Cold Sores on Gums

Cold sores on gums

About Cold Sores on Gums

Cold sores on gums that keep coming back (recur) will be shorter and less severe than the first infection. They may be seen as fever blisters, canker sores, and herpes simplex type I. Most people with recurrent cold sores have at least two outbreaks (episodes) per year.

A small number of people may have six or more outbreaks per year. Oral infections can be more serious and last two to three weeks.

Symptoms of cold sores

You may not have any symptoms when you are first infected with the virus (primary infection). Outbreaks of cold sores can occur some time later and come back (recurrent infection). If the initial infection causes symptoms, they can be quite serious.

Symptoms typically are thin-walled inflamed pimples which have a tendency to recur in the same area, which oftentimes at the borders of the mouth, but sometimes on the gums or conjunctiva.

It is worthy to note that it most occurs at, or close to, where the skin and mucous membrane meet. At first, it comes a local bump which seems quite tender, then this small bump changes into a blister, and its tenderness may increase.

One thing about cold sores on gums is that, nearby lymph nodes may become swollen. After about 48 hours, the blisters crust over. However, pus may ooze, thereby making eating somewhat difficult.

Cold sores on gums appear 3 to 10 days after exposure and may last up to 3 weeks, but in general only 7 to 10 days.

Primary herpes simplex virus infection

In Children 

Initial symptoms of infection are more likely to develop in children under the age of five. Symptoms include:

  • Swollen
  • Irritated gums with small painful sores in and around the mouth – this is called herpes simplex
  • Sore throat and swollen lymph nodes produce more saliva than usual
  • high temperature (fever) of 38 C (100.4 F) or higher dehydration
  • feeling sick (nausea)
  • Headache
    Herpes simplex gingivitis usually affects young children, but adults can also get It can last from 10 to 14 days, with ulcers taking up to three weeks to heal. Gingivitis generally does not reappear after the first infection.

In an adult
Primary herpes simplex virus is rare in adults. But the symptoms are similar to those experienced by children.
Symptoms include:
– you will usually have a sore throat with or without swollen lymph nodes

  • You may also have bad breath (halitosis) and soreness in and around your mouth – these can develop into sores with a gray or yellow center
    If you develop the herpes simplex virus as a child, it can be reactivated later in It can cause recurrent episodes of sores.

Stages of cold symptoms
A cold sore develops in stages as it recurs.
–        A tingling, itching, or burning sensation around the mouth is often a sign of the onset of a flare-up.

  • Painful, fluid-filled sores appear, usually around the gum
    The sores break open and release fluid.
  • A yellow crust forms over the gum.
  • The scab peels off to reveal pink skin, which heals in 3 – 4 days.
    Without treatment, most cold sores go away within 1 to 2 weeks and leave no scars.

Causes of Cold Sores

Cold sores on gums
Cold sores on gums

Cold sores are infectious disease caused by herpes simplex (herpes simplex virus 1, Herpes virus hminis).

It is caused by a life-long virus which you get by kissing or drinking out of someone’s glass, etc.

However, there are other immediate causes as well. As it is, some individuals never have cold sores and others frequently have them.

Stress is a one of the significant causes of cold sores. On the other hand, eating too much sugar is another one on cold sores on gums or any other areas.

Again, excess ultraviolet light or acid foods cause them in some people. In some women, the onset of menstruation can be a cause.

Another one on the causes of cold sores is alcohol and poor diet. However, some cold sores on gums tend to take place with a fever, infection or a cold, after exposure to the sun and wind, or when the immune system is somewhat depressed.

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Additionally, if cold sores occur frequently, it could be a problem of low-thyroid function. It also be seen as canker sores, however, they are quite different in some ways. They form blisters while canker sores do not.

Cold sores can be formed anywhere on the body, especially on the mouth area of on the genitals. We cannot say for sure regarding the bacterial or viral origin of canker sores.

People with relapses can be managed at home by recognizing the signs and using medication.
However, see a health care professional if:
–        Symptoms are serious. Cold sores do not begin to heal within 10 days. Gums swell. People with weakened immune systems. Other symptoms are cause for concern.

A doctor can usually diagnose the problem by looking at symptoms and a visual exam but in some cases, such as if the person has a weakened immune system, they may also order blood tests. Or take a sample of body fluids, a plague to test it.

Some factors that can weaken the immune system include HIV, medications after an organ transplant, certain types of cancer, and some cancer treatments.

The treatment
Most herpes outbreaks go away within 1 to 2 weeks without treatment.
However, some prescription or over-the-counter medications can shorten flare-ups and reduce discomfort or pain, even though they don’t clear the virus from the body.

In most cases, it’s best to start treatments at the first signs of a flare-up.

Anti-viral cream
Over-the-counter antiviral creams can shorten the duration of an outbreak. Most creams, such as Zovirax and Soothelip, contain acyclovir or penciclovir.
A person should apply the cream to the affected area every 2-3 hours for 5 days.

Oral antiviral drugs
Here are some examples of antiviral medications a person might take:

  • valacyclovir (Valtrex)
  • acyclovir (Zovirax)
  • famciclovir (Famvir)

A doctor may prescribe one of these drugs if a person has a weak immune system or has frequent flare-ups.
One person takes it once or twice a day.
These drugs can shorten the duration off lare-ups and prevent them from recurring.

Pain relief
Over-the-counter options contain pain relievers such as benzocaine or lidocaine. They do not speed up the healing process but can reduce discomfort.

Some pain relievers for cold sores include:

  • Orajel
  • Blistex
  • Cymex
  • Anbesol

People should dab these ointments, creams or gels on the wound with a cotton swab, and it is important not to share these products.
If a person applies medication with their fingers, they should wash their hands first and then afterwards.
Some alternatives include medications such as ibuprofen (Advil) or acetaminophen (Tylenol).

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Home Remedies
Some people find that the following home care techniques reduce symptoms of cold sores:
–        Apply cold water soaked tea bags to the skin every hour dab the area with geranium, lavender or diluted tea tree oil, use lubricating oil to keep the skin moist and prevent chapping.

  • Eat plenty of raw vegetables. Strengthen the immune system with a nutritious diet.
  • Apply ice for 15 – 20 minutes at the first sign of tingling. If possible, repeat it frequently.
  • Apply vitamin E between applications. Get enough vitamin A (50,000 IU for a few days) and B complex. Zinc is quite important. Dissolve in mouth every 3 hours for 2 days or take 20 – 30 mg daily. Daily take 2,000-3,000 mg of the amino acid lysine till the cold sore is gone. This is because it is a effective virus blocker.
  • Protect your lips from sunburn and wind. Exercise, plus adequate rest, bolsters the immune system, so it an better resist cold sores. Drink lots of water
  • Also, helpful are echinacea, goldenseal, red clover, astragalus and pau d’arco. Along with black walnut tincture, they boost your immune system and kill viruses.
  • Lemon balm (or ice) soothes the pain. Lemon balm contains polyphenols and reduces outbreaks.
  • Avoid high-arginine foods (Peanuts, chocolate, nuts, seeds, fish and meats).
  • Leaving cold sores on gums alone is very much better, if it is not bothering you.

There is no scientific evidence that these remedies work or are safe.


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