Facts about Obsessions and Compulsions
Obsessions and Compulsions almost always go hand in hand and therefore called obsessive-compulsive disorder, which seems quite serious, as well as illness somewhat disabling. Sometimes they are referred to as Oddities. As a matter of fact, many individuals suffer a kind of absurd thought or ideas that frequently annoy them.
According to psychiatry.org, it is an anxiety disorder that people experience such as unwanted thoughts, sensation or ideas which come recurring and keep them repeating something they’ve done over and over again
We regard these absurd ideas or thoughts as obsessions while at the same time they get enticed by these thoughts which compel them to repeat the obsessive behaviors. We call these repetitive behaviors compulsions.
The following are some of the obsessive and compulsive themes:
- Fear of illness
- Cleaning
- Fear of losing a loved one
- Hoarding
- Order and symmetry
Fear of illness: In obsessions and compulsions, this involves avoiding some closeness with individuals and places for fear of contracting a disease.
Cleaning: This has to do with cleaning and washing things that are already clean and spotless.

The fear of losing a loved one: Frequent contact or calls to family, or a friend or a relative in fear that they may have met their misfortune.
Hoarding: Keeping or storing used items that have no value and not discarding anything. Even when it is known that these objects no longer offer sentimental or material value.
Order and symmetry: This involves keeping items away at home or at the office. This is always done in a repetitive manner.
Since obsessions and compulsions almost always go hand in hand, oftentimes it is accompanied by a tension that’s quite uncomfortable and also lures the individual to repetitive behavior to run away from the tension.
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As it is, the discomfort will not go away and this will cause the person to feel the urge to repeat the uncomfortable process again and again. This may even cause the person to stay glued to this same thing for hours which may only take a few minutes on a norm.
How to Manage Obsessions
In managing obsessions and compulsions, you should not get yourself alarmed by any of the obsessive behaviors mentioned above especially obsessive-compulsive symptoms that seem or fall within the normal behavior as some are a developmental step that normally occurs, especially in children’s life. The following are some of the examples:
- Adopting a rigid ritual before bedtime
- Counting items or objects and recounting them insistently
- Watching a particular movie again and again
- Singing or humming a chorus many times a day
- Touching everyone often and repeatedly

We cannot classify these behaviors as pathological because overtime they disappear. However, there may be some discomfort experienced by adults due to certain obsessive-compulsive symptoms.
The under listed behaviors are not harmful in general however, may indicate probable symptoms and risks.
- Exhibiting perfectionist tendencies in almost every task on a daily
- Getting preoccupied for cleanliness and tidiness at work or place in an excessive manner
- Not able to tolerate other people or family members who do not seem to keep up with tidiness and cleanliness.
- Unusual dedication to work thereby doing away with pastimes and hobbies
- Obsessive worry for not having the lights or taps turned off or doors locked up.
- Behavior linking to excessive saving and stinginess.
All of these symptoms mentioned above cause interpersonal problems and people do not like to share or associated their life with one who has such obsessive-compulsive behaviors. Therefore, it advised to observe and modify the above mentioned behaviors if or where necessary.
How to overcome Obsessions and Compulsions
In order to prevent and overcome obsessions and compulsions, the following counsels must be considered
Escape or avoid stressful situations
Certain or many of the symptoms mentioned above would never have appeared except where there are stressful situations which act to trigger such thoughts. If you notice this tendency, ensure you escape or move away from the things that aggravate to excessive stress.
Keep or Get busy
Doing nothing at all and also seeing oneself being inactive and lack of responsibilities give rise to obsessive-compulsive behavior. To free yourself from this problem, you should search for responsibilities linked to your work. You may consider occupational therapy.
Don’t live by yourself
People who live alone and on other own are liable to show these symptoms or behavioral pattern. It is better to avoid such circumstance, especially if you live alone and are prone to exhibit obsessive-compulsive behavior.
Also notice that a mere presence of someone around you is strong enough to counter the above mentioned tendency.
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Put relaxation into practice
In dealing with obsessions and compulsions, one of the effective ways to fight it, is to engage oneself in practicing relaxation. This is because obsessions come in when there is tension or nervousness.
Speak out or talk about it

Talk to anyone who cares for you. Feel free and open up about obsessions and compulsions and this move will proffer healing. You can also join group therapy or seek counseling from professionals.
Trust and have faint in God
As it is, compulsions alone like other types of addiction seem beyond one’s control. If you know you can’t face the problem, trust God because he’s a loving God. Have faith in God and trust he’s able. Do not forget to seek help from professionals. Doctors say: “We treat God heals”
Clinical Treatment
If you have noticed your obsessive-compulsive tendency seems to go beyond your personal fight, you must ensure you take this matter seriously and seek advice from professionals which may prompt you to undergo psychological and pharmacological treatment.
According to clinical research, some strategies that seem cognitive especially the ones involving self instruction and thought-stopping are some of the successful ways to fight and overcome obsessions and compulsions.
If you have any of the symptoms mentioned above, try the following:
- Identify your thoughts which must have been adverse
- Ensure you transform them into thoughts that are edifying and reasonable
- Always think about something positive about yourself
- Visual success: For example, if it has to do with the problem of cleaning compulsion, just see yourself free from the problem and image yourself doing the cleaning in peace and not having any tension or nervousness.
Thought stopping
Sometimes, compulsive behaviors are independent from obsessive ones. In cases of obsessive-compulsive behaviors whether independent on each other or not, the following may be useful.
- Discover or identity the obsessive thoughts or the compulsive ones
- Identity the association that precede the thoughts
- Say: ‘Stop!’
- Dwell on a different topic consciously.

A graduate of Computer Science and Information Management Technology. Diploma – Caregiving, Certificates – Dementia and Diabetes Awareness and Management. A researcher, blogger, songwriter, singer and acoustic guitarist. Born in an environment where natural talents such as healing are imparted at our natural birth. This natural talents of healing is the result of our genetic inheritance and the training from family environment.