Awesome health benefits of lavender plant
Lavender is a medicinal plant with exquisite fragrance and also one of the plants for the nervous system. It has an exquisite fragrance and invigorating medicinal properties.
Centuries ago, lavender has always been used as a hygienic and beauty product. Lavender derived its name from the Latin word “Lavare” which means “to wash”. Some distinguished individuals and Patrician during the Roman Empire used lavender. They added it to the water used for their luxury baths.
Lavender is native to the mountainous regions of the Mediterranean and also Northern Africa.
With the nectar of its flowers, they make a sweet honey just like honey bees. Of the primary products of the lavender is its oil. Lavender oil has enormous cosmetic uses or benefits and it’s noteworthy that it has some medicinal uses.
One of the main aim of growing lavender is for the manufacture of its essential oil and this is obtained from the distillation of the flowers bouquets (spikes) of some species of lavender.

Lavender is a woody-based shrub of the mint family Labiatea. This plant grows from 15 to 65 cm high. The leaves are elongated, having little blue flowers growing in spikes. Lavender is gray-greenish and the parts of the plant usually used are the leaves and the flower spikes.
Lavender as the case may be is an herb. The important parts of lavender are its flowers and the oil which are used to make medicine.
According to, lavender as a medicinal plant is useful in treating of insomnia, restlessness, nervousness and depression. It is also used to aid some digestive complaints such as abdominal swelling from gas which takes place in the peritoneal cavity or intestinal, vomiting, loss of appetite, flatulence and upset stomach.
Some individuals consider lavender useful for treating some painful conditions such as headaches, sprains, toothaches, sores, nerve pain, and also joint pain. It can also be used for treating cancer, acne and to promote menstruation.
It can be applied on the skin in case of hair loss, to repel mosquitoes and insects.
To improve mental wellbeing and improvement in circulation, the lavender oil can be added to bathwater.
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Another lavender benefit and use is that serves as a flavor components in foods and beverages.
In manufacturing industries such as pharmaceutical industries, lavender is used as in pharmaceuticals as pharmaceutical products and also as an ingredient like fragrance in making cosmetics, soaps, decorations, perfumes, and potpourri
The oil from lavender has sedating effects and helps in relaxing the muscles.
Properties and Indications of the Lavender plant
The following outlines show more of lavender benefits and uses.
The leaves and the flower spike (bouquet) contain about 1 to 6% of the volatile essential oil of a complex composition put together by various terpenic alcohol and their organic compounds. Linalool is one of them and the most important. It is responsible for the beneficial properties of lavender which is being discussed below.
- Digestive properties: It is an appetizer and help ease digestion. There is also the presence of antiflatulence effects on digestive conducts. There is antiseptic effects which renders good results regarding inflammation of the large intestine. This is experienced when there is fermentation with feces rotting and gases with foul smell.
- Sedative effects: Lavender’s infusion, fluid extract and essence bring balances in the autonomic and central nervous system. It is highly recommended when there is;-
– weakness
– nausea
– fainting
– heart palpitations
– psychosomatic fatigue
– psychosomatic disease
For the sedative effects, infusion of lavender or fluid extract and essence is used.
- Anti-fatigue/Relaxing Effects: Lavender water or lavender essence with a hot bath help blood circulation and stops the tiredness sensation. This is an awesome lavender benefit and use and this is because, there is always sensation of tiredness after long walks, intense physical exercise.
It is also recommended to get a massage in order to obtain better results. Make use of a wool cloth soaked in lavender oil, water or essence. (In effect, it may be applied from a few drops of lavender oil, essence or with the water).
- Balsamic Properties: To help in healing laryngitis, lavender essence is used. This is done by inhaling the steam. It also heals bronchitis, bronchial colds and catarrhs. This process involves its external use. It is either inhaled or rubbed and applied on the skin. so as to feel the immense benefits of the lavender and its uses.
- For antiseptic effects: Lavender infusion can be used to heal wounds that are infected and ulcers. It helps to have them healed quickly. Lavender oil aids in easing off burns and reduces inflammation especially from insect bites.
