Hatred of Man and Its Effects
Hatred of man is a serious case that affects almost every one’s mental health. Hatred is a strong feeling of repulsion towards others and is experienced by many people.
This dangerous emotion may appear due to sociological reasons (hatred towards members of racial group), family conflicts (hatred towards the spouse due to relational problems), professional (hatred towards a colleague who reaches high achievements), ideological (hatred towards those with different values and belief), or class (hatred towards the wealthy).
According to merriam-webster, hate is a mighty strong emotion. This mental venom can pollute your spirit, poison your soul and seep into all of the relationships that surround you.
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Anyone who has found themselves wrapped up in the arms of hate knows how damaging and mind-consuming it can become. Even the word carries power, particularly if it comes from a friend, a family member or a child.
Whatever its origin, hatred causes a number of adverse consequences:
- Proneness to violence (physical and psychological)
- Deterioration of interpersonal relationships
- Feelings of guilt and emotional dissatisfaction
- Difficulty attaining goals and objectives
- Difficulty focusing and concentrating on noble tasks.
Hatred of man and Physical effects
Hatred of man is one of the strongest and most dangerous emotions that affect health. When hatred is felt in an intense and prolonged way, the risk of contracting and maintaining psychosomatic ailments increases. These are examples:
- Coronary disease
- Gastritis and other digestive disorders
- Skin reactions
- Lowering of defences against infection
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How to overcome hatred.
In spite of being a strong emotion, by preparing to combat hatred, we can avoid it taking over our lives and behaviour, these are our suggestions:
- Control your thoughts of hatred: Try to promote positive thoughts towards others, even those you may hate
- Reduce your lonely moments and associate with healthy people
- Be prepared to love and forgive: if you really wish to live in peace with yourself, you must take this important step. Stop focusing on bad things that the other person has done and choose to forgive.
- Take a first step towards reconciliation: some wait for the opposing party to come and ask for forgiveness and seek reconciliation. Put your pride aside and take the first towards friendship.
- Offer help to your enemy: Helping your enemy seems like contradiction; however, quoting an ancient proverb from Apostle Paul; which says: ‘If your enemy is hungry, feed him, if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head’ (Romans 12:20)
- Appeal to God’s power: Pride and hatred are rooted in human nature in such a way that they seem impossible to eradicate. It is therefore necessary to appeal to the supernatural power coming from a kind and loving God who is able to grant additional strength in order to reject hatred.
Hatred Prevention.
Hatred of man needs to be overcome. In order to prevent the growth of adolescent delinquency and hatred, Dacia Gerst proposed the following preventive measures (Gerst, 2005):
- Conflict resolution programmes. Help young people to use negotiation and verbal skills to solve the problem among themselves as well as when facing the adult world and authorities.
- Empathy-improvement plans: Empathy does not always come naturally and should be increased through stories, photographs, films, etc in order to promote good feelings towards others and a sincere disposition to avoid hurt.
- Impulse-control techniques. Help adolescents to make correct decisions in the precise moment before displaying anger and rage.
- Listening techniques. Teach young people to attentively listen to verbal and non-verbal messages coming from others.
Medicinal plants used to treat hatred.
There are medicinal plants known for their tranquilising effects. They can be used in the form of tea or extract in order to provide additional support to other strategies. These are a few of them:
Common hop (Humulus Lupulus). It is great remedy against anxiety and general tension as well as calming agent to treat pain and insomnia. It relaxing effect makes it useful for controlling anger, rage and feeling of hatred.
Skullcap (Scultellaria lateriflora): it is highly affective neuroleptic plant used as a relaxant and as a nerve tonic.

Yellow Lady slipper (Cypripedium calcelus): it has restorative properties for the nervous system and it is recommended as a natural remedy for irritability and for nervous maladies
St. John’s Wort (Hpericum perforatum. Being among one of the medicinal plants that has received most scientific attention, it is widely used today as an antidepressant. It also works as a sedative, calming of the nervous system and enhancing good feelings and the rejection of hatred and rage.

Self-Help: Help yourself, help someone today:
Hatred nests and grows with thinking and imagination. It can be reduced and eliminated using positive mental processes. Remember that you are the owner of your thought and you can manage them at will. If you wish to avoid hatred, and its consequences, choose positive attitude towards your fellow human beings.
Thoughts that trigger hatred:
- Images and memories of evil things that your opponent did to you
- Longing that the other suffers misfortune and illness
- Mental review on how to take revenge on him/her
- Refusing to see, speak to, or reconcile with him/her
- Ideas that you are right and the other is to blame
Thoughts that thwart hatred
- Reflection on the causes leading your opponent to hurt you
- Consideration that he/she may be right in certain aspects
- Compassion for the opponent
- Mental images where he/she and you reach agreement and reconciliation
- Generous and altruistic forgiveness even when you are in the right
….according to Julian Melgosa
There are many ways to avert hatred. But to let peace reign, we consider letting some things go. One needs to stop harbouring hateful thoughts, instead replace those hateful irrational thoughts with calmer rational thoughts.
If your feelings are directed at another person, limit your contact with this person.
Employ a “distraction strategy” to refocus your mind – watch a movie, go for a walk, read a book, exercise.
Feed hatred and it will grow. Confront it, understand it and disassemble it and you will grow. Dr. John H. Sklare
James 4:1-3: ’What causes quarrels and what causes fights among you? Is it not this, that your passions are at war within you? You desire and do not have, so you murder. You covet and cannot obtain, so you fight and quarrel. You do not have, because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions…
‘Anyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life in him’ (1 John 3:15)
‘Hatred stirs up dissension, but love covers over wrongs’ (Proverbs 10:12)
Let Love Lead!
Anxiety and an Anxiety disorder

A graduate of Computer Science and Information Management Technology. Diploma – Caregiving, Certificates – Dementia and Diabetes Awareness and Management. A researcher, blogger, songwriter, singer and acoustic guitarist. Born in an environment where natural talents such as healing are imparted at our natural birth. This natural talents of healing is the result of our genetic inheritance and the training from family environment.