Oats Benefits

Oats Benefits

Amazing Oats Benefits

As a food for the nervous system, balancing the nerves and lowering cholesterol are some of the oats benefits. And this has something in common with the traditional practice in most Central European nations where those suffering from insomnia or nervousness are made to sleep on oat hay mattresses.

This practice also makes us believe that oats contain an alkaloid that’s quite sedating to the nervous system. Before the oats benefits were discovered, this food was primarily used in feeding animals.

Areas such as Wales and Scotland have people who have eaten oats for centuries and oatmeal has been the main dish.

Other names:

Rolled oats, Steetcut oats

French:     Avoine

Spanish:   Avena

German:   Hafer

Oats Benefits
Oat Plant

Oat plant fruit (‘Avena sativa’ L.) an annual herbaceous plant in the Gramineae botanical family. The fruit is grain composed.

Oats is native to Asia Minor (Turkey) and Central Asia. However, the cultivation has spread to temperate regions of the Africa, South America, North America, Asia and Europe.

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Properties Oats

In the grain family, oats are the most nutrient-rich. They make up twice the fat as wheat, and even more carbohydrates and proteins.

They are rich in iron, phosphorus (4.72 mg / 100 g) that is higher than those of meat and vitamin B1.

Carbohydrates is the most abundant nutrient in oats and they are easily assimilated and have slow absorption due to the structure of the oat grain. As a matter of fact, this is one the oats benefits as this makes them provide energy that lasts for several hours.

The following carbohydrates are quite enormous:

  1. Starch and products of its decomposition (dextrin, maltose and glucose). They are easily assimilated and allow the body convert them to energy.
  2. Fructose is in small amount which requires less insulin to be metabolized and produce energy. This among other oats benefits makes them good for those with diabetes.
  3. Mucilage: this has the ability to retain water and quite gelatinous. It makes up soluble fiber which aids in lubricating and softening the interior of the digestive tract. This property makes them good for individuals suffering from colitis and gastritis
  4. Vegetable fiber: This is whole grain flakes and may be eaten as oat bran. Primary component is beta-glucan which provides mild laxative effect. One of the oats benefits here is that it helps cholesterol levels.
Oats Benefits
Creamy Oatmeal

Proteins in oats are quite abundant (16.9%) and easily digested. All the amino acids are present. However, oats are relatively poor in threonine and lysine.

Oats fats are of great nutritional benefits. They include:

  1. Fatty acids: 80% unsaturated including linoleic acid while 10% saturated. The unsaturated fatty acids has a regulating effects on the cholesterol synthesis.
  2. Avenasterol, a phytoaterol which is a vegetable substance like cholesterol and also interfere with true cholesterol absorption in the intestine, reducing its effects in the blood.
  3. Lecithin: This is in small amount and it is important to the nervous system function as it helps in lowering blood cholesterol levels.

One of the oats benefits is that while they are quite rich in fat, they are not to be avoided by those who want to reduce cholesterol.

Oats composition

Per 100 grams of raw edible portion

Energy                =                 389 kcal = 1, 629 kj

Carbohydrates   =                 55.7 g

Protein                 =                 16.9 g

Fiber                      =                 10.6 g

Vitamin A            =                 ___

Vitamin B1           =                 0.763 mg

Vitamin B2           =                 0.138 mg

Niacin                  =                 4.86 mg NE

Vitamin B6           =                 0.119 mg

Folate                  =                 56.0 μg

Vitamin B12        =                 ___

Vitamin C            =                 ___

Vitamin E            =                 0.700 mg ∝-TE

Calcium               =                 54.0 mg

Magnesium         =                 177 mg

Iron                      =                 4.72 mg

Phosphorus        =                 523 mg

Potassium          =                 429 mg

Zinc                     =                 3.97 mg

Total fat               =                 6.90 g

Saturated Fat     =                 1.22 g

Cholesterol         =                 ___

Sodium                =                 2.00 mg

% Daily Value provided by 100 grams of this food

Credit: Encyclopedia of Foods and their healing power

Oats Percentage Composition

Fiber                     =                 10.6%

Minerals               =                 1.72%

Fat                        =                 6.90%

Carbohydrates   =                 55.7%

Protein                 =                 16.9%

Water                   =                 8.22%

Indications Regarding Oats Benefits

The following discussed below show amazing oats benefits. They are of great therapeutic value as in the cases of the following

  1. Digestive disorders
  2. Nervous system disturbances
  3. Diabetes
  4. Celiac disease
  5. Increased cholesterol
  6. Arteriosclerosis and hypertension

Digestive disorder

They provide emollient effects due to their mucilage content and the way they facilitate digestion. For those suffering with gastritis, it is recommended to have them cooked with milk or vegetable broth.

Oats benefits are seen in their need for those with gastroduodenal ulcer or disorder of the intestine such as diverticulosis or colitis caused by toxins, medications or other food intolerance.

Nervous system disturbances

Oats are needed for proper functioning of the neurons because they provide most important nutrients. Glucose from starch, phosphorus, lecithin, fatty acids and also vitamin B1.

The above mentioned have stabilizing and invigorating effects and facilitate mental performance.

In cases of fatigue, nervousness, insomnia, depression, and metal exhaustion, regular intake of oats is required.

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Even though they are quite abundant in carbohydrates, they are well tolerated by diabetics especially when eaten as whole grain flakes including the bran.

All of this is due to their fructose and beta-glucan content. Beta-glucan as a type of soluble vegetable fiber is demonstrated to improve tolerance by diabetics.

Celiac Disease

This disease’s symptoms are very severe diarrhea and undernourishment. The disease is caused by intolerance to gliadin, a protein found in gluten of wheat and other grains. Oats are well tolerated by those who is suffering from this disease.

Increased cholesterol


The manner in which fats in oats are composed gives us one of the oats benefits and that comes into play as it promotes lowering of cholesterol. Beta-glucan, a substance found in oat bran facilitates the action described above.

Beta-glucan retains and eliminates the bile salt in the intestine as it reduces fats absorption.

Therefore, amongst the oats benefits is the fact that it is highly recommended for those suffering from high cholesterol. It is recommended to consume whole grain as well as the bran.

Arteriosclerosis and hypertension

Regular intake of oats provides good results for treating and preventing these disorders.

Preparation and Use

  1. Oatmeal: This may made thus; place four spoonfuls of oat flakes to soak, next morning, boil 1/2 liter of water and add the soaked flakes. Allow to cook for 15 minutes over low heat. Serve with honey and milk too
  2. Flour or cream: May be used for soups and baby foods
  3. Muesli: Prepared with fresh fruits, milk and a little honey
  4. Oat water: this is prepared by placing two soupspoons of oat grain in one liter of water. This is boiled for five minutes then strained. The liquid may be sweetened with honey. It can be used as a beverage throughout the day
  5. Flakes: The best way to eat oats and take advantage of all its nutritive properties. May be prepared in boiled vegetable broth or milk.


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