Blue Cornflower Benefits

Blue Cornflower benefits

Blue Cornflower Health Benefits

Blue cornflower benefits is not being exaggerated because it  is one of the medicinal plants that promotes the proper functioning of the eyes. This is because it supplies vitamin A and anthocyanin for vision. Cornflower has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects which is used for eye hygiene.

The medicinal virtues cornflower possess were discovered by Mattioli, a sixteenth century botanist who made the declaration that “The blue flowers of the cornflower alleviates reddened eyes”. Its healing virtues were due to the combination of opposed colours, blue vs red, in agreement with the theory of signs as claims by Mattioli.

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Photo credit: Eden Brothers

Different names of Blue Cornflower

Bachelor’s button, Bluebottle, Hurt sickle or Cyanic flower, Aciano, Audifoin,

Barbeau, Bleuet, Bluebow, Blue Cap

Botanical name: Centaurea Cyanus

Overview of Blue Cornflower

Blue cornflower is an herb. Both the flesh and dried flowers are used to make medicine. Many people resort to taking the cornflower tea so as to treat fever, constipation, chest congestion and water retention.

The flowers contain anthocyanins and polylines which foster the action of antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. People take it as a tonic, bitter and gallbladder or liver stimulant. Another blue cornflower benefits is that, the bitter substance acts as appetizer and it also helps to facilitate digestion.

When applied to the eye, it helps to fight against irritation or discomfort. In foods, cornflower provides colour especially for herbal teas just like Turmeric which offers yellow colour.

Preparation and Use

  1. For eyelids: When cornflower water is obtained by decoction (i.e. to extract by boiling it down), it is used in application on the eyelids due to its substantial anti-inflammatory effects.
  2. Eye irritation and itching: Carry out eye irrigation and baths with cornflower water to ease itching and eye irritation. Those who wash their eyes with cornflower water always have a limpid and glittering gaze like the flashes that comers from cornflower’s little blue flowers in golden wheat fields.


  1. Inflammation of the mucous membrane (conjunctivitis). Cleansing the eye with cornflower water as well as eye drop with help to alleviate eye secretion and also to make eye congestion disappear.

          This is when you need to adopt its external use. You’ll get the summary below

  1. Inflammation of the eyelids (Blepharitis) and some little furuncles that appear in the edge of the eyelids. In a situation like this, cornflower water application in compresses or in eye baths is recommended. This is quite an enormous blue cornflower benefits.
blue cornflower
Cornflower-tea: Photo credit: shutterstock

Summary of its Preparation and Use

To get the cornflower water: Boil it down (i.e. the fresh flowers). Decoct it in a proportion of 30g (2 tablespoons) per litre of water. Boil for five minutes. Apply on eyes when warm, in the following ways:-

  1. Eye bath: Make the cornflower water to fall from the temple to the nose. Wringing out a soaked cloth over the affected eye.
  2. Compresses: Twice or three times a day, soak a gauze and keep it for 15 minutes over the affected eye.
  3. Eye drop: Administer a few drops of the cornflower water into the eye, 3 times a day

Warning: Parts to use are the flowers

Sources: Healthy Plants by Dr. George,  


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