Benefits of Eating Avocado

Benefits of eating avocado

Health Benefits of Eating Avocado

One of the benefits of eating avocado is that it contains the most vitamin E which is the reproduction vitamin.

Avocado is an aphrodisiac food which is capable of raising s*xual desires and this is the reason the ancient Aztecs called them ahuacatl, an indigenous Mexican language meaning “t*sticle”.

Since the best time to consume avocados is when they are soft and their pulp being able to be spread like butter, they are usually transported to the market while they are still hard and having bitter taste.

Its scientific name is Persea gratissima Gaertn

Other names: Alligator pear, Zuttano, Fuerte

French:       Avocat

Spanish:     Aguacate, palta, avocado

German:    Avocado

Avocado plant with avocado fruits
Avocado plant with avocado fruits


The avocado fruit tree (‘Persea Americana’ Miller) is an evergreen tree that belongs to the botanical family Lauraceae. It grows up to a height of about 16 meters.

It is native to the tropical regions of Central America, however; it is grown throughout the entire regions of tropical and subtropical areas of America, Asia, Europe and Africa.

Avocado Composition

There are so many features the avocado fruit is composed of, and these features are quite notable and range from water, fiber, minerals, fat, carbohydrates to protein.

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The following is the composition

Energy                           =                 161 kcal = 674 kj

Carbohydrates               =                 2.39 g

Protein                           =                 1.98 g

Fiber                               =                 5.00 g

Vitamin A                      =                 61.0 µg RE

Vitamin B1                     =                 0.108 mg

Vitamin B2                     =                 0.122 mg

Niacin                            =                 2.27 mg NE

Vitamin B6                     =                 0.500 mg

Folate                             =                 61.9 µg

Vitamin B12                    =                 ___

Vitamin C                      =                 7.90 mg

Vitamin      E                 =                 2.30 mg α-TE

Phosphorus                   =                 41.0 mg

Calcium                          =                 11.0 mg

Iron                                =                 1.02 mg

Magnesium                     =                 39.0 mg

Potassium                      =                 599 mg

Zinc                                =                 0.420 mg

Total Fat                        =                 15.3 g

Saturated Fat                 =                 2.44 g

Sodium                           =                 10.0 mg

Cholesterol                     =                 ___

This is based on % daily value provided by 100 g of avocado (As given by encyclopedia of foods and their healing power: Dr. George P.)

Percentage Composition

Fiber                     =                 5.00%

Minerals               =                 1.04%

Carbohydrates     =                 2.39%

Fat                        =                 15.3%

Protein                 =                 1.98%

Water                   =                 74.3%

Properties of Avocado

The noteworthy features include:

  1. Water
  2. Vitamin E
  3. Fat
  4. Iron
  5. Vitamin B6
  6. Proteins
  7. Fiber


As compared to other fresh fruits, avocado contains less water (74.2%). Aside olives and banana, no other fruit has less water. With this, it shows that it is a highly concentrated fruit which has high nutritional and calorie capacity.

Vitamin E

This is one of the benefits of eating avocado because it is the richest fresh fruit in this particular vitamin and there is no animal-based food that reaches up to this amount, not even butter.

Benefits of eating avocado

However, plant-based foods, oil-bearing nuts, olives as well as wheat germ are higher in vitamin E than the avocado.

Among the benefits of eating avocado is the fact that the vitamin E contained in avocado helps facilitate reproduction. And again, as an antioxidant, it protects the body system against cancer and even cellular aging.


Avocado is of one the richest fruits in fat which has its fat being increased as it ripens. Studies find that the mesocarp of the avocado contains about 19.2% fat which will go up around the month of February to be about 22.8%.

Therefore, the average fat content is something near 15.3%. This is in accordance with the study carried out in California.

Avocado Percentage (%) Distribution of Fatty Acids

Monounsaturated                    =                 9.61 g

Polyunsaturated             =                 1.96 g

Saturated                       =                 2.44 g

The following are the fat composition

  1. Neutral lipids: they are formed by a glycerin molecule with one to three fatty acid molecules. In essence, oleic acid is most abundant of all the fatty acids.
  2. Free fatty acids: they are present in small amount. However, they are responsible for the aroma of the avocado fruit.
  3. Phospolipids: they are the fats that hold phosphorus in their molecule and serve important function in the nervous system.

