Foods that trigger Gastritis


Bad Foods or Foods that trigger Gastritis

The foods that trigger gastritis are the foods which should be eliminated or reduced in cases of gastritis so as to avoid further crisis. The fact remains that majority of these foods are not plant-based foods and seem aggressive to the stomach.

Dietetic treatment regarding gastritis requires a diet that is soft and somewhat bland which will not irritate the stomach. In essence, it is important to avoid these foods which seem to irritate the gastric mucosa. Check out Verywellhealth and learn to  prepare some foods that are healthful.

What is Gastritis?

Gastritis is seen as an inflammation of the gastric mucosa which may be caused by dietary habits that are quite inappropriate or by some aggressive substances to the stomach. Some of which may include:

  1. Excessively hot foods or drinks. E.g ice cream or beer
  2. Alcoholic beverages and even coffee
  3. Tobacco: Smoking causes the release of tars and nicotine which gets dissolved in the saliva and transit to the stomach where they normally cause gastritis.
Foods that trigger gastritis

In order to stop or arrest this condition, it is important to know the foods that trigger gastritis.

As a matter of fact, antacid doesn’t play an everlasting role because as long as it has to do with gastritis, a little effect is seen but healthful lifestyle and a good dietary habits are major ways to fight against gastritis.

Causes of Gastritis

Lifestyle and dietary habits are the main cause of gastritis. They include:

  1. Consuming spicy foods
  2. Smoking
  3. Too much alcohol intake
  4. Aspirin.

The following are the diseases that may be responsible for gastritis

  1. Pernicious anemia (when the stomach cannot digest vitamin B12)
  2. Chronic bile
  3. Autoimmune Disorders

Some symptoms include

  1. Bloating and belching
  2. Loss of appetite
  3. Pain in the abdomen
  4. Constant pain at the navel or at the lower rib
  5. Nausea and Vomiting

List of foods that trigger gastritis

The following are the nutrients and foods that trigger gastritis and in order to live healthy, we should reduce the intake of these foods or better still eliminate them from the dietary plan. They are:

  1. Beer
  2. Coffee
  3. Alcoholic Beverages
  4. Soft Drink
  5. Hot Spices
  6. Shellfish
  7. Meat
  8. Ice cream
  9. Citrus fruits
  10. Sugars


Because of the presence of its carbonic acids and the alcoholic content and even the fact that it is usually taken very cold, beer is quite aggressive to the stomach.

In order to obtain total healing of gastritis, it is recommended to abstain from its consumption. Regarding stomach inflammation, even nonalcoholic beer is quite harmful.

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Intake of coffee triggers the production of stomach acid and promotes gastritis. Caffeine is not only the effect but the components which formed the essence. Even the decaffeinated coffee is seen as harmful to the gastric mucosa but not as high as the former.

Alcoholic Beverages

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Alcoholic Beverages

Gastric mucosa feels irritated by alcoholic beverages and this brings about increase in the production of gastric juice production. The effect of this improves digestion briefly but causes stomach inflammation afterwards.

The consequences of consuming alcoholic beverages or wine will cause permanent inflammation of this vital organ called chronic gastritis.

Soft Drink

Soft drinks are packed with chemical additives, sugars and gas (carbonic acid) and all these substances get the gastric mucosa irritated.

Hot Spices

As found in the foods that trigger gastritis, it is known that hot spices increase gastric juice flow but the resultant effect is somewhat damaging because it causes physical damage to the gastric mucosa. This effect is just like the one produced by aspirin.

Taking white or black pepper brings about removal of the mucosa cells and micro hemorrhages in the stomach. Therefore, when there is presence of hot spices in foods which come in excess, we consider such foods as harmful because it is one of the foods that trigger gastritis. It also hinders the healing process.


Shellfish Disease
assorted seafood

I made a post about shellfish, you may find out more about shellfish here. As a matter of, eating shellfish contributes to inflammation in the digestive mucosa because of the high concentration of toxins they harbor and also how difficult it is to get them digested.



meat as a food to avoid with rheumatoid arthritis
Red Meat

Nitrogenated non-proteic substances found in meat belongs to a chemical group called purines and it is these substances that give meat its flavor but it is quite unfortunate that these same substances cause increase in production of gastric juices and also bring about stomach inflammation.

Meat is one of the foods that trigger gastritis, because it facilitates its production and also counters the healing process.

Ice cream

Vasoconstriction is brought about by intense cold; and to make it worse, it triggers diminished flow of blood precisely in the gastric mucosa. This effect weakens it and also expose it to inflammatory processes.

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Citrus Fruits

It is a known fact that citrus fruit seem difficult to digest and again quite harmful to an inflamed stomach due to their acidic nature.


Sugar products
Sugar products

Frequent sugar consumption will do nothing but encourage proliferation of some bacteria like helicobacteria pylori which is responsible for ulcers and gastritis.

Therefore, excess sugar causes irritation to the stomach and as such one of the foods that trigger gastritis.


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