Benefits of Taking Honey

Benefits of taking honey

Health benefits of taking Honey

Healing of infected wounds, ulcers, burns and the capability to help avoid asthma are some of the benefits of taking honey. Many people see honey as sugar and refused to acknowledge the healing properties of honey.

However, honey is more than sugar as it is formed of over 70 bioactive substances which come from nectar and hypopharryngeal glands of the bees like inhibin and enzymes.

Honey contains water, carbohydrates (fructose and glucose), protein, minerals, vitamins, organic acids, enzymes, inhibins and other various components. As it is, so many healing properties of this liquid can also be attributed to one of the benefits of taking honey. It is regarded as a flying laboratory because bees are capable of producing a variety of healing and nutritional substances.

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Honey composition

The following composition will give us a clue of what we can get with regards to the benefits of taking honey

This is per 100 grams of raw honey

Energy                           =                 304 kcal = 1,273 kj

Fiber                               =                 0.200 g

Carbohydrates               =                 82.2 g

Vitamin A                      =                 ____

Vitamin B1                     =                 ____

Vitamin B2                     =                 0.038 mg

Niacin                            =                 0.188 mg NE

Folate                             =                 2.00 µg

Vitamin B6                     =                 0.024 mg

Vitamin B12                    =                 ___

Vitamin C                      =                 0.500 mg

Vitamin E                       =                 ___

Calcium                          =                 6.00 mg

Phosphorus                    =                 4.00 mg

Magnesium                    =                 2.00 mg

Potassium                      =                 52.0 mg

Iron                                =                 0.420 mg

Zinc                                =                 0.220 mg

Sodium                           =                 4.00 mg

Total Fat                         =                 ___

Saturated Fat                 =                 ____

Cholesterol                     =                 ____

This is based on % daily value provided by 100 grams of honey.

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Uses of Honey

The following are the therapeutic uses and various benefits of taking honey. They include:

  1. Asthenia
  2. Insomnia
  3. Constipation
  4. Infectious diarrhea
  5. Inadequate function of the liver
  6. For healing
  7. Respiratory Disease
  8. Underweight
Benefits of taking honey

Asthenia: This is either nervous or physical fatigue or exhaustion. Glucose from honey is the primary nutrition source of the neurons which provides energy to cells of the muscle. This is mostly effective when accompanied by vitamins and minerals.

Insomnia: Honey is good at helping us avoid muscle spasms and promotes relaxed sleep. The recommended dosage should be at least two teaspoons of honey. It is able to augment the effect of any sedative infusion.

Constipation: In cases of constipation, due to the gentle laxative action, probably as a result of absorption of insufficient fructose.

Infectious Diarrhea:  Another one among the benefits of taking hone especially in cases of infectious diarrhea is that honey helps control infectious diarrhea linked with gastroenteritis which may be caused by salmonella.

Benefits of taking honey don’t end here. It is also effective in infectious colitis cases, which is normally caused by Escherichia coli bacteria as a result of its antibacterial action.

Inadequate function of the liver: This may be due to alcoholism, hepatitis and several other causes. Honey contains fructose which helps to promote glucogen production in liver cells.

Healing properties: When it is applied directly on the skin, it facilitates healing of wounds that may have been infected, burns an even ulcers. It also relieves tonsillitis, pharyngitis and throat irritations when used as a gargle.

Respiratory Disease: Honey exhibits a gentle antitussive and expectorant actions. If it is consumed on the regular, it acts to help avoid asthma attacks, however in some cases. The pollen grains in honey have some desensitizating capabilities and therefore, acts as a kind of vaccine.

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Core Benefits of honey

They include

  1. Antiseptic effects
  2. Provides Energy
  3. Contains B group vitamins

Antiseptic: Honey is capable of destroying pathogens as a result of its specific substances contained in it (inhibins). These specific substances destroy certain pathogens like the diphtheria bacillus and staphylococcus. This effect takes place especially when applied to the mucosa (interior of nose, pharnx or mouth) or to the skin.

They can also destroy pathogens due to elevated sugar concentration which inhibits development of bacteria.


Provides Energy: The sugars found in honey such as fructose and glucose do not need to undergo processing in the digestive tract, and this is the reason why they are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream thereby making energy available to all the body cells.

Therefore, one of the benefits of taking honey is because it provides energy (304 kcal/100 grams = 1, 270kj/100 grams) very rapidly.

Among the benefits of taking honey is because it contains small quantities of B group vitamins and minerals such as phosphorus and calcium which help in sugar metabolism in the cells.

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Other benefits of taking honey include its healing properties and the fact that it does not deteriorate dental enemal. According to, honey’s antioxidants and actions help boost immune system.

It is noteworthy that too much of everything is not good. Consequently, honey has some drawbacks which I can’t fully disclose here since this post is limited to benefits of taking honey only. However, the following are some of the drawbacks:

  1. Honey may contain stramonium alkaloids or glucosides from digitalis. This is where we can mention toxic honey
  2. Honey is well tolerated but should be used with caution especially in cases of diabetes
  3. Allergies: It may manifest on varieties of ways such as itching in the mouth or digestive disorder.


Honey should not be given to infants (children younger than one year of age because it might trigger allergies or cause botulism.


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