Chicory Root Benefits

Chicory Root Benefits

Chicory Root Benefits

Chicory root benefits are quite enormous. Derived from the chicory plant, a hardy perennial commonly utilized in various ways. Historically, it has been employed as livestock feed, a folk remedy for various ailments, and a nutritious vegetable in human diets.

The roots of the chicory plant are frequently used as a coffee substitute, and they can also be processed to produce alcohol.

Scientific studies have revealed that chicory root is rich in phytochemicals, including inulin, a prebiotic fiber that promotes the growth of beneficial gut bacteria.

Additionally, chicory root possesses antioxidant, anticancer, and anti-inflammatory properties, contributing to its use as a medicinal herb by some individuals.

This article delves into the details of chicory root, exploring its usage as a coffee substitute, its numerous health benefits, and the specific populations who should exercise caution or avoid it altogether.

What Exactly Is Chicory Root?

Chicory root is a component of the chicory plant (Cichorium intybus), a perennial plant native to the Mediterranean region. It is also found in parts of Africa, Europe, and North America. This flowering plant can reach heights of up to 5 feet.

Parts Used

The entire chicory plant is edible, including the leaves and roots. Chicory leaves are sometimes incorporated into cooked dishes, similar to how spinach is used, and they are also a common ingredient in salads.


Chicory leaves have a distinctly bitter flavor, though cooking them can significantly reduce their bitterness. The roots also have a bitter taste, reminiscent of coffee, which makes them a popular coffee substitute. Additionally, the roots have a nutty or earthy flavor.

Chicory Root Instead of Coffee: What’s to Know?

Chicory root coffee became popular in the late 18th century. Today, it is one of the most well-known uses of chicory root.

Some reasons people may choose chicory root coffee over traditional coffee include:

  • It is a caffeine-free alternative.
  • It contains inulin, a prebiotic that may support a healthy gut.
  • It is rich in flavonoids, tannins, and coumarins, which have antioxidant, anticancer, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Some people also blend chicory root with regular coffee, combining the benefits of chicory root without giving up their favorite coffee. This mixture can also lower the overall caffeine content depending on the ratio used.

Health Benefits

Research has examined the effects of chicory root extract on blood glucose levels and bowel movements. A study found that after four weeks of consuming chicory root, participants experienced improved hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) and better bowel movements.

Chicory (Cichorium intybus) is an herb indigenous to Europe and Asia, and it is also cultivated in the United States. The root of the chicory plant is notable for its high content of inulin, a starchy substance.

Chicory root is known to have a mild laxative effect and can help reduce swelling. It is also a rich source of beta-carotene.

Chicory Root Benefits
Chicory Tea

People commonly use chicory for various health purposes, including liver and heart health, constipation, indigestion, and high blood pressure. However, it is important to note that there is no robust scientific evidence supporting these uses.

It’s crucial not to confuse chicory with inulin. While inulin is a compound found in chicory root, they are distinct from one another.

Other Benefits 

Chicory root offers a range of nutritional benefits. A single root, weighing about 60 grams (g), provides the following nutritional value:

  • Calories: 43
  • Fat: 0.1 g
  • Carbohydrates: 10 g
  • Fiber: 0.9 g
  • Sugars: 5 g
  • Calcium: 24.6 milligrams (mg)
  • Iron: 0.48 mg
  • Magnesium: 13.2 mg
  • Phosphorus: 36.6 mg
  • Potassium: 174 mg
  • Sodium: 30 mg
  • Folate: 13.8 micrograms (mcg)

Besides its use in whole-food form, chicory root is also available as a supplement. However, it is important to exercise caution when selecting supplements.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not regulate dietary supplements, so it is advisable to choose manufacturers that are reputable and employ third-party testing. Consulting with a healthcare provider before starting any supplement regimen is recommended.

The primary benefit of chicory root comes from its inulin content. Inulin may help regulate bowel movements and improve blood sugar control. Additionally, studies have shown that it can aid in weight loss.

Clinical evidence suggests that chicory root has several health benefits, including antidiabetic, immunomodulatory (altering immune response), antitumor, antioxidant, antiparasitic (worm-destroying), and prebiotic properties. It has also been found to reduce the risk of gastrointestinal diseases.

