Natural Remedies for Cholesterol Control

How to manage high cholesterol

Amazing Natural Remedies for Cholesterol Control

It is important to know some natural remedies for cholesterol control so as to be on the safer side. When there’s high cholesterol it poses an invisible risk, since it has no direct symptoms.  Knowing these natural remedies for cholesterol control helps us to know how to eat healthily and also prevent future crisis regarding cholesterol and other related diseases.

As stated earlier, the symptoms are not direct and outward but seem to be like those of hypertension and atherosclerosis which are the following listed below.

  1. Pains in the legs and feet, possibly
  2. High blood pressure that produces chest pains of angina
  3. Heart attack
  4. Difficulty in breathing
  5. Headache
  6. Blurred vision
  7. Feeling of dizziness
  8. Rapid pulse
  9. Overweight, and ruddy complexion

Causes of high Cholesterol

Natural Remedies for cholesterol control
Natural Remedies for cholesterol control

Cholesterol is a fatty substance which seems like a wax, and found naturally in every body cells. It is used in building cell, making hormones and also aids in digestion of food. It is said that one’s liver can manufacture all one needs.

Cholesterol is found in animal foods such as dairy products, lard, hydrogenated oils. When in excess, it collects in fatty deposits through the inner linings of the arteries and this will slowly build up with clotted blood and scar tissue, forming fibrous plaque. When this takes place, atherosclerosis results.

To help you grab more of what cholesterol is all about, here are some facts.

Serum cholesterol is in the bloodstream and this is measured by the physician. It should be under 200. There are two types, which are HDL (high-density lipoprotein).

This one cleans the arteries and good for the body. When it is higher, it works better for the body. The second is called LDL (low-density lipoprotein). This one clogs the arteries and is quite harmful. It is better to be lower.

There are natural remedies for cholesterol control and also several methods to

lower the amount of LDL cholesterol in one’s body. This is because for every 1% drop in cholesterol, there is a 2% decrease in heart risk.

The ideal cholesterol range is 170 – 190 mg/dl. Below this range poses and increased death risk from other causes such as lungs disease, liver cancer and other types of strokes.

SEE ALSO: Best Cardio Exercises or Workouts

Some natural remedies for cholesterol control

First of all, the natural remedies for cholesterol control that will be listed below will come in form of tips. Then, others will be plants that help lower cholesterol and exercises, activated charcoal, sunlight etc.

  • Do not eat saturated fat because it raises blood cholesterol the most. It can be found in meat, butter, cheese and also hydrogenated oil.
  • Polyunsaturated fat helps lower blood cholesterol. Therefore, only make it a part in your meals. They are found in corn oil, flaxseed oil, wheat germ oil, soy oil.
  • Avoid cottonseed oil into your body
  • Eat small portion of meal because consuming large meal helps stimulate an enzyme production which facilitates the liver’s output of cholesterol.
  • Avoid fried foods and that is to say, stay away from fast-foods restaurants
  • Drink at least 8 glasses of water or juice on a daily because it needed to make fiber that absorbs cholesterol flowing through the body.

As a matter of fact, the best oils for the body or good for health is:

  1. Wheat germ oil
  2. Flaxseed oil

You may prepare your meal without oil or fat or grease. However, you need to add two spoonful of flaxseed oil or wheat germ oil to the food after dishing it out. Ensure the oil was not cooked.

It is also safe to use monosaturated oils because they also lower blood cholesterol. They are:

  1. Olive oil
  2. Nuts
  3. Avocados
  4. Peanut oil

Nuts are among the natural remedies for cholesterol control especially walnuts, soybeans and other certain beans are also good

To ensure you adopt a diet plan that helps natural remedies for cholesterol control:

  1. Do not eat fried food, meat, fatty food or vegetable loafs
  2. Do not eat processed foods or junk foods
  3. Do not eat regular peanut butter because the oil has been taken out and replaced by hydrogenated oils
  4. Do not eat corn chips, crackers and several other snacks

Eggs contain a lot of cholesterol, but the lecithin in egg yolk dissolves it. However, avoid fried eggs.

List of natural remedies for cholesterol control

Eat the following

  1. Fresh garlic
  2. Psyllium seed
  3. Fruits and beans
  4. Vegetables, whole grain, legumes and nuts
  5. Sesame seed, ginger, barley, spirulina and lemon grass oil
Natural Remedies for cholesterol control
Cholesterol plaque in artery with Human heart anatomy. 3d illustration

Fruits and beans have pectin, which takes out cholesterol out of the body after surrounding it. Carrots are also among the natural remedies for cholesterol control because they contain pectin.

Others include: broccoli, onions and cabbage.

We also need 6 grams of water soluble fiber every day and this type of fiber are found in fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grain and nuts. Others that helps lower cholesterol are:

  1. Corn
  2. Rice
  3. Oat bran

They also lower LDL cholesterol without altering helpful HDLs. Do not forget that insoluble fiber in wheat bran helps protect against colon cancer, but it does not lower cholesterol. Oat bran and oat meal are good.

Fresh garlic is one of the natural remedies for cholesterol control and also high blood pressure. However, not the cooked deodorized garlic. The essential oil in onion and garlic act as lowering serum cholesterol levels and facilitating fibrinolytic activity.

 cholesterol control
cholesterol control

As it is, taking 600 – 900 mg of garlic power capsules every day for 3 to 4 months will lower cholesterol levels by 14% – 20% and triglycerides by 18% – 24%.

Celery juice and Psyllium seed lower cholesterol and they play significant roles as some of the natural remedies for cholesterol control.

All plants contain phytosterols which reduce cholesterol. The most with this substance is sesame while others are:

  1. Okra
  2. Tomatoes, apricot, celery
  3. Squash
  4. Figs, strawberries, onions
  5. Sunflower seeds, lettuce, asparagus

I’ve written awesome articles regarding the medicinal benefits of the above mentioned plants. Click on their links to see detailed information.

Vitamins that contribute natural remedies for cholesterol control are:

  1. Vitamin C, E and niacin along with calcium. Vitamin C (1,000-4,000 mg) reduces the oxidation of LDL and prevents heart disease. Vitamin E is good too. Selenium, zinc and copper increase HDL and lower LDL

Others that are seen natural remedies for cholesterol control are:

  1. Exercise: vigorous exercise raises HDL and reduces LDL levels
  2. Avoid coffee, liquor or tobacco. This is because carbon monoxide damages artery walls.
  3. Avoid all kinds of drugs. Don’t do drugs
  4. Guggul is an Indian herbs which helps to lower cholesterol and therefore considered as one of the natural remedies for cholesterol control.
  5. Sunlight helps our body control cholesterol
  6. Activated charcoal will lower LDL levels powerfully and raises HDL.

Lastly, lecithin is quite food at emulsifying fats and cholesterol so they can be used by the body or flushed out.

It is recommended to take some every day because they act as one of the natural remedies for cholesterol control.

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