Foods That Slow Aging

How to slow aging


Foods that slowing is key to good living, and it is important to know or have it at the back of one’s mind that there’s no way to stop aging, rather we should only be concerned about foods that slow aging.

However, a kind of lifestyle, adopting healthful diet are capable of preventing some of its related degenerative diseases such as cancer, rheumatism, arteriosclerosis and other which might increase later on. Adopting the above mentioned lifestyle can help slow aging.

What causes aging?

There are two main determinants involved in the aging process which are:

  1. Free radicals: these are electrons releasing molecules which produce oxidation. They attack cells and also destroy their chemical structures. The resultant effects includes, premature aging, disease such cancer, and cell degeneration.

The body itself produces free radicals and this comes as a result of the metabolic processes which produce waste products. Organs such as the liver, kidney, and lungs might be able to eliminate these free radicals but their actions are somewhat insufficient.

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Foods that slow aging Another factor in free radicals are external contamination which include smoke from tobacco, drugs (generally), pesticides, medications, and external elements that act as free radicals. Their actions destroy the cells and foster aging process and even cause diseases.

  1. Biologically, age and death happen regardless of whatever lifestyle and healthful diet involved, but knowing the foods that slow aging is of utmost importance.


There’s absolutely nothing that can be done to bring back the hand of times or the biological clock found in every cell. However, there are a least three effective methods or ways to fight the above mentioned free radicals which bring about premature aging and disease. This was we can slow aging.

  1. The body’s detoxifying processes needs to be promoted. This is because free radicals produced when metabolic activities were ongoing are eliminated through the body’s depurative and detoxifying processes. And to help the body achieve more in the cleansing function we can:

–        Increase the production of urine. This is done by drinking enough water, eat fruits and vegetables. The fruits and vegetables should be mainly those that are diuretic.

–        Breath correctly

–        Try and avoid constipation

–        Perspire occasionally

–        Help the liver to work actively in its detoxifying processes by eating fruits and vegetables so as to increase bile production.

  1. We should avoid contamination of drug and chemical to every extent possible. Use of foods grown organically will contribute a lot. We should try and abstain from tobacco and other related drugs.
  2. Eat antioxidants: Plant-based foods provide us with abundance of antioxidant substances which help neutralize the action of oxidation of the free radicals. With this we they protect against cancer, premature aging and degenerative diseases.
anti aging image by stylecraze

According to, in order to slow aging, it has to start with the kind of food we eat.

There are some little things that enable us to know that we’re getting older such as the lines that run around our eyes, losing flexibility and the looks on the skin and heels. Probably the stiff neck or the knee that seems sore.

It is therefore highly recommended that we fight the aging process or slow it down starting from the inside instead of outside.

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The outside methods involves the use of anti-aging cosmetics and expensive anti-aging wrinkles cosmetic products. Why it is good to choose the inside method is because it’s cheap and natural, and it has to do with plant-based foods. In essence, plant-based foods are the foods that slow aging.

There is a study that found consuming about 6 portions of vegetables and fruits on a daily is capable of adding three to four years to one’s life. Another study stated that we eat in this present generation has a lot to do with our physical age say at 40s to 50s.

Foods that can help slow aging

When the joint feels stiff:

Aging One of the earliest symptoms or signs of arthritis comes with stiffness and pain which we may experience in our finger joints, hips, wrists, etc.

This sort of condition or inflammation interferes with our daily activities which includes, driving, running, cooking, walking and other chores.

Pain in our knees can be caused by being overweight, which puts extra stress on our joints. Keeping active is necessary as it helps us put some organs and cells alive and functioning.

Fight back: Oily fish

Some of the advantages of oily fish is that the Omega-3 fats in some fish such as salmon, sardines, tuna etc help fight against inflammation in the joint region. Therefore, it is recommended to include them in your diet at least 2 times in a week. Also, if arthritis is within, you can consider adding the supplements with the above mentioned food.

Strong Bones

To avoid and prevent osteoporosis and fractures, strong bones are actually necessary. Bones density start decreasing from mid-thirties to forty and this is usually frequent in women.

When the body is not getting much calcium from foods such as yogurt, milk etc, it will definitely get them from the bones and the resultant effect is that it makes the bones weak thereby putting it at risk of fractures.

Therefore, it is necessary to eat foods that serve low or minimized fat milk every day. It is not advisable to avoid dairy foods or choose them over foods such as coconut milk or almond milk. These sorts of food are not quite rich in calcium

Furthermore, the main focus here is on foods that are rich in calcium when aiming for strong bones. The foods to consider include




Foods against premature aging

  1. Citrus fruits. They provide beta-carotene, vitamin C, flavonoids and effective antioxidants which help take care of the cells.
  2. Artichokes. It fosters the processes of liver detoxification.
  3. Celery: celery cleanses the blood. I made a well detailed post on celery. Read here
  4. Onion
  5. Garlic: It provides selenium, a trace element which helps to protect against cancer and arteriosclerosis.
  6. Strawberries: One of the most powerful antioxidant fruits.
  7. Almonds: They are good source of vitamin E, antioxidants which fight against arteriosclerosis and cancer.

For the antioxidants you need, consume more of fruits, oil bearing nuts and vegetables. This is because they provide provitamin A, vitamin C, and E.

And this makes them to be able to neutralize the oxidizing effects of free radicals which are produced during the body’s activity and other external elements that seem very contaminating. In this way, they help halt the process of cellular aging.

Studies have shown that plant based diet add years to life. Therefore, plant based foods improves the life of the elderly and also reduce risk of cancer, heart attack and stroke among others.

With this, we now know foods that slow aging.


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