Natural Remedies for Prostate Cancer

Natural Remedies for Prostate Cancer

Amazing Natural Remedies for Prostate Cancer

As the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the entire America, it is noteworthy to know some natural remedies for prostate cancer. There are so many factors that might be responsible for this disease, aside the fact that it has a link with high – fat diet.

As a matter of fact, vasectomy may trigger the development of an ailment associated with this problem. Older folks over 65 have about 80% of the cases of prostate cancer while 80% of those at the age 80 have it.

This post is not about prostate cancer in its entirety but natural remedies for prostate cancer. However, before we discuss the natural remedies disease, let’s take a look at the causes and symptoms.

Symptoms and Causes of Prostate Cancer

Natural Remedies for Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer diagram

Enlarged prostate is noticeably coming up among men who are in their 40s and 50s in industrialized nations and some of the major problems include: chemicals, western diets and style of living. Although, there are natural remedies for prostate cancer which can help remedy the condition before it is fully manifested.

As they say, prevention is better cure. It is better to live healthily than to be ignorant of things that might emanate or trigger health crisis.

Some of the symptoms include:

  1. Burning sensation when urinating
  2. Frequent urination
  3. Possible pain
  4. A minimal or decrease in the size and force of flow of urine
  5. Blood in the urine
  6. Inability to urinate
  7. Pelvic discomfort

Note that there are no possible symptoms until the cancer spreads out past the prostate. Also, the symptoms above may be associated with nonthreatening enlargement of the prostate and not cancer in the prostate.

SEE ALSO: Natural Remedies for High Cholesterol and Control

The following are some of the possible causes of prostate cancer. They include;

  1. Over-activity of the sexual organ
  2. Being exposed to environmental toxins
  3. Poor diet
  4. Chemicals that cause cancer

It is believed that high fat diet and vasectomy may trigger the emergence or development of prostate cancer.

Natural Remedies for Prostate Cancer

In cases of anything relating to prostate cancer or prostate enlargement, it is important to contact your physician.

prostate cancer
prostate cancer

Another important move one should make in order to adopt what seems to be like one among the natural remedies for prostate cancer is to go on a program with a diet that is quite nourishing.

Natural remedies for prostate cancer also involve vitamin and mineral supplementation and also outdoor exercise.

Therefore, natural remedies for this ailment involve the tips.

  1. Do not eat or consume meat. This is because there is an association between eating red meat and prostate cancer. As it is, one should avoid consuming processed foods.
  2. Avoid junk foods, tobacco, alcohol, tea, saturated fats, dairy products, coffee, tobacco smoke and several food additives.
  3. Ensure the diet is highly rich in vegetables.
  4. Drink fresh fruit and vegetable juices on a daily. Some of the recommended fruits and vegetables include: beet, cabbage, carrot and cabbage juices. This is because they are used in cancer clinics
  5. Drink distilled water

Saw palmetto is one of the natural remedies for prostate cancer because it shrinks prostate tissue. According to natural remedies encyclopedia, the recommended dosage is 80 mg 2 times daily, including 25 mg daily of pygeum africanum. Researches have it that both inhibit the DHT form of testosterone.

There is another herb that is capable of shrinking the prostate or reducing its swelling. It is the pipsissew tincture.

The following herbs are some of the natural remedies for prostate cancer:

  1. Turmeric
  2. Echinacea
  3. Goldenseal
  4. Pau d’arco,
  5. Buchu

Studies find that daily intake of 200 mg selenium reduced prostate cancer prevalence by 60%.

In order to avoid the emergence or development of this disease, it is important to consider the intake of the following supplements or substances. They include:

  1. Vitamin C and E
  2. Flaxseed oil
  3. Selenium
  4. Zinc

Other remedies for prostate cancer involves exercise. Individuals who wish to deal with ailment must adopt a routine (early morning exercise and sunshine).

Important information to note is that this disease is three times greater for those who have had vasectomy.

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