Cypress Benefits

Cypress Benefits

Health Benefits of Cypress

One of the most important cypress benefits is to invigorate blood circulation and also the urinary bladder. As one of the plants for the veins, it’s a sign of health and life for those suffering from circulatory and respiratory diseases.

Almost, it seems a sinister tree as it points to the sky with the crown and with its elongated shadow pointing to the tombs which seems to remind humans about death, awaiting. Cypress tree belongs to the Cupressaceae family and quite evergreen. It grows up 20 to 30 m high.

The fruit is called cypress but which is polyhedral and having greyish green colors. The part of the part used for medicinal purposes are the wood and the nuts (green fruits).

Cone of cypress

However, in ancient times precisely in Greece, sick persons were sent to the cypress forest so as to get cypress benefits by inhaling their balsamic essences. It is noteworthy that Hippocrates and Galen also recommended cypress as an effective medicinal plant. For over 2000 years, it has been used as a healing plant successfully.

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Properties of Cypress and Beneficial Indications

There is about 0.2 to 1.3% of cypress essence gotten from its wood and the young branches composed of various hydrocarbons, aromatic substances as well as tannin. Cypress tree has the following properties.


This means that it contracts the blood vessels and for the cypress benefits, it is recommended especially during the menopause so as to stop frequent metrorrhagias caused by womb congestion (uterus). This is also related to the hormonal imbalance especially this stage of women’s lives.


Cypress benefits include its astringent properties due to the tannin it holds. In cases of diarrhea and colitis, it is used.

Diuretic, sudorific and febrifuge

One of the cypress benefits is that it also relieves fever and quite useful in colds, bronchial catarrh, influenza and bronchitis.

Powerful venotonic

It has the same action as that of witch hazel which is quite intense and known as one of the active plants for circulation of blood. Cypress benefits are seen in its fight against varicose ulceration, varicose veins, and also hemorrhoids. The application includes both external and internal means of application.

Cypress essence has balsamic expectorant and antitussive properties.

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Cypress helps in treating fungal infections

Foot bath is another known application of cypress and in applying it, many organic compounds that are quite beneficial are released into the water and this significantly boosts the health of your feet.

According to, Cypress can also help stop your feet from sweating which is responsible for fungal infection such as Athlete’s foot.    

Preparation and Use for Cypress Benefits 

Internal Use

  1. Essence: In a day, take from 3 to 4 drops.
  2. Decoction with about 20 to 30 grams of cypress nuts (ground nuts) or you take the same amount of wood. In a liter of water, boil for ten (10) minutes, then strain. Before each meal drink one cup. This can be done three (3) or four (4) times every day.

External Use

  1. Inhalation: Individuals suffering from bronchial catarrh will maximize cypress benefits when they inhale it. This is done by introducing some cypress nuts or by adding some drops of cypress essence to the water.
  2. Sitz bath: This is done with higher concentration of cypress nuts in order to treat hemorrhoids. Remember that the same decoction use in internal use above is employed but with higher concentration. 50 grams of can be used per liter.
Cypress Benefits
Cypress essential oil

Have baths at least two times a day with cold water. This method reduces hemorrhoids size and also helps in easing the pain they cause.

3. Compresses especially on the legs with the same decoction used above (internal use).

It is said that sitz bats helps to alleviate prostatic syndrome especially with decoction of green nuts. It also alleviates cystitis or urine incontinence.

More of cypress benefits are acquired by drinking the decoction for some days. The essence can be consumed too.

Again, as a result of their action of invigoration on the venous blood circulation, sitz baths are quite good and should be recommended for those suffering from hemorrhoids.

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Some individuals are quite allergic to cypress pollen especially when they inhale it. Therefore, it may cause kidney irritation. The normal dose of cypress depends on certain factors such as age, health and other health statuses.

As it is, there seem to be no enough scientific backing or information to know the appropriate doses for cypress. Therefore, before embarking on its application, consult your physician or a pharmacist and other healthcare professionals for guidelines.


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