ___

Vitamin B1           =                 0.011 mg

Vitamin B2           =                 0.065 mg

Niacin                   =                 0.720 mg NE

Vitamin B6           =                 0.100 mg

Folate                   =                 14.0 μg

Vitamin B12          =                 ___

Vitamin C            =                 71.5 mg

Vitamin E             =                 0.700 mg ∝-TE

Calcium                =                 5.00 mg

Phosphorus          =                 31.0 mg

Magnesium           =                 10.0 mg

Iron                      =                 0.310 mg

Potassium            =                 171 mg

Zinc                      =                 0.070 mg

Total Fat              =                 0.440 g

Saturated Fat       =                 0.099 g

Cholesterol           =                 ___

Sodium                 =                 1.00 mg

This is % Daily Value provided by 100 grams of lychee

Source: Encyclopedia of Foods and their healing power

Again, vitamin C in lychee is quite superior to lemons and oranges. As it is, one hundred grams of lychee make available more than the daily vitamin C requirement of an adult male which is 60 mg.

Percentage Composition

Fiber                     =       1.30%

Carbohydrates     =       15.2%

Fat                        =       0.440%

Protein                  =       0.830%

Water                   =       811.8%

Minerals               =       0.440%

Indications regarding Lychee fruit benefits

In India, according to encyclopedia of foods and their healing properties, a compilation by Dr. George P. Roger, it stated that investigators in Calcutta have discovered that the leaves of this medicinal fruit have anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effects.

However, the fruit of the lychee plant contains same active substances just as the leaves in somewhat in lower proportions.

Lychee Fruit Benefits
Lychee Fruit

Lychee fruit benefits are quite massive, because their analgesic and the fever-reducing effects as well as their vitamin C richness which helps to facilitate resistance, make lychee a recommendation especially in cases such as infectious diseases and as a complement for specific treatment.

As a matter of fact, consuming this fruit helps to stimulate the immune system and facilitate prevention of disease.


Health benefits of Lychee fruit

It is said that consuming more vegetables and fruits may help bring down one’s risk of developing ailments such as stroke, some types of cancer and cardiovascular disease. It also be used to control weight.

 Here are some health benefits

Eating lychee help play important functions in our body and this helps in removing toxins and studies have found that lychee fruit may help control disease of the liver.

Low blood sugar

Hypoglycin is a compound in lychee which helps to cause one’s blood sugar level to drop. And this results in low blood sugar or simply put hypoglycemia.

Abdominal Fat

Lychee skin and green tea preparation called Oligonol has shown to reduce abdominal fat, inflammation and fatigue after exercise.

Lychee has high vitamin E content which helps to bring healing on sunburn that causes irritation and pain

 Preparation and Use
  1. When dried, their nutrient concentration will be increased three times. But, they lose 20% to 50% of their vitamin C.
  2. Their fresh white pulp combines well with other fruits and even rice.
  3. Lychee store well frozen for up to a year and this aids their long range transport. However, they lose 10% to 15% of their vitamin C.
  4. They are made or prepared in syrup

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