Home Remedies for Stomach Ulcer

Home Remedies for Stomach Ulcer

Helpful Home Remedies for Stomach Ulcer

In this article, we’ll learn how helpful it is to adopt some home remedies for stomach ulcer, gastric and duodenal ulcer.

Also, on these links you can find detailed information regarding foods to eat for ulcers, foods to avoid, etc. However, it is it also important to get to how some amazing home remedies for stomach ulcer in order to help manage the condition and stop future problems.

Home Remedies for Stomach Ulcer
Causes of Ulcer
Image credit: Dr.Jocker.com

This post should be important for individuals whose stomachs produce too much hydrochloric acids which is needed to digest proteins.

Although the walls of the stomach are proteins already but normally are not disturbed by the fluid.

Symptoms and causes of stomach ulcer

Let’s take a look at the characteristic symptoms of stomach ulcer.

One of the symptoms is the gnawing stomach pain or chronic burning which usually starts at about 45 – 60 minutes after ending a meal or at night.

Sometimes, eating foods relieves it or drinking a large glass of water. Another things that relieves it is swallowing something alkaline or vomiting. When the upset stomach begins, it sometimes awakens the person at 1am or 2am.

Other symptoms that may follow include:

  1. Choking sensation
  2. Headache
  3. Itching
  4. Vomiting
  5. Lower back pain.

Cause of Stomach ulcer

Duodenal ulcers are peptic ulcers that occur in the top part of the small intestine while gastric ulcers are peptic ulcers that take place in the stomach.

The primary causes of these types of ulcers are wrong food or eating too much. Again, they can be induced by mental stress and severe nervous stress.

Major problems begins when stomach acids start digesting the walls of the stomach as a result of too much hydrochloric acid that’s being produced or when protective mucus that protect the walls are not being produced.

Here are some home remedies for stomach ulcer

The following are some of the natural treatments that can be applied.

The first thing to do for rapid pain relief is to drink a large glass of water.  This is the number one in one of the home remedies for stomach ulcer. The water helps dilute the stomach acids and have them flushed out.

On Diet

  1. Consume several small meals
  2. Consider eating potatoes often as they are quite helpful and very soothing. They also have an alkaline reaction.
  3. Vitamin U is the vitamin against ulcers. As it is, it is specially for peptic ulcers.
  4. Eat alfalfa and cabbage juice because they have the most of this anti-ulcer vitamin (vitamin U).
  5. Drink fresh, raw cabbage juice, add carrot juice to improve he flavour.
  6. Ensure you eat plenty of dark green leafy vegetables more often.
Red Lentil Curry with sweet potatoes and spinach

Regarding home remedies for stomach ulcer, when the pain or symptoms are quite severe, eat soft foods such as squash, potatoes, bananas and yam, etc.

For individuals who have bleeding ulcer, ensure you add some psyllium seeds to the food. This is among the home remedies of stomach ulcer.

According to natural remedies encyclopaedia, fiber in the diet keeps the foods in the stomach longer and diminishes the development of duodenal ulcers.

The idea of treating stomach with milk and feeding at intervals have been discarded as calcium in milk stimulate and facilitate acid production rather than decreasing it. The calcium triggers gastritis and this causes the walls to excrete more hydrochloric acids.

Also remember that sipping milk and ice cream may trigger myocardial infarction.

In applying home remedies for stomach ulcer, we should also know that doctors in India use dried banana powder to treat ulcers. Fresh bananas are also good and recommended for home remedies for stomach ulcer.

Take vitamin A (2,000 IU), copper (1 mg), zinc (15 mg). Glutamine (500 mg) an amino acid is an energy source for stomach and intestinal wall cells.

Herbs that help

Chamomile is one of the herbs that can be prepared as of the home remedies for stomach ulcer. This is because it contains some bioflavonoids that inhibit the growth of the bacteria that causes the ulcers.

Licorice also helps in soothing the inflamed or injured parts of the intestinal tract. It also fights H. pylori and increases much. It is best taken in the form of DGL (deglycerinated licorice) which will not increase blood pressure.

Take 1 – 2 chewable tablets of DGL 1 – 2 hours before bedtime.

Other herbs regarding home remedies for stomach ulcer include:

  1. John’s wort
  2. Malvasia
  3. Bilberry, flax, catnip, goldenseal
  4. Barberry
  5. Myrrh
  6. Aloe vera facilitates healing

The above calm the stomach and reduce irritation of the intestine. Herbs that will help you sleep are hops, valerian and skullcap.

Avoid the following

The following should be avoided when carrying out home remedies for stomach ulcer.

  1. Avoid all conditions and situations that result in stress, tension, irritability, nervous strain, fear or anger.
  2. Do not eat fried foods.
  3. Do not take caffeine, the, salt, chocolate, animal fats, strong spices
  4. Do not drink cow’s milk
  5. Do not smoke
  6. Do not eat between meals to avoid slow emptying of the stomach
  7. Do not take painkillers or antacid
  8. Avoid allergic manifestation that may trigger stomach bleeding.


  1. Chew your food slowly and properly
  2. Maintain daily exercise because it neutralizes stress
  3. Do not chew gums
  4. Ensure that the bowels move daily.


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