Foods That Promote Cancer

Causes of cancer

Foods as one of the causes of Cancer

In today’s diet, there are primary factors that promote or responsible for causes of cancer, and one of those primary causes is the foods we eat. This is quite ironic that foods which should make available good health and life, should now become cancer and death’s principle cause.

Cancer is seen as the most feared and fearful disease of that trouble humanity. There have been enormous efforts throughout the entire world to make sure it causal factors are discovered. Improper diet is one of the most important causal factors of cancer.

Something must have gone wrong with dietary habits of the world’s population especially the developed parts. This is because, they are dwelling much on animal-based foods which cause or promote cancer, in amount to plant-based foods, which readily help protect against it.

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Furthermore, foods that are consumed customarily in developed countries are hugely the source of carcinogens. And what are carcinogens?

Carcinogens are substances, foods or other catalysts or agents that promote or foster the growth of cancer. The most common of the carcinogens are food additives (certain foods additives) such as nitrites, all the substances that are formed when cooking meat, and also chemicals that seem contaminant (pesticides), smoke from tobacco, radiation, virus and molds.

The following are the cancer causing factors

Alcohol                =       3%

Solar radiation     =       3%

Work Place environment         =       4%

Viral cause                     =       5%

Genetics               =       5%

Diet                      =      30%

Tobacco               =       30%

Other                    =       11%

From the information above, we can now see that only tobacco and diet are most primary causal factors of cancer. That is to say, foods and tobacco contribute a lot to the emergence of this deadly disease.

There are other factors responsible for the cause apart from alcohol, work environment, solar radiation, alcohol and viral causes. This other factors take 11% of the entire causal factor of cancer.

These Foods Promote Cancer

Grilled meat, fried meat, cured meats increase cancer risk and they should be avoided and also excess calories that are found in fat or protein, especially the ones from animals such as fish, milk, eggs or meat.

Another type of food that promote cancer is smoked, salted or pickled food and also highly spiced food. This sort of food is not good to the health. Anyone, who would not want fall into the hand of this deadly disease should avoid this kind of food.

Again, it is not recommended for anyone to dwell of consume of very hot foods or beverages. Another sticking factor that promotes cancer is in connection to this very hot food or beverages, it is the container holding the liquid.

It is not advisable to drink very hot beverage from a plastic container. This is because, it is important to avoid chemical reactions between the hot beverage and the container.


The resultant effects after drinking hot beverages from a plastic or rubber container is very harmful to the health. The practice of consuming very hot beverage from any container is well practiced in underdeveloped and developing counties, especially the use of plastic or rubber manufactured cups or jugs.

When you combine alcoholic beverages, tobacco and coffee, they bring about carcinogenic effects which seem to be one of the causes of cancer.

Note: According to, individual whose folate levels are low are at higher risk of cancer of the breast, colon and pancreas.

List of foods 

  • Meat
  • Alcoholic Beverages
  • Eggs
  • Shellfish
  • Milk
  • Fish
  • Refined Products
  • Coffee
  • Sugar
  • Spices

The list of foods listed above can be a causal factor of cancer and this is dependent upon how they are prepared and eaten. Some of them are not whole dependent upon how they are prepared or eaten but just that they are generally not 100% okay for the health.

Meat as Foods that promote cancer

Several scientific studies coupled with some experimental and statistical studies have shown that the consumption of meat is a huge risk factor associated with

Red meat as food that can promote cancer
Red Meat

most types of cancer such as brain cancer, cancer of the breast, lungs, stomach, kidney, uterus, ovarian, urinary bladder, prostate, colon cancer and others.

In particular, meat that are quite detrimental are the red meat from (beef, pork and lamb), grilled meat which took place on a barbecue, meat cooked well-done, fried meat, salted meat and cured meats such as bacon, sausages and ham.

Milk as food that promote cancer

According to some studies, consumption of whole milk in excess is associated with the emergence of some types of cancer such as breast cancer, lungs cancer, ovarian and prostate cancer, and also cancer of the urinary bladder.

There has been an explanation that milk transmit a virus is carcinogenic and this virus is called the bovine leukemia virus.

Eggs as a Food that Promotes Cancer

Consumption eggs in excess say more than three or four per week has something to do with cancer of the breast, colon cancer, ovarian and endometrium cancers.

Egg may also cause cancer
Egg Question

Elevated cholesterol content in eggs may act to promote cancer. Saturated fat which is the predominant fat in eggs is also a casual factor of cancer.

It has been discovered that hens are contaminated with viruses such as the leukemia-types and they pass the viruses to eggs which cause a variety cancers. In essence, eggs can promote cancer.

 Alcoholic Beverages

Alcoholic beverages promote cancer even those that have been stated to have some medicinal benefits such as beer or wine. Even with moderate intake they induce cancer. The risk of cancer of the breast in women increases by 250% even with one glass of wine and there is a proven association between overall intake of alcoholic beverages and cancers of the lungs, breast, liver, colon, pancreas, larynx esophagus and urinary bladder.


There are some chemical substances dumped in the sea. These chemical substances get the shellfish contaminated because they are carcinogenic.

foods that may promote cancer
Fried Fish

Fish is considered as one of the best foods to be eaten instead of meant, however, like I said earlier, that some foods are considered to be harmful due to the way we prepare them.

There is a relation between fish intake and cancer of the nasopharynx, larynx, pancreas etc. This is because they may have been salted or cured but that apart, the water is may be polluted with some carcinogenic substances which affect the fish.


There is always a risk factor for some types of cancer such as cancer of the esophagus and mouth, and this is in relation with a diet that is highly rich in hot spices. Studies have shown that hot chilies may be considered carcinogenic.


Various studies have associated excess white sugar intake with the cervical cancer, stomach cancer and cancer of the colon. There is no data to prove that excess brown sugar or maple sugar consumption may be cancerous because they contain some minerals and vitamins which is lacking in white sugar.

However, fructose has some drawbacks when taken in excess, although it helps fight against prostate cancer.

Refined Products

Formation of cancer may take place when rolls, white bread and other refined products are consumed instead of whole grain in the diet.

 It is noteworthy that they lack fiber, there is possibility of excess sugar content and trans fatty acids which is commonly present in refined industrial goods (baked). Fried foods such as margarine contain trans fatty acids.

Coffee as food that may promote cancer

Consumption of coffee has been linked with cancer of the urinary bladder.

In order to prevent cancer of any kind, we should strictly stick to consuming only healthy foods. Like they say, prevention is better than cure.


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