Furthermore, another study found that chicory root might improve liver function tests, lower blood pressure, and reduce hematologic (blood disorder) risk factors in females with type 2 diabetes.

Ways to Use Chicory Root

There are numerous ways to incorporate chicory root into your diet:

  • As a Coffee Substitute: Chicory root powder can be used as a caffeine-free coffee substitute.
  • Addition to Coffee: The powder can be added to regular coffee for a unique flavor and health benefits.
  • Herbal Tea: Blend the powder with other spices to make a flavorful tea.
  • Smoothies and Oatmeal: Add chicory root powder to smoothies or oatmeal for a nutritional boost.

Chicory root is also an ingredient in some commercial products, such as fiber and protein bars.

Traditional and Ancient Uses

Chicory root has been traditionally used for a variety of medicinal purposes, including:

  • Treating malaria and diarrhea
  • Strengthening the prostate and reproductive organs
  • Treating lung cancer
  • Curing hangovers
  • Purifying the biliary tract
  • Treating jaundice and liver enlargement
  • Treating gout and rheumatism
  • Improving digestion
  • Acting as a laxative and diuretic
  • Treating hypotension (low blood pressure)
  • Reducing fever
  • Treating kidney disease
  • Managing diabetes

Who Shouldn’t Use Chicory Root

While chicory root is generally safe, consuming it in large quantities may cause side effects such as gas or bloating. If consumed in moderation, it can be enjoyed daily.

  • Pregnancy and Lactation: Limited research is available on the effects of chicory root during pregnancy and lactation, so it’s advisable to exercise caution.
  • Birch Pollen Allergy: Individuals with a birch pollen allergy should be aware that chicory root may trigger oral allergy syndrome (OAS). OAS can cause symptoms like mouth itching, burning, tingling, and swelling due to cross-reactivity between certain foods and pollens.

Summary of Chicory Root Benefits

  1. Digestive Health:
    • Prebiotic Properties: Inulin promotes the growth of beneficial gut bacteria.
    • Regulates Bowel Movements: Helps improve regularity and alleviate constipation.
  2. Blood Sugar Control:
    • Improves Hyperglycemia: Can help manage blood sugar levels.
    • Potential Antidiabetic Effects: Supports blood glucose regulation.
  3. Nutritional Value:
    • Low in Calories: Provides essential nutrients with minimal caloric intake.
    • Rich in Vitamins and Minerals: Contains calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and folate.
  4. Antioxidant Properties:
    • Reduces Oxidative Stress: Helps combat free radicals in the body.
    • Anti-inflammatory: May reduce inflammation.
  5. Weight Management:
    • Promotes Weight Loss: Inulin has been linked to weight loss in some studies.
  6. Liver and Heart Health:
    • Supports Liver Function: May improve liver function tests.
    • Heart Health: Potential benefits for cardiovascular health.
  7. Traditional Medicinal Uses:
    • Treats Various Ailments: Used historically for conditions such as gastrointestinal issues, fevers, liver problems, and more.
  8. Alternative to Coffee:
    • Caffeine-Free: Suitable for those seeking a caffeine-free alternative to coffee.
    • Versatile Use: Can be blended with coffee or used in teas, smoothies, and other recipes.
  9. Immune Support:
    • Immunomodulatory Effects: May enhance immune system function.
  10. Potential Cancer Prevention:
    • Antitumor Properties: Contains compounds that may have anticancer effects.
  11. Other Health Benefits:
    • Diuretic and Laxative: Traditionally used to support kidney function and as a natural laxative.
    • Reduces Risk of Gastrointestinal Diseases: Promotes overall gut health.

Chicory root offers a variety of health benefits, making it a valuable addition to a balanced diet.

Chicory root has gained popularity due to its numerous health benefits, primarily attributed to its high inulin content, which functions as a prebiotic.

While it is best known as a coffee substitute, chicory root can also be enjoyed as a tea or added to various foods, such as oatmeal and smoothies.

Traditionally, chicory root has been used medicinally to address a range of conditions, including gastrointestinal issues and fevers.

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