Ways to Improve Memory

Ways to improve memory

Various Ways to Improve Memory

In order to survive, memory is very much essential and for this, we sort out ways to improve memory. Memory has much to do with emotions, sensations and the experiences of life that tend to enact certain moods, and this is the reason why the usefulness of memory has much to do other than just to remember a friend’s name or phone number.

In this post, you will get to know some natural remedies and the ways they improve memory.

We can’t and we will not be able to learn anything without memory, so it’s important to find ways to improve memory because every step we take in order to learn and advance requires we remember the previous steps.

Another thing to consider is this; without memory we could not walk or run, read, write, chew or play. Findings reveal that individual with Alzheimer’s disease who may still have much memory intact, is at the risk of being lost or not remembering some persons and at the risk of being without direction.

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Improving your memory

Memory Improvement
Memory depiction

Some individuals somewhat have a remarkable memory while there are also another set of individuals that have memory that seem less powerful. However, mnemonic principles can be used by anybody as one of the ways to improve memory.

There are several ways to improve memory and down below, we are going to discuss how to maximize or improve memory.

  1. Imagery
  2. Use and repetition
  3. Verbal association
  4. Emotions
  5. Taking action


It is said that imagery method is quite effective and surpasses any other ways to improve memory. This is because memory is easily impressed with visual contents and using a method such as this fosters the retention even for a long period of time.

There are ways we can use to enforce lasting retention. They include:

  1. Forming a strange and quite colorful images
  2. Forming funny images
  3. Forming illogical and very colorful images

For example, let’s say you plan to buy onions, a tin of milk, tomatoes, and some cloves of garlic. And you need to remember to buy all of them. Try making a visual image combing all of them in a strange way.

In this regard, visualize a tomato growing branches with onions, egg; make a coating of milk, let’s say a condensed milk that’s somewhat sticky. Coat everything with it and engage your eyes with the visuals for a long time. To forget a combination as this is quite difficult.

Use and repetition

We can adopt use and repetition as one of the ways to improve memory because content of the memory which is used regularly tends to be difficult to forget.

Therefore, it is important to use and also rehearse ideas, behaviors, verbal information, tasks that are very necessary to you. Another way to improve memory is repetition which is good to store content precisely in the long-term memory.

Any time you feel like memorizing numbers or words, you just have to repeat them hundreds of times. Retention is caused by the hammering actions of the sound. This is another effective method or one of the ways to improve memory.

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Verbal association

If you wish to learn new things, associate them with familiar things. For example, if you wish to learn new words, try associating them with familiar words and create a common tie between them. It could be by meaning or sound.

For example, if you need to express how happy you are or feel, and you don’t have the right word, you can connect joy, flow, river or stream. You can say there is joy in my heart, streams of joy, joy like a river. You also say; there is joy in my heart and it is flowing like a river.

This is an effective way to learn new vocabularies, names of countries, rivers, cities etc.


Did you know that something contained in momery which happened under highly emotional conditions stays permanently? This is the reason why heartbreak and emotional trauma are like five and six. This is because the much more intense the emotion, the more and long lasting the memory will be.

Emotional Images

This is why emotional health seems difficult to handle, because various incidents or events have been committed to memory.

Nevertheless, we cannot only focus on the negative aspects of emotions. There are other events with pleasant context which seem to favor learning and teaching. There are also some events that took place in unfamiliar places far from home or a place quite romantic that we may have shared with some so dear.

Therefore, it is important to create memorable events and things will be remembered.

Taking Action

According to mayoclinic.org, physical activities aids blood flow. Contents are retained when there is physical movement. This is one of the ways to improve memory and it is called Kinesthetics.

In essence, if you need to memorize a list of words or a list of new vocabularies, just jump and leap as you say each word. Children are good at benefiting from this method of improving the memory. Music and poetry fall within this category and are a great deal to supporting memorization. Therefore, this method is one of the ways to improve memory.

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Study to improve memory

Childhood and adolescent stage provide the best period in storing content for life. Many other memories are also stored at later stages. For children and adolescents, take advantage of this stage to learn and memorize because many of them are going to remain with you for the rest of your life.

Therefore, do the following

  1. Organize content
  2. Prepare environmental conditions
  3. Distribute study sessions over time
  4. Personalize the information
  5. Put memory to exercise.

Natural Remedies To improve memory

Like I mentioned earlier, here are some natural herbs that help in preventing memory loss. These natural remedies are recommended for a good memory. These herbs have grown in popularity over the years, recently. Here are some of them which can also be among the ways to improve memory.

  1. Rosemary
  2. Sage
  3. Ginkgo

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)

Rosemary Health Benefits

If you need to know many things regarding this natural remedy which helps to prevent memory loss, you can visit the link here and get a detailed information. Rosemary is one of the medicinal plants known in various place as ‘memory herb’.

There is an excellent tonic which proffers circulation precisely in the brain. The effects facilitate enhancement of the memory. This excellent tonic is gotten rosemary leaves through infusion.

Sage (Salvia officinalis)

This medicinal herb is regarded as longevity enhancer and findings have it that it also enhances memory in the elderly.

Sage for the memory

There are various antioxidant qualities of Sage that also slow down aging symptoms and process in including memory loss. By the way, I made a post on foods that slow down aging, read here. In essence, sage extract is used in treating Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.


Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba)


The plant is native to Far Eastern nations and have been used since from ancient times to generally facilitate circulation of the blood precisely in the brain. It has an enormous dilating effects upon the arteries of the brain.

Therefore, ginkgo helps with intellectual functions and memory preservation.

Alcohol and Memory

Studies find that alcohol produces a type of amnesia and apart from various adverse effects of a variety of cells and organs, alcohol affects the memory radically.



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