Benefits of Pennyroyal



Benefits of pennyroyal are in its medicinal properties and this medicinal plant is regarded as a good friend of the digestive system. It is a plant for the stomach. Pennyroyal is a vivacious plant that belongs to the Labiatae family. In the leaves’ axils is where the flowers grow and its color are pink, lilac or white. Pennyroyal has the same aroma resemblance with those of peppermint and lemon rind.

It is worthy to note that the whole plant is used when making a medicine. The leaves and the oil produce great medicine for the health. History has it that both European pennyroyal and American pennyroyal have been used as a great source of interchangeably.

Health benefits of pennyroyal

Do not be surprised to hear someone say that he or she is going to take a cup of pennyroyal to help their digestion. This is because pennyroyal is a great friend of digestion. Pennyroyal also helps in clearing the head when one take or drinks alcohol. However, it is better not to have it to treat any symptoms but is wiser to avoid excesses than to heal the consequences.

In ancient times, there’s something about the pennyroyal.

The medicinal properties it has have been for thousands of years. Before the use of normal spray insecticides, pennyroyal spray had been in use as a spray to repel insects. This is the reason why the Latin name “Pulegium” which means flea. Ancient Greeks and Romans used the vapour collected from pennyroyal to kill fleas. According to gerdeningknowhow, it is a perennial herb.

One of the greatest physicians and a botanist called Dioscorides, a Greek, had said the plant has the power to heat, and to digest, and also to achieve loss of weight.

Other names are:

Pennyroyal leaf, Squaw Balm, Tickweed, Stinking Balm, American pennyroyal, European pennyroyal, Pulegium, Mosquito plant, Penny royal, Dictame de Virginie, Melissa pulegioides, Mentha pulegium, Pennyroyal oil, Pudding Grass.

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Pennyroyal Properties and Indications

The pennyroyal has significant amount of essential oil (0.5% – 1%). It contains methone and ketones.

As a Digestive Invigorator: The pennyroyal fosters or promotes processes of digestion thereby increasing the juices production (i.e. the production of pancreatic, gastric and intestinal juices). It removes gas when in excess and fights intestinal fermentation. When there’s headaches due to digestive disorders, the pennyroyal help relieve the headache. This is why I recommend the use of pennyroyal because it is good for the health.


To promote digestive processes, it is highly recommended.

I will now state some uses or benefits of the pennyroyal to the health. Pennyroyal is used to:-

  • Cause sweating (strength to heat)
  • Increase the production of urine
  • Fight weakness or as a stimulant
  • Treat stomach pains
  • Expel excess gas
  • Treat intestinal disorders, liver problems, gallbladder problems
  • Treat colds and pneumonia
  • Control spasms of the muscles

There are other uses that involve the following:

  • To kill germs by applying to the skin
  • Keeping insects away (as stated above, the spray is used to ward off insects)
  • To treat diseases of the skin
  • In foods, it is used for flavoring
  • Also as a fragrance for soaps, detergents and perfumes.
  • To repel flea from the fur of a dog or cat, use pennyroyal oil

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Here are more Indications of the Pennyroyal (BENEFITS)

  • The pennyroyal has an antitussive and expectorant properties. Therefore is used to -treat colds and whooping cough.
  • To alleviate parasites of the intestine (intestinal parasites). Drink a cup of pennyroyal every day for four to five days. Do this with empty stomach.
  • Very antiseptic: For mouth rinses, pyorrhea or bad breath and also to wash or clean skin wounds, use the pennyroyal infusion.
  • Use pennyroyal to expel moths, kill fur parasites.
pennyroyal essential oil

Preparation (For Internal Use only)

  1. Boil a litre of water, put 10 – 20g of the pennyroyal and allow steeping for few minutes. Add honey to sweeten it.
  2. For menstrual disorders or bronchial afflictions, every hour, drink a cup (when hot)


Using this medicinal plant in very high doses may be dangerous. In time with ulcer attack, do not use.


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