Benefits of Eating Mango

Benefits of eating mango

Healthful benefits of eating mango

Did you know that some of the benefits of eating mango includes fighting hypertension, diabetes and skin conditions?

 As one of the fruits for this skin, mango nourishes the skin and protects the arteries.

For its aroma, mango is a masterwork of nature. Its delicate flavour, It’s dietary and with enormous therapeutic properties.

Other names: Man-gay, Mangga, man-kay

French: Mangue

Spanish: Mango

German: Mango

Benefits of eating mango
a lot of mango fruits on the mango tree in Taiwan.

The mango fruit (‘Mangifera indica’ L.) is an evergreen tree that belongs to the botanical family Anacardiaceae.

It grows to a height of 25 m. Its fruit is ovoid having a thin orange, yellow or greenish skin.

This fruit is native to Southeast Asia, and India. However, it is cultivated in tropical regions of Africa, Asia and America.

The Portuguese introduced this fruit to Brazil in 16th century. The major producing countries remain Brazil and Mexico.

Properties of Mango fruit

The pulp of the Mango fruit is made up of 81% water which is less than the plum (85.2%) or the peach (87.7%).

It’s carbohydrate content per 100 grams is 15.2% and most the edible portions consists of sugars (fructose, glucose and saccharose).

There’s a significant amounts of starch found in an unripe Mango but readily converts to sugar once the fruit starts ripening.

The proteins and fat content is quite low (0.15% and 0.27% respectively).

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The nutrients that make up the amazing benefits of eating mango are:

Provitamin A

For every 100 grams of edible portion of mango, it contains 389 μg RE which represents 1,295 IU of vitamin A. It noteworthy that daily requirement of vitamin A is 1,000 μg RE, 300-g mango supplies.

It is one of the fresh fruits with enormous vitamin A content followed by cantaloupe (322 μg RE per 100 g).

One of the benefits of eating mango is that sixteen types of carotenoid are found in mango which are responsible for its vitamin A action. Beta-carotene is of one the most abundant.

These carotenoid are vegetable pigments that convert to vitamin A within the body.

In essence, vitamin A is quite essential to the maintenance of epithelial tissues such as the skin and mucosa which lies the internal system of the body.

In terms of the benefits of eating mango, the carotenoids found in mango are powerful and potent antioxidants that neutralize oxidising free radicals which are molecules responsible for cellular aging.

Vitamin C

Mango fruit is one of the good sources of vitamin C. It contains 27.7 mg per 100 grams

Vitamin E

We obtain 33% of the daily requirement for this vitamin for an adult male from a 300 grams of this fruit. In essence, it is one of the fresh fruits with amazing vitamin contents.

Mango contains vitamins B1, B2, B6 and Niacin. Its mineral contents are potassium, iron, and magnesium among others.

There are also no nutritive components found in mango such as soluble fiber (pectin), organic acids and tannins.

Mango Composition

Per 100 grams of edible portion

Energy                =       65.0 kcal = 273 kj

Fiber                    =       1.80 g

Carbohydrates   =       15.2 g

Vitamin A             =       389 μg RE

Vitamin B1           =       0.058 mg

Vitamin B2           =       0.057 mg

Niacin                  =       0.717 mg NE

Vitamin B6         =       0.134 mg

Folate                  =       14.0 μg

Vitamin B12         =       ___

Vitamin C             =       27.7 mg

Vitamin E             =       1.12 mg ∝-TE

Calcium               =       10.0 mg

Phosphorus        =       11.0 mg

Magnesium         =       9.00 mg

Iron                       =       0.130 mg

Potassium            =       156 mg

Zinc                      =       0.040 mg

Total Fat              =       0.270 g

Saturated Fat     =       0.066 g

Cholesterol         =       __

Sodium                =       2.00 mg

% Daily Value provided by 100 grams of mango fruit.

Percentage of Composition

Fiber                      =       1.80%

Minerals               =       0.500%

Fat                        =       0.510%

Water                   =       81.7%

Carbohydrates   =       15.2%

Protein                 =       0.510%

Amazing Benefits of Eating Mango

The following are the primary therapeutic effect or applications of mango. They include:

  1. Skin conditions
  2. Arteriosclerosis
  3. Diabetes
  4. Hypertension
  5. Retinal conditions

Skin Conditions

One of the benefits of eating mango is to keep the skin healthy. There are proves that vitamin A deficiency brings about skin dryness and scaling.  With mango, there will be proper skin hydration and tone.


Benefits of eating mango
Mango fruits

Three of the most powerful antioxidants are found in mango. They are: vitamins  A, C and E. Each of these performs excellently well, however, their combination is much more appropriate to obtain desired results.

In essence, benefits of eating mango here, entails that there will be prevention of oxidation of the cholesterol bearing lipoprotein which circulate in the bloodstream.

For individuals suffering from poor circulation of the blood, eating mango will be of great benefits so as to prevent heart attack or angina.


There is circulation complications associated with diabetes. However, diabetics can benefit from eating this fruit because it results on the arteries are healthful as it prevents the circulation complications linked with diabetes.


Eating mango will help increase urine production because they are diuretic. This is because of its potassium content and low sodium. This makes them highly recommended for individuals suffering from high blood pressure.

Retinal Condition

Vitamin A is good for vision and the good thing here is that the presence of vitamins A and C help potentiate the action of vitamin A.

Where there is vision loss due retinal conditions such as night blindness, thrombosis in the central retinal artery or optic nerve atropy, consumption of mango is highly recommended.


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