Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment at Home

Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment at Home

Here’s Rheumatoid Arthritis treatment at home

I started this article when I discovered that rheumatoid arthritis treatment at home seems to help remedy the situation even more.

It is noteworthy that in the first year, after the disorder appears, 75% will improve without any sort of treatment at all and this shows that natural treatment should do more to remedy the condition.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment at Home
Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment at Home

I made a detailed post regarding worst foods for rheumatoid arthritis, it is imperative you see this post as it will help prevent any crisis regarding rheumatism, acute articular rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis.

Symptoms and causes of Rheumatoid Arthritis

It is important to take note of these symptoms so as to recognize this disorder and ensure it is remedied as soon as possible.

The following are the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis:

  1. Stiffness
  2. Weight loss
  3. Numbness, tingling of the hand and feet may follow afterwards
  4. Swelling
  5. Vague pain
  6. Redness
  7. Crippling pain in joints
  8. Fatigue, fever and anemia

When the joints become affected, the sound seems crinkling cellophane and when an individual is suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, upon awakening in the morning, there may be joint stiffness that may last up to one hour or even longer. Swelling will appear in specific fingers, writs joints and the condition may worsen overtime.


Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory arthritis, an autoimmune disorder. This portrays that so many acids, purines have collected in the joint region and the supply of calcium has be somewhat low for a long period of time. When this occurs, the body gets confused and begins attacking the synovial membranes in the joints.

Natural Remedies or Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment at home

We’ll start with nutrition, since poor nutrition is one of the causes of this disorder. Bacterial infection, emotional and physical stress seem to be the active agents which initiate the first stage.


It is said that fasting brings about temporary relief to this disease. However, symptoms such as pain, stiffness, and swelling tend to be back a few days the fast must have ended. Therefore, it is recommended that you follow a longer vegetable broth and vegetable juice fast of two or more weeks because this offers more lasting effects.

Remember also that individuals suffering from RA have been found to have lower blood levels of protein, folic acid and zinc than ordinary people.

Every day take magnesium, calcium, selenium, copper, vitamin B6, bromelain and histidine.


Alfalfa Salad
Alfalfa Salad

Bromelain eliminates swelling and inflammation in the soft tissues and joints that have been affected by rheumatoid arthritis. And again, the following are some of the beneficial vegetables:

  1. Parsley
  2. Alfalfa
  3. Wheat grass
  4. Comfrey and endive
  5. Garlic

The most healthful fruits include:

  1. Pineapples
  2. Sour apples
  3. Sour cherries
  4. Bananas

Other rheumatoid arthritis treatment at home include:

  1. Keeping the hands warm especially at night. Do not forget to keep your arms and legs under cover at night. Use stretch nylon gloves, worn at night.
  2. Reduce the strain on your joints or better still, lose weight
  3. Ensure alternating cold and hot baths because it helps. You can give 6 minutes for the hot bath while that of cold should be 4 minutes. This is targeted at increasing the flow of blood to the affected areas.
  4. Use aloe vera gel, apply on the area to help ease the pain
  5. Deep breathing exercises should be done outside because it helps those who are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.

Avoid These

In order to get helpful results regarding rheumatoid arthritis at home, it is important that you avoid the following:

  1. Food allergies: It may be part of the causes of this disorder. Researches have it that 86% of a group of rheumatoid arthritis patients could trace the onset of their ailment to allergies. In essence, most common of these foods were soy products, sugar foods, coffee, milk, eggs. It is important to avoid these foods.
  2. Stop and do not take iron supplements such as sulfate, ferrous as they are the common supplements for those suffering from anemia. It will only intensify this disorder.
  3. Studies have shown that people who use large quantities of oats, rye and wheat tend to have high rates of rheumatoid arthritis.

Helpful Herbs used in Rheumatoid Arthritis treatment at home include:

  1. Chaparral
  2. Peppermint
  3. Parsley
  4. Slippery elm
  5. Alfalfa
  6. Burdock root
  7. Ragwort
  8. Cayenne
Health Benefits of Peppermint
Peppermint Tea

To promote circulation, mix 2 parts ginger root, 1 part cayenne and ½ part lobella. Make a paste and apply as a poultice. This method is often used in treating rheumatism and it is also good for rheumatoid arthritis treatment at home.

Again, when conducting rheumatoid arthritis treatment at home, you may also use eucalyptus oil. Mix the oil with water and rub on the affected region. Wrap the joint in plastic wrap, then apply heat that is moist using hot towels.


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