- For antirrheumatic effects: Lavender oil, essence or lavender water is very effective in easing off aches especially rheumatic aches, whether aches from the joints, neck or muscles region, lavender is quite effective. Other aches could be lumbago, sciatica, gout arthritis, stiff neck etc.
It is external application that is employed in this regard. Lavender essence, oil or water are also useful for sprains, dislocation, bruises, muscle pull and stiffness.
Furthermore, smelling the aroma from lavender has an effective sedative action especially in the central nervous system.
For those who sleep so badly, this is highly recommended for them and for hyperactive children. In this regard, pour some drops of the essence on a handkerchief near the face or drop some drops of the lavender essence on the pillows. It is quite effective.
Below is Dr. Bronner’s – Pure-Castile Liquid Soap (Lavender, 1 Gallon) – Made with Organic Oils, 18-in-1 Uses: Face, Body, Hair, Laundry, Pets and Dishes, Concentrated, Vegan, Non-GMO…Get it on Amazon
According to Medical News Today, it is said that one of the benefits of lavender oil is that it may be used to treat insomnia, anxiety, restlessness and depression.
Studies have shown that if lavender tea is consumed, it may help in alleviating digestive issues such as
- Nausea
- Abdominal swelling
- Vomiting
- Upset stomach
Again, the evidence to support lavender’s effectiveness against the under listed is still insufficient:
- Migraines
- Eczema
- Constipation
- Depression
- Lice
- Pain relating to cancer
- Vomiting
- Ear infection
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Hair loss: Oils from rosemary, thyme, cedarwood and healthful plant, when you combine any of them with lavender oil might improve hair growth.
Anxiety. You read a detailed article on anxiety here. Some research shows that taking lavender oil by mouth for 6-10 weeks improves anxiety and sleep and prevents anxiety recurrence in people with mild-to-severe anxiety. However, lavender does not seem to be more effective than the anti-anxiety medication lorazepam (Ativan). So far, early studies disagree about the effectiveness of using lavender oil as aromatherapy for treating anxiety. Today, anyone who uses lavender can attest of its health benefits and the reason for use.
- Canker sores. Some research shows that applying two drops of lavender oil to the affected area three times daily can improve canker sore healing and reduce canker sore swelling and pain.
- Fall prevention. There is some evidence that attaching a pad with lavender oil onto the neckline of clothing reduces falls in nursing home residents.
- Pain after Cesarean section (C-section). Some research suggests that inhaling lavender essence while receiving pain killers intravenously (by IV) can help reduce pain in women after a C-section.
How to prepare lavender oil, water and essence
The following information is on how to prepare lavender oil, essence and water for a good use.

For internal use:
- Make infusion with about 30 – 50 g of the flower spikes and the leaves. Use a liter of water for this. Add honey to sweeten the liquid. Drink three cups every day after meals.
- Fluid extract: Thirty (30) drops is recommended, three times per day
- Essence: 3 – 5 drops is a good dose. Take it 2 or 3 times per day
For External use:
- For cleansing, you have to apply the same method as in infusion but prepare with high concentration of lavender plant. Wash directly on ulcers and wounds. Use a soaked compress and apply on the surface of the affected areas for about 10 – 20 minutes.
- For necks, back and knees, make warm fomentation which is prepared by infusion of lavender. It is also prepared by adding few drops of the essence to water, apply on the knees, neck or back.
- Use a lotion and friction: To use as lotion and friction, use a few drops of the oil, essence or lavender water. Apply as desired.
How to make lavender oil
To obtain lavender oil, you have to dissolve 10 g of essence in 100 g of olive oil. This may be obtained by mixing 250 g of dried plant with a liter of oil. Allow steeping in cold extract for about two (2) weeks and filter. The product obtained is used as lotion which can be applied to the aching areas.
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A graduate of Computer Science and Information Management Technology. Diploma – Caregiving, Certificates – Dementia and Diabetes Awareness and Management. A researcher, blogger, songwriter, singer and acoustic guitarist. Born in an environment where natural talents such as healing are imparted at our natural birth. This natural talents of healing is the result of our genetic inheritance and the training from family environment.