Benefits of Oak Tree to Health
Anti-inflammatory and astringent effects are some of the benefits of oak tree. Acorns are highly rich in fats and carbohydrates and also have an awesome nutritional value. Acorn’s astringent action helps in combating diarrhea.
Oak tree is one of the plants for the nose, mouth and throat. And for those who have a taste, acorn is somewhat an exquisite meal, however not accustomed to artificial recipe flavors.
It has been a food for the Basques for centuries and some regions boast of a type of sweet acorn that seems tastier than chestnuts and so could be roasted and eaten like chestnuts.

Oak tree is a big tree of the Fagaceae family having a wide crown and a thick. It has a great solid trunk that grows up to 20 meters high. The leaves are lobulated and dark-green having lighter color precisely on the underside.
Its fruits, acorns do grow from large petioles that hangs from the branches. The part of the oak tree to use are the bark and the acorns.
Properties of Oak Tree
The bark of the tree is quite rich in tannins (about 20%), having quercitanic acid as the most outstanding of them all. These tannins have astringent properties (i.e. they are able to dry mucous membrane that’s inflamed and precipitate the animal tissue proteins). And their tanning use is precisely based on this: they make animals’ skin dry thereby turning it into leather.

On the basis of benefits of oak tree, it is noteworthy that some of the most active astringent agents ever are the tannins. As they act on the inflamed tissues, momentarily they make them dry and tight. As this takes place, they become substituted by healthy tissues slowly.
Another benefits of oak tree is that they have an anti-inflammatory effect combined with analgesic property. They help stop surface hemorrhages.
The fruits, acorns also contain tannins, carbohydrates and fats which also have high biological value. They are quite astringent and a great food in cases of gastroenteritis which may be caused by diarrhea. This often occur in children.
The holm oak and the bark of oak tree can be applied externally as a decoction. However, may trigger nausea if taken orally. There are so many benefits of oak tree which have the following indications.
- Stomatitis and pharyngitis
- Nose hemorrhages
- Gingivitis, pyorrhea, parodontosis
- Conjunctivitis and blespharitis
- Chilblains
- Rheumatic aches
- Ulceration and sores
- Hemorrhoids and anal fissures
- Skin sores and eczema
Stomatitis and pharyngitis
It can be applied in gargles or in rinses many times a day and specifically for oral mucous membrane and inflammation of the throat.
Among the benefits of oak tree is that it helps in easing the itching sensation and stinging, coupled with antiseptic and cicatrizing effect.
Nose Hemorrhages
Applying by soaking a guaze or in irrigation which seems like serving to plug the nostril is one of the benefits oak tree. It is recommended to combine it with tormentil.
Gingivitis, pyorrhea and parodontosis

In cases of gum inflammation, it aids to cleanse gums that seem dirty. Teeth which look like moving may be stabilized. This may be due to gum inflammation and the tissues that stabilize teeth to the jawbone.
Conjunctivitis and blepharitis
This is also known as inflammation of the eyelid. To apply a compress which is soaked in the liquid of a decoction, at least every four hours. It can be applied in eye baths to obtain benefits of oak tree. In cases of irrigation, or allergic conjunctivitis nice results are obtained.
Bathing the foot or arm three times a day for about 15 minutes using hot decoction of oak tree bark is one of the benefits of oak tree. This is because it causes skin itching and reddening to disappear.
Rheumatic aches
Hot compresses or fomentations with a decoction of the bark of the oak tree exercises an anti-rheumatic and anti-inflammatory effects. Of all the benefits of oak tree, this is carried in order to ease osteoarticular aches precisely in the back, neck and lumber regions, even including the legs and thighs.
Individual suffering from arthrosis or rheumatism will gain from the benefits of oak tree.
Ulceration and Sores
Vascular-provoked ulcers that resulted to bad blood circulation in the leg region and other various sores and ulceration which seem difficulty healing; applying a compress soaked in a decoction liquid, and renewing it at intervals say every four hours) will help in alleviation these ailments.
Hemorrhoids and anal fissures
It diminishes anal inflammation and also halts hemorrhage which normally comes with these disorders and acts in favor of the cicatrization of the painful anal fissures. This can be applied in sitz bath (hot) for about 12 – 15 minutes once or two times a day.
Skin sores and eczemas
This can be applied in compresses using a soaked cotton cloth. It will dry and reduce any inflammation thereby healing the skin.
Preparation and Use
External Use
- Decoction with 70 – 80 grams of ground oak tree bark per liter of water, the allow simmering for about 10 minutes. Strain and apply it on the affected part using the following methods:
– Enemas and sitz bath (for anal inflammation or affliction of the rectum)
– Arm or foot baths (This is for chilblains)
– Compresses: this is done by soaking a cotton cloth and it is renewed every four hours (This is employed in cases of skin afflictions)
– Nose plugging or eye baths
– For muscles or joints are seem achy, hot compresses or fomentation is employed
– Vaginal irrigations
– Gargles and rinses (For throat and mouth disorders)
According to rxlist, oak bark can be used as tea in cases cough, bronchitis etc.
Immediately after the application of oak tree remedies on the skin, yellow color remains on the skin. However, this is due to the action of tannins it holds. To make this color disappear, rub the skin with lemon juice.
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A graduate of Computer Science and Information Management Technology. Diploma – Caregiving, Certificates – Dementia and Diabetes Awareness and Management. A researcher, blogger, songwriter, singer and acoustic guitarist. Born in an environment where natural talents such as healing are imparted at our natural birth. This natural talents of healing is the result of our genetic inheritance and the training from family environment.