One of the benefits of eating avocado in this regard is that their fats are of high biological value and unsaturated. They don’t have cholesterol.


According to the encyclopedia of foods and their healing power, it is said that they have the highest iron content of any fruit. Avocado is one of the most nutritious fruits which has been used as substitute for meat in the diet of Pre-Columbian Americans.

Vitamin B6

Banana and avocado make up the highest and richest food in vitamin B6 (0.5 mg per 100 grams). This amount is greater than that of meat (0.37 mg per 100 grams).


Avocado is also a protein-rich fruit because it contains all the essential amino acids but with the cases of plant-based foods and having soy as an exception, their proportion is not that optimal.

However, one of the benefits of eating avocado is that their protein is of great value.


Avocado is quite rich in fiber content and because of this; they are greatly valued for dietary and therapeutic benefits.

List of benefits of eating avocado

These are the areas where the benefits of eating avocado are seen in its entirety. Avocado consumption is quite beneficial because of their nutritional value coupled with the therapeutic and dietary benefits. This is the reason why it is recommended in the following cases.

  1. Disorders of the circulatory system
  2. Excess cholesterol
  3. Diabetes
  4. Anemia
  5. Digestive disorders
  6. Invigorating and rejuvenating diet
  7. Nervous disorders

Disorders of the circulatory system

Although, in general they cannot be highly recommended especially in conditions such as hypertension, arteriosclerosis and coronary heart disease.

This has to do with their reduction of fat level in the blood as they hold tiny sodium and abundant potassium content.

Excess cholesterol

Avocado oil
avocado oil in a jar and half sliced avocado

In cases of people suffering from triglycerides or excess cholesterol in the blood as well as increase in fats in the blood, avocado intake is highly recommended.

This is because avocado paradox has been discovered that eating this fruit which is so rich in fats incredibly lowers blood cholesterol levels.

One of the benefits of eating avocado is that it has a balanced composition of all of its fatty acids and its rich vegetable fiber content.

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Recent studies conducted show that consuming avocado is beneficial to those suffering from diabetes. This is because they help maintain glycemia level and also improves the composition of fats in the blood.

Before now, diabetics were discouraged from consuming avocados because they contain monosaccharide sugar which seems to raise glucose level in the blood. As a matter of matter fact, recent studies have proved that wrong.


It is recommended that those in need of additional iron consume avocados. This is highly recommended for pregnant women and adolescent girls, in particular.

Another one among the benefits of eating avocado is that the iron found in avocados is well absorbed and it is advised that the diet of those that are anemic should contain avocados because of lack or iron or loss of blood.

It is noteworthy that iron in avocados is well assimilated than those of other plant-based foods.

Digestive disorders

For those suffering from gastritis or stomach ulcers, avocados should be included in their diet since its alkalinity, emollient and protective effects of their fats on the mucosa is quite helpful.

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Invigorating and Rejuvenating Diets

Avocados offer great nutritional value and since they are high in vitamin E and also the ease of digestion, they should be a regular part of children’s diet, adolescents, stressed or exhausted adults, elderly, athletes and all those aspiring to healthfully and naturally elevate their vitality.

According to, avocados benefits the heart.

Nervous disorders

According to encyclopedia of foods and their healing powers, avocados holds fats are of utmost importance to the nervous system metabolism such as phospolipids and linleic acid.

Benefits of eating avocado are also seen in their vitamin B6 content which aids the proper neuron function. This makes it appropriate for individuals suffering from irritability, depression or nervousness.

Benefits of eating avocado
A bowl of guacamole and sliced avocado

Preparation and Use

  1. They are best eaten when they soft to touch and that’s when their pulp can easily be spread like butter. They combine well with all salads types and dishes. They are also consumed raw with lemon juice and this keeps them from turning black due to the oxidation of the iron salts they hold. They can be used in place of butter or margarine which is an effective substitute.
  2. Guacamole: Mexican guacamole is prepared with chopped onion, mashed avocado, salt, lemon juice and hot pepper.


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