Amazing Benefits of Charcoal
One of the benefits of charcoal is that activated charcoal assists kidney function by facilitating the filtration process of undigested drugs and toxins. It helps to filter out the above-mentioned.
What is Activated Charcoal?
Activated charcoal is finely prepared black powder that’s odorless and often used in emergency rooms so as to treat overdoses. In essence, it is believed to reduce or lower cholesterol, flatulence, promote kidney function.
In order to fully understand what activated charcoal really is, we have to understand that superheating of the natural resources of carbon, like produces activated charcoal.
The black substance or powder obtained helps in stopping toxins from adsorption process taking place in the stomach. It does this by binding to them.
Since the body does not have the ability to absorb charcoal, the toxins that bind to the charcoal will leave the body system with other unwanted materials such as feces. This is one of the benefits of charcoal.
Preparation and Use of Charcoal

Since activated charcoal is used in emergency rooms, if eventually you need activated charcoal for an emergency, you can obtain it from a hard wood.
You can do this by slow combustion in a relatively absence of oxygen. Or you can burn a piece of hard wood and scrape or chip the charcoal from the charred wood.
Moisten with water and ensure you force it through a food grinder.
Preparation and Amount
Powder (Carbon): Take ½ – 1 ½ spoonfuls in ½ – 1 cup of water – swallowed, spread onto a poultice
Tablets: 4 – 8 chewed in mouth and then swallowed.
Among the benefits of charcoal is adsorption (not absorb, but binds with) of over 30 most dangerous poisons, thereby neutralising them.
However, internally, charcoal cannot adsorb all poisons, but can bind with them and neutralize them. The following ate what charcoal can adsorb. They are:
- Strychnine
- Malathion
- Dieldrin
- Parathion
The above listed are some of the industrial toxins charcoal can adsorb.
The following are some medicinal chemicals charcoal can adsorb. They are:
- Aspirin
- Cocaine
- Nicotine
- Morphine
- Barbiturates
- Penicillin
- Sulfas
Additionally, another one among the benefits of charcoal is that it is capable of adsorbing the following inorganic chemicals such as:
- Chlorine
- Iron
- Phosphorus
- Mercury
- Lead
- Silver
Here’s what to do when there’s acute poisoning.
The best thing to do when there’s acute poisoning, is to induce vomiting, then, followed with a large dose of activated charcoal which must be diluted in water so as to render various substances harmless.
According to natural remedies encyclopaedia, 30 – 60 grams is needed, suspended in water and must be taken quickly after the injection of toxins.
Amazing Benefits of Charcoal
Here we’re going to discuss some amazing benefits of charcoal. They include the following:
- Intestinal gas
- Kidney health
- Diarrhea
- Oral health and teeth whitening
- Deodorant
- Skin care
- Skin infections
Intestinal gas
Activated charcoal is good at disrupting intestinal gas. This is because gases and liquids trapped in the intestine are able to go through tiny holes of activated charcoal, thereby getting neutralized.
However there’s no prescription as how it should be taken or used but EFSA recommends you take at least 1g 30 minutes before eating or after meal.
Kidney Health
As stated earlier, one of the benefits of charcoal is that it helps kidney function by filtering out drugs and toxins that never got digested.
In essence, activated charcoal is quite effective at eliminating toxins derived from urea.
As it is, various animal studies have shown that activated charcoal reduces gastrointestinal damage and acute inflammation, especially in individuals with problem of chronic kidney disease
Many people have proposed the use of activated charcoal for the treatment of diarrhea since its use as a gastrointestinal absorbent in poisoning and overdoses.
Researches have shown that it could be used to prevent drugs that may cause diarrhea and bacteria from being absorbed into he body.
Oral health and teeth whitening
More than a dozen of teeth whitening products in markets are made of activated charcoal.
Regarding benefits of charcoal, oral health products have activated charcoal in them and they claim to offer various benefits. For example, they claim activated charcoal is:
- Antifungal
- Antiviral
- Antibacterial
- Detoxifying
There are many activated charcoal deodorants out there. This is because activated charcoal is helpful in absorbing harmful gases and smells, thereby making it useful for shoe, underarm and refrigerator deodorant.
It is also clear that activated charcoal is able to bind excess moisture and control humidity levels.
Skin infections
Some skin conditions are treated with activated charcoal gotten from coconut shells. This is because activated charcoal may have antibacterial effects which is why it ideal for absorbing harmful microbes.
Skin care
Activated charcoal is reported to bind or absorb chemicals, dust, dirt, toxins and bacteria up to the skin surface, thereby aiding their removal quite easily.
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A graduate of Computer Science and Information Management Technology. Diploma – Caregiving, Certificates – Dementia and Diabetes Awareness and Management. A researcher, blogger, songwriter, singer and acoustic guitarist. Born in an environment where natural talents such as healing are imparted at our natural birth. This natural talents of healing is the result of our genetic inheritance and the training from family environment.