Amazing Health Benefits of Pineapple Juice
Apart from the enormous health benefits of pineapple juice, the skin of pineapple is quite useful in making animal food, alcohol and vinegar.
Pineapple has so many health benefits which range from facilitating good digestion, good for the hair, skin and bone and then to boosting our immune system.
All of the health benefits of pineapple juice is brought by the combination of components such as vitamin A and K, phosphorus, zinc and calcium which help in fighting certain diseases. It is quite rich in vitamin C which aids in keeping a healthy immune system.
Again, its magnesium content makes available a healthy rate of metabolism. As a matter of fact it is vitamin A and manganese that make pineapple a healthy food than other vitamins and minerals.

Before I list out various health benefits of pineapple juice, it is important to note down some facts regarding pineapple.
Pineapple derived its name from a Spanish word “pina” which means pine cone that was useful in the year 1398. After 300 years, it was named pineapple so as to identify the fruit.
In the year 1493 it was seen on Guadalupe island by Europeans.
Other names: Cayenne pineapple, Nana, Ananás
Scientific Name: Ananas sativa Schult
French: Ananas
Spanish: Ananás, piña [tropical], piña Americana
German: Ananas
The compound fruit of the pineapple plant (‘Bananas comosus’ Mere.) is an herbaceous plant that belongs to the botanical family Bromeliaceae which grows up to a height of 50 cm.
Pineapple are farmed or cultivated throughout entire tropical regions of America, Africa, Asia and Oceania. The world producing nations are Hawaii, Brazil and Thailand.
Pineapple Composition
Per 100 grams of pineapple
Energy = 49.0 kcal = 207 kj
Carbohydrates = 11.2 g
Protein = 0.390 g
Fiber = 1.20 g
Vitamin A = 2.00 µg RE
Vitamin B1 = 0.092 mg
Vitamin B2 = 0.036 mg
Niacin = 0.503 mg NE
Vitamin B6 = 0.087 mg
Vitamin B12 = ___
Vitamin C = 15.4 mg
Vitamin E = 0.100 mg α-TE
Calcium = 7.00 mg
Phosphorus = 7.00 mg
Magnesium = 14.0 mg
Iron = 0.370 mg
Potassium = 113 mg
Zinc = 0.080 mg
Total Fat = 0.430 g
Saturated Fat = 0.032 g
Cholesterol = ___
Sodium = 1.00 mg
This is based on % daily value provided by 100 grams of pineapple
Pineapple Percentage
Fiber = 1.50%
Carbohydrates = 11.5%
Fat = 0.620%
Minerals = 0.390%
Protein = 0.790%
Water = 85.2%
This is information is according the data presented by Dr. George Pamplona in his book, “Encyclopedia of Foods and their Healing power”.
Properties of Pineapple

Pineapple ripens on the plant and this is stage its active ingredients and sugars get doubled. In essence, if harvested prematurely, it lacks nutritional components and prone to be more acidic.
Therefore, it is best eaten when properly ripened on the plant.
Properly matured pineapple contains about 11% carbohydrates which are sugars while their protein and fat contents seem negligible.
As stated earlier, the most prevalent vitamins and minerals are:
- Vitamins A, C B1 and B2
- Folates
- Manganese
- Potassium
- Calcium
- Magnesium
- Iron
- Copper
Its manganese content is 1.65 mg per 100 grams and followed by copper.
The following are the fruit’s non-nutritive components quite important when viewed from a therapeutic and dietary perspectives. They include:
- Citric and Malic acids
- Bromelin
Citric and malic acids: These bring about the acidic taste in pineapple and in every citric fruit, they potentiate the vitamin C action. One surprising fact regarding its acid content is that pineapple acts an alkalizer from a metabolic viewpoint. As it is, it’s an antacid.
Bromelin: It is also called bromelain. It is an enzyme capable of breaking down proteins thereby producing the amino acids that form them. As this is the reason for the use in the food industry as a meat tenderizer.
Bromelin works in the digestive tract and breaks down proteins and promotes digestion just like stomach’s pepsin. This is one of the health benefits of pineapple juice.
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Indications to Health Benefits of Pineapple Juice
The fruit is such a succulent delicious food that is enormously rich in minerals and vitamins. Many people prefer to consume it as an appetizer especially when the stomach is weakened.
Therefore, pineapple juice is indicated in the following conditions
- Sterility
- Stomach Cancer
- Hypochlorhydria
- Obesity
- Gastric ptosis
Due to its richness in manganese, a trace element which is involved in forming reproductive cells, both female and male. In essence, it is recommended for individuals suffering from sterility which may be as a result of insufficient germinal cells production.
Stomach Cancer
As a powerful inhibitor in the formation of nitrosamines, its carcinogenic substances are actively involved in the stomach as a chemical reaction between nitrites and other proteins in found in foods.

