Vertigo Treatment at Home

Helpful Vertigo Treatment at Home

 If you are at home and you are experiencing this ailment, here’s some vertigo treatment that can help remedy the situation or condition.

 In essence, there are some home remedies that can help in treating it.

 Vertigo is a kind of feeling of dizziness that happens without any movement accompanying it.  This could be caused by your senses telling your brain that your body is not balanced or that your body is off balance.

Vertigo Treatment at Home
image depicting vertigo

Vigour is of different types and some will only occur once while some will occur until the underlying condition is determined or known.  The most common type of this condition is called benign positional paroxysmal vertigo (BPPV).

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Symptoms and Causes of Vertigo

 Let’s take a look at some of the symptoms and causal factors of vertigo before getting to know the basic treatment at home.

The symptoms include:

  1. Faintness
  2. Dizziness
  3. Feeling of falling or sinking
  4. Feeling of movement or that a room is moving around or spinning
  5. Light headedness
  6. Ringing in the ear
  7. Vomiting
  8. Nausea
  9. Loss of hearing
  10. Headache
  11. Perspiration

Causes of Vertigo

 These include:

 As a result of inner ear disorder

 Impaired sense of balance and equilibrium

The following are some other causes

  1. Brain tumour
  2. Anaemia
  3. Low or high blood pressure
  4. Lack of oxygen or glucose in the blood
  5. Psychological stress
  6. Nutritional deficiencies
  7. Fever
  8. Viral infections
  9. Use of some certain drugs
  10. Changes in atmospheric pressure
  11. Excess wax in the ear
  12. Blockage of the ear canal
  13. Middle ear infection

Another curse of physical maybe vitamin B6 and niacin deficiency

Other experiences can be certain activities at a Park such as amusement park ride or virtual reality game or even sailing as well.

It is worthy to note that dizziness can be a warning sign of a common stroke or heart attack.  It can also indicate that brain damage has just occurred.

Vertigo Treatment at Home
Vertigo image

We have to understand that vertigo and dizziness are not the same.  Once in a while or from time to time anybody can experience fainting or dizziness.

 This often occurs in people who suffered low blood pressure, especially when they stand up suddenly.

However, regarding vertigo treatment at home, we have to understand that chronic fatigue can be as a result of high blood pressure or atherosclerosis and recurring maybe frequent.

Effective Vertigo Treatment at Home

 These are effective natural remedies and they include

  1. One should sit in a chair, your feet should be flat on the floor. Then fix your gaze or stare at a fixed object for some minutes.
  2. Once vertigo occurs, stop or restrict your head movement and still keep your eyes fixed at an object that is stationary which should be at a distance.
  3. You may lie down on this side of your ear that’s unaffected against the floor and look towards the direction of the affected ear.
  4. However, if the cause has to do with inner ear disorder, then, the condition needs to be treated.
  5. If the underlying condition is low blood pressure related, then lower your head as so as to allow blood get up there.
  6. Dwell on that include B complex such as Niacin, B6 (200 mg), B1 (200 mg), pantothenic acid (50 mg), vitamin C (1,000 mg), vitamin E (400 IU) and lecithin (1 teaspoon).
  7. Do not take over 2000 mg of total sodium on a daily. This is because too much sodium disrupt the inner ear operation.

 Avoid the following

  1. Caffeine
  2. Alcohol
  3. Fried foods
  4. Nicotine

 These and more are some natural remedies or vertigo treatment at home. The problem may come as a result of low blood sugar. To obtain effective solution, increase intake of fibre and reduce the intake of simple carbohydrates (white flour and white sugar).

There is an article I made on how to increase fibre intake do well to visit the page by following the link.

To overcome brief dizziness, take a glass of orange juice.  However, do not try to intensify the condition by eating candies or refined carbohydrates.

To eliminate repeated dizziness, dwell on a calorie reduced diet that is low in fat and sugar.  Sometimes, the problem is caused by low protein diet.

Another simple vertigo treatment at home can be a way of withdrawing from a new drug which is believed to have manifested the condition.

In essence, if vertigo starts after taking a new drug, avoid the use of the said drug.

 Helpful Herbs to treat Vertigo

 The following are some of the recommended herbs for vertigo treatment at home. They include:

  1. Ginkgo
  2. Ginger
  3. Celery seed
  4. Catnip
  5. Black cohosh
  6. Garlic
  7. Licorice

Ginkgo is used in Europe to treat Vertigo.  The recommended dose is 60-240 mg daily. In a French study conducted, it showed that people with chronic vertigo showed amazing 47% improvement.

For centuries, sailors on the open sea used ginger for sea sickness. They chewed ginger to treat the condition.  U.S. Navy conducted a research which showed that it reduced dizziness by 38% according to natural remedies encyclopaedia.

The recommended doses include two capsules 30 minutes before departure and another two capsules immediately the symptoms begin. One gram of ginger relieves vertical.

 Also, the Chinese use celery seeds as vertigo treatment at home.  Another herb used as vertical treatment at home is Licorice.

This is used on those with low blood pressure, catnip tea is also recommended for vertigo.

Lastly, black cohosh or garlic help lower blood pressure.  They are also used as vertigo treatment at home.

Seek medical care

One should see a doctor immediately you…

  • Develop a fever
  • Have vision problems
  • Have difficulty speaking or loss of hearing
  • Fall or unable to walk
  • Have headache
  • Feel weakness in your leg or arm.

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