Also remember that nitrosamines are known to be a leading factor responsible for stomach cancer. Vitamin C inhibits the nitrosamines formation but fresh pineapple or pineapple juice has proven to be more effective.
Therefore, health benefits of pineapple juice are also seen as its capability in preventing stomach cancer especially for individuals that are at high risk of it.
People who must have suffered from stomach cancer can gain the health benefits of pineapple juice as its helps to prevent recurrence.
This is a scanty gastric juice which is manifested by delay in digestion and also heaviness in the stomach. Pineapple juice is quite effective here.
Another one among the health benefits of pineapple juice is that when it is consumed before meals, it constitutes a nice complement to weight-loss diet.
Pineapple juice is quite diuretic because it promotes urine production.
Gastric ptosis
This is caused by the inability of the stomach to empty gastric atonia. In a case like this, pineapple juice must be taken fresh or eaten fresh and ripe, after or before a meal.
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Other Health benefits
As mentioned above regarding health benefits of pineapple juice, there are so many of the health benefits which are quite beneficial especially when consumed fresh or making juice out of it.
Here are some other pineapple juice benefits.
- Treats cough and cold: Eating this fruit regularly will stop you from a cold and cough. It contains bromelin which is an enzyme with inflammatory properties capable of fighting against infections.
- Good for the teeth: Consuming this fruit on the regular helps strengthen the gums and keeps the health very strong.
The teeth and calcium are like five and six and the good thing is, pineapple has loads of calcium.
Therefore, as one of the health benefits of pineapple juice, it is recommended to take it on the regular.
- Pineapple helps bring down the symptoms of arthritis
- It also prevents hypertension because of it richness in potassium and low sodium content. These components help maintain blood pressure and it seems to be one of the natural way to control the blood pressure.
- Consuming pineapple juice helps prevent nausea. This is due to the digestive enzyme it contains which helps to reduce nausea or morning sickness. Pregnant women can benefit a lot from pineapple juice.
Preparation and Use
The following are some of the ways in which pineapple can be prepared and used
- Pineapple is a dessert which improves digestion. It is good to use it as an appetizer so as to prepare the stomach for a meal. It can be eaten fresh when ripe.
- Pineapple Juice: It is important to know how to consume pineapple juice. Because of its acid content, it should be drunk slowly.
- Canned: Most of the vitamins, fiber and minerals found in pineapple are retained in this means of preparation and preservation.
However, when canned it becomes poor in the enzyme bromelin. As a matter of fact, canned pineapple has little to offer in terms of digestive aid.
Summarily, according to, the following are some other pineapple juice benefits.
- Stress buster
- Good for the ski
- Treatment for acne
- An anti-aging property
- Prevents pimples
- Good for the hair
- Treats inflammation in scalp
Pineapple or its juice is recommended during the first phase of a gastro-
duodenal ulcer. This is because of the presence of excess gastric juice.
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A graduate of Computer Science and Information Management Technology. Diploma – Caregiving, Certificates – Dementia and Diabetes Awareness and Management. A researcher, blogger, songwriter, singer and acoustic guitarist. Born in an environment where natural talents such as healing are imparted at our natural birth. This natural talents of healing is the result of our genetic inheritance and the training from family environment.